One of the most chilling aspects of extra-terrestrial visitation to this
planet is that concerning the phenomenon of Alien Abduction. So many people
have now experienced this unlawful Alien examination, that it is now almost
impossible to say that Abduction does not occur at all.
The classic stereotypical abduction encounter begins somewhere in which the victim feels safe and secure - such as at home in bed or driving their car. The first unusual thing they notice varies from encounter to encounter, but is generally a variation of the old - illuminating light or strange flashing disc appearing above them in the sky. Completely helpless and unable to move at all, the victim is then "floated" out of their location, ( for example out of the bedroom window ), and elevated up and into the waiting alien craft above. Although this may all seem a bit far fetched, a vast percentage of abductees claim that this does occur right at the beginning of their encounter.
From there, the victim is laid down on some form of examination surface, and is subject to a whole array a surgical tests and procedures. It is at this time that the majority of Alien-Implants are inserted into the selected hosts too. Once the examination is complete, the victim is floated back to where they started and then has their memory of the experience completely erased from their mind. Sounds pretty gruesome doesn't it ?
So how do people realize that they have been abducted by aliens ? If their memory gets erased, then how do they remember ? Well in actual fact, abductees rarely recall the experience off hand - they only realize that something has happened as a result of the presence of several stereotypical factors. These can range from missing time periods, strange dreams and a lot of others besides. People who claim to be abducted regularly find themselves waking up in the morning in a right state, with cuts, bruises and sore eyes. People who do claim to have been abducted, or at least think that they may have been, can seek the services of hypnotic regression to try and resurface their memories. In most cases using hypnotherapy, the same old stereotypical description of the encounter will emerge - and thus the cycle is repeated.
Quite an alarming
factor concerning alien abduction is the scale at which it occurs. After a recent
survey it was discovered that almost one percent of the American population
had experienced at least one of the factors which suggested they had been abducted.
Could this really be conclusive evidence that extra-terrestrials do exist ?
One of the most defining qualities of an Alien Abduction encounter, is the witnesses accounts concerning an all over body examination using strange looking Alien machinery. In some rare cases, the Aliens will actually "Implant" something in to the abductee and release them back with the implant still present in their body.
In many cases, the implant is quite noticeable to the victim, and can either be removed or extracted using surgical means. In other instances however, the victim remains completely unaware of the implant's presence in their body, and as a result the object ends up being there for sometimes years on end. As to the purpose of these implants we can only guess - some suggest that they are devices through which the Aliens can receive data transmitted back to them through some form of highly developed organic transmitter. Some believe that the implants are careless leftovers from Alien surgery, although this would seem inappropriate for such an apparently advanced species.
One case of interest later involved a woman who found a large piece of plastic suddenly fall from her eye when she was at lunch. This was later linked to a previous Alien abduction experience, the hypothesis from which suggested that the object was solely for the purpose of allowing the aliens to "see" through the woman's eyes. One point of interest in relation to this however suggests that such an advanced species would really have no need for such a method of reconnaissance - to an advanced Alien race such a process could be considered almost old-fashioned.
There have been
a whole variety of strange objects and devices removed from abductees over the
years, some of which can not be identified at all by modern science. Many of
these are constructed of a strange indestructible substance which appears to
have a cross between organic and non-organic composition. Some of the implants
are small T-Shaped devices which have no obvious purpose at all, whereas others
are found to have been inserted into many of the body's sensory organs such
as the nose and ear passageways. In all such cases however, the ultimate purpose
of such implants is ultimately impossible to judge.
The most highly plausible explanation to the question "Where do aliens come from," stems from our recently developed theories concerning the universe, space time and the fabrics of existence itself. Based on modern studying techniques in to life on other planets within our own solar system, it has become quite clear that any form of extra terrestrial life that has the ability to reach us here on earth may have had to traverse vast distances through space in order to get here. This fact alone arises many new issues concerning the viability of such beings, including the possibility of interstellar space flight and the existence of a species which may be many thousands of years in advance to our own.
The possibility of alien life forms such as these originating from within our own solar system has therefore become a somewhat unlikely proposition to modern science as a result of these investigations, and although it is as yet unconfirmed as to whether any life at all exists within our solar system apart from ourselves, many people have chosen to keep an open mind concerning the subject. In several mass abduction cases, the victims tend to recall themselves being "taken" aboard the alien craft to the alien's planet of origin, and in many cases this has been reported to have been somewhere within our own system - planets such as Saturn, Venus and Mars.
