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April 17th, 2000

Our first show was a small disaster. We'd played alright (not nearly as good as at practice), but had a good time. One reason it wasn't the best was because obviously it was our first show. The second reason is because we played for the mostly 60+ women demographic. But it was really for a bunch of RHS senior girls, and I hope they had a good time. The acoustics were horrible, the vocals were way to low, the guitars and drums were too loud...but we had a good time anyway.
Show Highlights:
-Chris' voice cracking
-Bryan's voice cracking
-The woman discreetly handing Bryan the check onstage
-The woman trying to tell Chris to turn it down during his solopart
-The guy telling us "we might have to turn it down a bit", and that "we couldn't put duct tape on the floor".
-Playing three more songs after the woman told us, "one more fellas".

Vibes: Bad


May 2, 2000

Our second show was our best yet considering we played for some people in our own age group. We only got two songs on tape because the tape ran out. I guess that's my fault. And we only got two songs taped by the rawkin Ugly Mullet. I guess that's my fault too. I need to invest in some 8MM tapes before the next show. We actually played the whole set list for a change, and no one told us "one more fellas". It was very hot and it didn't rain, awesome weather all around. The only thing wrong with the show was that we played the last song horribly ("Without"). It was a new song that we hadn't practiced much but thought we were ready to do. Oops. I guess we'll have to practice some more.
Show Highlights:
-The screen door falling on Joe during a song
-A ton of cords and not much room to move
-A spud gun
-Kenny from Ugly Mullet coming in to solo during "Without" to bridge between bands, and us messing up that song totally

Vibes: Good


May 21st, 2000

This is what happens when you don't practice kids. We played not that well to say the least, and it didn't help that we didn't know our three new songs very well. It also didn't help that I found out after setting up that there would be a keg at the party. And a bonfire. So the crowd quickly scattered. What a dilemma: "Drink beer and cuddle with my girl next to a bonfire, or stand in the cold and listen to some kid sing about bad relationships?" So that's pretty much what happened. Thanks though to our hardcore fans. You know who ya are :) And thanks to Sara Foster, who is always awesome.
Show Highlights:
-Josh from SAVANT playing an awesome improv set after ours with Joe on drums and a very happy Chris Pilger on bass.
-Kids running around our equipment and us wondering what would fall and smash first
-Someone broke an E string on Josh's new Fender Strat and got it all out of tune, but no one saw who. Sounds like a cover-up to me.
-Screwing up our 3 new songs

Vibes: Good. Then quickly getting worse with each song.


May 24th, 2000: Nathan Greuel's going away bash w/Revenge of the Rickets and Messages from Richard

What a blast. We want to do more shows like this. This was by far our best show, and for once you could hear ALL the vocals. We got a really good live recording. Once we got past the shock of hearing what we sounded like, we played on. We did get through the 3 new songs OK, a little rusty though, and the effects needed adjusting. But all in time. This was the kickoff of the "Poking the Brown Eye" summer tour with Revenge of the Rickets. I don't know who came up with that, I think it was probably Greuel. We had a lot of fun and everyone else did too for once. Once we get these songs polished, we should have a pretty decent little set.
Show Highlights:
-"Messages from Richard", the semi-straight edge-hardcore-metal-rapcore-punk duo sings "Drugs are Bad"
-Keg Boy
-Mr. S, and the tiki torch mosh pit

Vibes: Good.


June 9th, 2000

This was a fun show. Revenge of the Rickets opened up even though Grant had mono. A lot of people showed up even though we couldn't start until 9:30, but a lot had to leave before we played because of things like curfew or drinking. I guess it pays to be in college. I watched the tape from this show, and I guess I didn't realize it, but I played every song probably three times faster then I was supposed to. I guess I was just a little to hyper or pumped up. I will remember to slow down next time folks. So it was kind of a small crowd, but we sound a little better each time we play, and we opened up with an instrumental version of "Victory Song", a new song that Joe wrote the day before and we didn't have time to do words for. We are debating whether to write lyrics or not, its a pretty cool song on its own. As always, thanks to everyone that came and stuck around.
Show Highlights:
-Playing too fast
-Actual Rushville people showed up (thanks guys!)
-Nine Inch Nails version of "Aptnia"
-People buying our CD

Vibes: Good


June 24th, 2000: "Heritage Days, what Heritage Days?"

