
Messy Breakup
You're like a knife that
Cuts through my skin
Being with you is a game
I will never win
You always promised me
All the stars in the sky
But you broke my heart
So now prepare to die
I'll put your heart
In a wicker basket
And leave the rest
Of your body for the casket
I'll teach you a lesson
I'll make you see
The one thing you should
Have ever done was
I loved you with every
Inch of my being
My love was blind
So I wasn't seeing
All the lies that I was fed
You broke me into pieces
But the pain can stop
And now I can heal
Because now you lie there
Utterly and completely dead
You left my heart broken
So now I am keeping yours as a token
Sellout Much?
You lead us all on
You were always so grateful
for everything that everyone did
but then you turned around
and i don't think you realize
that it all went straight to your head
Did you forget about us all?
We're the reason your where you are
But I guess none of that matters
when your a rockstar
Your the biggest ego-maniac
You lie and you cheat
but maybe one day you'll need someone
to get you back on your feet
so next time you decide to criticize others
take a good look at yourself
because the only one your really hurting is you
Your a sellout
Your inflated sense of self makes me sick
Your a sellout
For all I care you can suck a big fat dick
Your a sellout x 5
Delicious Sin
Excuse me, where were you last night?
What the fuck makes you think you have the right
To treat me this way?
Just leave, I don't want you to stay
You make me want to puke
Why do you have to be so damn cute?
Now you have that look in your eye
And my hormones begin to fly
Here I go on another bad start
My lust betrays my heart
Weakness takes over and I give in
One more time to this delicious sin
Excuse me, why are you so fucking hot?
You're addicting like a heroin shot
Like watery hot chocolate from Store 24
I am always left wanting more
I need to come to my senses
Learn how to build some fences
To protect myself and keep you out
And Help me end this emotion drought
For Ashley, Hoy, and Kapeka
The crunching metal
The shattering glass
Filled the quiet of the night
Too quickly extinguishing your light
So young, the world was ahead of you
This isn't real
This isn't right
What can I do?
What can I say?
I just want that day to go away
I cannot feel
How can I heal?
I want to do everything in my power
To be with you just one more hour
Life goes on
I have to go through the motions
I have to ignore my screaming emotions
Deal with this empty space
Not a second goes by I don't miss your face
You should be here with me
I only hope that your soul roams free
The Hell That is My Life
working title
You say you understand
But your sympathies cannot mend
These burns on my skin
When I am singed from within
You say you feel my pain
What is it you hope to gain?
You're just asking for undue strife
By requestiong entry into the hell that is my life
You'll write in my flames
And just leave shamed
You insist you can handle it
Man, you're much too weak for this shit
You ask why I won't let you in
Trying to wear my resistance thin
Please put your energy into someone else
Someone who has a pulse
Don't you know you're setting yourself up for a fall?
Doesn't that bother you at all?
I don't want to be the one to hurt you
I'm sure to desert you
Can't you see I'm just trying to save you
From the hell that is my life
Has never taken root
Anything that needs effort
Gets the boot
Everything will be allright
Just let me smoke and drink away tonight
Then tomorrow when I know I'm wrong
Sit Down and write a silly song
Is much too prevelent
Swerving to miss reality
It hits leaving a big dent
Leaving thoughts all twisted
Cursing money
It never should have exsisted
Just close my eyes, drift inside
Back to the sanctum of my mind
Something that I wrote awhile ago, I found it in my notebook today, and it amused me. ~Jen
Well in all honestly
I hope this doesn't make you think less of me
Because I'm really not a whore
I just want to be with you once
And then walk out the door.