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Some of these photos are kinda low quality, but they're pretty damn rare, so deal with it.

Frank looks pissed off

Gord rocks on stage

Teenage Head live in the early days

Frankie sings

Frank & Gord warm up at the Crash 'n' Burn, summer 1977

An early group shot from "Quest" magazine

The same shot in colour

An early promotional shot

Photo taken from a 1978 issue of "Hamilton Magazine"

Out takes from the "Teenage Head" photo session

An early group shot

Gord poses with his guitar, in "Maclean's Weekly", Jan. 12, 1981

Steve onstage, taken from the "Oakville Journal Record", Jan. 23, 1981

Frank smiles for the camera, in the "Oakville Journal Record", Jan. 23, 1981

Frank enjoys a beer in Thunder Bay, ON, taken from "Lakehead Living", Feb. 4, 1981

The Head live, taken from "The Spectator", Feb. 4, 1981

Gord & his Les Paul, taken from "The Silhouette, Feb. 5, 1981

Gord's mug from the "Toronto Star", Feb. 13, 1981

Photos of Teenage Head when they played in Thunder Bay, Ontario, March 5th, 1982.

Nick concentrates from the Teenage Head Fun Club Mar. '82 newsletter

Frank on the floor from the Mar. '82 Fun Club newsletter

Gord & Steve from the Mar. '82 Fun Club newsletter

A group shot from the Teenage Head Fun Club Nov. '82 newsletter

Shot of Gord from the Nov. '82 Fun Club newsletter

Pic of Steve, Nick & Frank from the Nov. '82 Fun Club newsletter

Some Teenage Head T-shirt designs from the mid '80s

Gord & Steve with Johnny Thunders in Toronto, '89 or '90

A group shot from the mid '90s

A group shot from Access Magazine, circa 1996