We got to Macomb and it was raining off and on all day. We were really pumped to play this show, but it didn't matter, because after moving the bands from mainstage, to no stage in a parking lot three blocks away, the mysterious "Heads of Heritage Days" cancelled the show. After desperately looking for a venue with Jeremy from Skwish (an all ages band venue? In Macomb? In the summer? HA!), we ran into a friend of mine who was so nice to find us a place to play at the Youth for Christ basement on campus. Of course this was last minute and rushed in planning, as we listened to a crappy country band cover "Ghost Riders in the Sky" on mainstage for a handful of 70+ folks. We told everyone we could to go, but A) No one (including me) knew exactly where this place was, and B) They seemed to be scared when I said it was at the Youth for Christ building. Here's how those conversations went. (to kid) We are playing tonight, (kid) Oh yeah!! Where at?! When?! (us) at 9, the Youth for Christ basement on campus. (kid) Uhh, well, I might, uuhhh...*runs off screaming, warns others*. We weren't asking people to be transformed by God, we just wanted to play music. Oh well, 8 or so good friends and Joe's dad showed up and it was a glorified practice. And we broke a sweat, and sold a CD. This is what it's all about.
Show Highlights
-I just told them.

Vibes: Bad


July 4th, 2000: Schyuler County Fair

This was a great show that could have been better though. I didn't feel very confident after it was over, but when I watched the tape I found out that it was probably our best show so far. We played everything to fast yet again, but we got paid. This was the second time we have gotten paid in our short time playing together. There were a lot of people there, Revenge of the Rickets and SQWISH both played great, and Andrea Chute's acoustic set was amazing. The only really bad thing was that it was really hot, and I wished we could have played our two new songs better but we were dead tired. When I hit the high note at the end of "There and Back", I almost passed out, and got REALLY confused and dizzy while playing. We are going to work out some things, and the next show is going to be even better.
Show Highlights
-Bryan wears a long skirt thing onstage
-Bryan forgets words during a few songs, covers it up. Only Bryan and Chris notice
-Chris plays "Stop in Time" at Mach 5

Vibes: Good

July 28th, 2000: "Rock the Pool" in Rushville

This was another really fun show that we put on free for everyone. It was also the end of our summer tour with Revenge of the Rickets (insert tears) and we look forward to playing a lot of shows during the school year. The weird thing about this show was that back when we played a harder punk sound in January, we played for an older crowd that hated it (plus, we sucked), and now that we have really made the emo transistion, most of the kids at the pool wanted to hear the loud stuff (I got called "Hanson" after the first song). There was one group of girls I got a kick out of, they totally digged us for some reason, and REALLY digged Revenge of the Rickets' Grant Sullivan. But we had a blast, we didn't make any money as planned, and we played our best show yet. The killer though was when this really little kid came up after the show and wanted me to sign a copy of our CD that he bought. I guess I'm a rock star now.
Show Highlights:
-It didn't rain even though everyone said it would
-Our cheering section
-The "your band sucks", "you suck", and "you're Hanson" kids.
-on Reading Rainbow: Chris-"You guys know that song?", Kids-"Yes!", Chris-"You guys like that show?", Kids- "No!", Chris- "That's what I wanted to hear."
-The rock star phaser song (for Nathan)
-The raffle was a sham
-Rickets big finish
-Signing shirts
-Explaining to the kids that someday they will hate their ex-girlfriend/boyfriend (before playing Death Ray)
-A million other things....

Vibes: Good


August 26th, 2000: YMCA benefit w/ Skwish

I don't know how to react to this show. I'll just say what Joe said about it. "I could make up a bunch of excuses why it wasn't that good, but let's just say it was a bad show." I think that is a pretty good answer. I was dumb enough to use someone else's guitar the day of the show because he asked if I wanted too. It was a very expensive guitar that sounds better than mine, but I had trouble playing it because *surprise* I wasn't used to it. The result of that was having to stop in the middle of Stop In Time because I was playing it so bad. It was like my worst nightmare, I was up there playing and I couldn't fret any chord to save my life. So I wised up and switched to my reliable Danelectro. We played the new songs pretty good but played older songs average. I guess the electricity just wasn't at that show, none of us were into it and we knew everyone just wanted to get to Skwish as soon as possible. Except for the last two songs...That was the most energy I have ever felt onstage, and from now on all our shows are going to have that kind of emotion. Also, we are trying to look for other Emo-core and acousic type bands around college so we can actually play a show where people will expect and LIKE that kind of music. I guess this was just a prelude to better things.
Show Highlights
-We got to play on some top of the line equipment
-I got so emotionally charged on the last song that I almost smashed my guitar, but instead just bent the input jack all up. Rock and Roll.
-Ryan Woods of Skwish falls off the stage on the first song, breaks ankle. Finishes show. Rock and Roll.
-Stopping in the middle of a song (We won't ever do that again)

