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The rumors are true, the Presence of Fagan is getting back together under the same name. We'll unleash a whole new arsenal of songs in January with an added guitar player

I updated the show diary for probably the final time. Check it out for all the details on our final show. A lot of people are downloading "Homecoming" and "End Untitled" off of the site, the cd is now available to buy at the Phoenix for 5 bucks. Cheap.
see ya round
-Chris 3/21/01
Hey, I know we are broken up but we are playing our last show at The Daily Grind with August Premier, the Conways, and....someone else. It'll be our CD release show, so I hope to see you there.

Hey everyone. Well, after much deliberation, the band has decided to break up. If it's forever or not, is really anyone's guess. There was no dramatic walkout or fight between anyone, we were just all under a lot of pressure and found it hard to focus on anything band-oriented with everything else going on in our lives getting in the way. The good news is that we recorded our final CD on Sunday, March 11th, and will be selling it off this site. It has 7 tracks of what I think is our best stuff, the last song is brand new, and never got played live. I think it sounds great. We are offering a free CD to anyone who bought our old CD, and will give the old CD back to us so we can throw it on a large bonfire. Kind of a "sorry about that other CD, let's forget it ever happenend" token of our appreciation. There won't really be a bonfire, if you want the old's your funeral. In the time we've been together, we were once dubbed "the apologetic band", and I can say that we won't have to apologize for anything on this new CD. I should have a link up to very soon with the new tracks. I'll also maintain this site a little more often. Thanks to everyone that came to our shows and stuck with us over the past year, and we'll see you soon enough...



Please give us a piece of your mind

TPOF message center of sadness
