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Stage 3

CHAPTER 2: The Seventh Seal

A man scorned, Nathan harnessed his true form after he learned that Joe would be taking his place on drums. His anger against the band twisted his body into a cruel mass, where he skipped Stage 2 altogether and embodied a Stage 3 form. Developing a crude time machine/life support mechanism/tenth circle of hell, he tore through the bowels of time slaying those that would stand in his way and altering the bands past. Because of Nathan and his cursed machine, the band played many horrible shows (sometimes actually stopping in the middle of songs), and wrote many horrible songs including "Without", "Don't Ever Change", and a cheap rendition of the Coleman Francis classic, "Night Train".

Perhaps the most affected by Nathan's cruel reign over time and space, was Bryan. He would often forget bass lines, and lyrics, and be unable to tell what the hell happened to him. "All I could say was, what the hell happened to me?", Bryan commmeted.

Chris would often stop songs altogether, or almost pass out on stage. Joe "threw" sticks occasionally and saw visions of red pirates that disruppted his playing ability.

Nathan currently enjoys fine teas, epic history novels, and strategy based games, despite being a prisoner of his own mind....An ironic twist in the tale of his madness.

You'll wish you'd never come here Ryder...