Vibes: Bad


October 7th, 2000 w/Straight Legged Kick, Trundle, August Premiere

Alright, so here we are I guess. This was our first "real" show. This was also the first time we've been on the bill with bands we didn't know personally, but knew they were somewhat established and very talented. I was pretty comfortable with my new guitar. I got it not to long before this show and didn't know if I could play it comfortably in time for the show, but I can now and it looks like the days of the Danelectro are over *sniff*. I really liked that guitar, but this one sounds and looks better. We played first (thank God) and were the most soft-core and soft-spoken band there. We were nervous because we have always wanted to play at the Daily Grind. I guess we've grown up watching bands play there and before that, watching them at the Turning Point, and all those bands kind of spurred us to take up music and be part of that scene. So I guess this was kind of a "full circle" type show. A lot of people liked us despite being an emo band in what is really a punk rock kind of community. I can safely say that this was our best show yet, and it makes up for the previous tragedy at the YMCA. We've also learned to say "thank you" when people tell us we had a good show, instead of going off and analyzing the different things we screwed up to the person. It's harder than you think. We've been called "the apologetic band" by some people in the past. We can be critical of ourselves sometimes, but I really think this was a great show for us.
Show Highlights
-It was so cold in the place that it took 3 songs to get our hands warmed up.
-Joe breaks 2 sticks on the first song, a new Joe record.
-Playing with 3 other amazing bands, and for a crowd open to our kind of music (for a change)
-premiering two new songs, ("Blows Kiss Towards Texas" and "Homecoming")
-covering the scary clown song from Pee Wee's Big Adventure...and feeling relieved when everyone got it. We weren't sure if they would or not
-Free Mochas for band members

Vibes: Good


December 2nd, 2000 @the Daily Grind w/ Alkaline Trio, The Conways, August Premiere

This was quite the packed bill. In addition to the bands that were on the flyer, Revenge of the Rickets played before us as a last second entry, and Alkaline brought some band called...I can't remember...we'll call them "screechy pop-punk band #1005"....and who's going to argue with Alkaline Trio? So we got 15 minutes to rock the hell out of the Daily Grind. We got through all the songs on our short set list, and played the best we ever have live. The energy and passion was just there at this show. I was also surprised by August Premeire who played an amazing show as well, those guys can "really rock it out" (in the immortal words of Wesley Willis). And the mere fact that WE got to play with Alkaline Trio was the coolest thing ever. We opened up with the instrumental "Minnesota", then did "Blows Kiss Towards Texas" and "Homecoming". We closed with the traditional "There and Back/Victory Song" duo. It was a solid set and everyone seemed to like it. We were the only non-pop punk band there out of 6 bands that night, and I think everyone liked the little variety we had to offer. It's so weird that this is the end of our first year together as a band, reading about our first show seems hilarious. We are a completly different band now I guess. As a side note, Revenge of the Rickets leader kicked the drummer out of the band after this show making that the 3rd member to get kicked out the band. So we don't really consider them the Rickets anymore....that just doesn't make sense, you know?
Show Highlights:
-Joe throws stick in middle of song, Bryan throws it back in a catlike-ninja reflex
-Alkaline's Matt Skiba drinks a Bud in the middle of their set, pre-teen girls wet themselves
-Moshing during "Cooking Wine"(?)
-All our friends making it to the show


This is the End: March 30, 2001 @ The Daily Grind Cafe w/Ultra Mafic, August Premier, The Conways

Well, this was it. Sometime after the Alkaline Trio show we just decided that keeping the band active was to taxing. We were low on ideas, and Joe was the first one to say that he needed a break. Bryan and I didn't argue much. Nathan, the fourth member, had just joined so it was too bad that that things didn't work out better there. So I talked the guys into recording our final songs, which I consider our best, onto what is now "the trillions of cats e.p." Soon after that we were asked to do a show by all around good guy Big Tim. Even though we were technically broken up, we decided that a send-off/cd release show would be fun. We found out when we got there that we were headlining (?) This was good and bad. The other bands were all better than we were, but since the Conways lead singer had to cut out early, Big Tim bumped us to the headliner act because it was "our last show", so that gave us dibs or something. The last time we played together before this show was when we recorded a few weeks previous. We played sloppy, but we had the most fun I think, and it shows on the tape. I don't know if people liked it or not, but whatever. We're broke up. Might as well have fun at the expense of everyone else. We covered Appleseed Cast and did a John Mellencamp medley (where we FINALLY managed to incorporate a cowbell into our set) to mix things up a litte bit and stray from the same set we always do at the Grind. Oh, and we bent to audience pressure and did "Death Ray". Except I faked all the chords because I honestly don't remember how to play that song. It's old. So all in all, it was a good time, a fun way to go out, and everything went wrong (see: our very first show) We might not be gone forever, we'll just have to see I guess.

Show Highlights:
-Ultra Mafic rocks the house!!!!!
Joe's snare falls to the ground in the middle of "Victory Song". "Whatever", says band.
-The Conways play 18 million songs.
-Chris screams with eyes open, Chelsey wets herself with fear.
-STUK IS THE MAN, wears the band's shirt to the last show
-people actually standing up front for the show.
-Bryan on the cowbell
-Playing Death Ray for the one millionth and final time
-band borrows everyone's equipment
-Rushville friends are very excited to see the other bands. Especially Matt.
-we sold some cd's
-that's it, see you soon