Another likely location for such a claim to be proven, is the famous Cydonia Region on the far side of Mars, home to the supposed Face On Mars - a spectacle which has baffled science for many years. Many of the scientists who investigate this phenomena, have claimed to have found many pyramid shaped structures laid out in intelligent geometric patterns around the area of the Face, which again backs up the possibility of there being some form of extra terrestrial connection. Human beings certainly didn't make those structures - who did ?
There is no real
conclusion to this question as a whole - the most likely answer is that Alien
Beings originate from far beyond our own solar system, and have traveled vast
distances between the stars to reach us. Taking into account the immeasurable
vastness of the cosmos, to say that we are alone on our terrestrial sphere is
generally ludicrous. There must undoubtedly be other races out there, perhaps
so far beyond our reach that we may not get the chance to reach them for many
thousands of years. But who knows, perhaps another race of intelligent life
forms is visiting us right now, in which case our chance to meet them face to
face may come much sooner than we think.
One of the most disturbing of incidents which occur in relation to UFO's and Extra Terrestrial visitation, is that of cattle mutilation. Over the years literally thousands of cows, sheep, goats and other farm animals have been mutilated and left to rot in fields all over the world. The fact that such incidents seem to correspond to increases in UFO activity in these areas suggests a rather otherworldly solution.
Farmers who have to deal with such problems come out the worst by far, as it pains them greatly to see their livestock being mutilated in such horrific ways. Many animals have been found with their internal organs, eyeballs, brains and intestines removed without a trace. The most unusual fact about this however, is the fact that they have been removed surgically and professionally with precise instruments - hardly the work of wild animals or predators. If people are doing this, then the mystery begins to get ridiculous - nobody in their right mind would require such organs, let alone go out into fields at night to carefully slice them off a live animal with a small medical instrument !
On the other hand,
what Alien beings would be doing with the organs is also unknown. In the end
Cattle Mutilation of this nature is one of the most bizarre of unexplained phenomenon
to hit the world - the answer as to who is behind such horrific behavior may
never be known.
One of the greatest Government Cover-ups of the present day relates to the existence of a top secret military base in North America, known to Conspiracy Theorists everywhere as "Area51" or "AreaS4". Situated 95 miles north of Las Vegas near dried up "Groom Lake", the base is surrounded by mystery and intrigue, and is believed to be used by the US Military to back-engineer captured Alien Technology.
In the past however, it is now known that the base was used as a testing ground for previously top secret military projects such as the U2, F117A and SR-71. However in recent years, incredibly fast and advanced airborne craft have been sighted by hundreds of witnesses over the Area51 test ground "AreaS4", which clearly exceed all of humankind's technological abilities. This, along with reports of Alien Bodies and other strange Extraterrestrial artifacts witnessed by those who have worked at the base, has now lead many to believe that Area51 houses much more than a few new test aircraft.
Those who have tried to find out more about what lies within Area51, have been met with the same old story every time. The entire location for many miles around the base itself has been completely closed off, with Restricted Access signs and daily patrols to catch trespassers. The signs even state that anyone found crossing over into the Area risk being shot on sight, although nobody has yet succeeded in testing the validity of this claim.
Surrounding Area51
are the Nevada Test Site and Nellis Air Force Range, again locations at which
strange craft have been sighted by many hundreds of witnesses. Those who have
managed to get close enough to the base to take photographs of it, have brought
back many tantalizing images of the area in general, showing nothing more than
a few hangers and other small buildings and surface structures. It is now believed
that Area51 actually stretches miles down underground as part of a huge subterranean
military complex. So far nobody has managed to prove these ideas one way or
the other - whether anyone will ever discover the truth behind this perplexing
mystery remains as much in doubt as the alleged purpose of the base itself.
As you might expect, the Government of the United States has very little to say about Area51, apart from the fact that it doesn't actually exist. Although it is clear from photographs and from people who have been there that the base really does exist, the Government continues to deny it's existence, and refers to the area as nothing more than Air Force Complex. What follows is the United States Government's official statement regarding Area51 and it's alleged purpose.
"Neither the Air Force nor the Department of Defense owns or operates any location known as "Area 51." There are a variety of activities, some of which are classified, throughout what is often called the Air Force's Nellis Range Complex. The range is used for testing of technologies and systems and training for operations critical to the effectiveness of the United States military forces and the security of the United States. There is an operating location near Groom Dry Lake. Specific activities and operations conducted on the Nellis Range, both past and present, remain classified and cannot be discussed publicly.
In connection with the litigation regarding the operating location near Groom Dry Lake, the Air Force has stressed its commitment to protecting the environment and national security. We believe these goals are not incompatible. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state environmental regulators with appropriate clearances have inspected the operating location and monitor the Air Force's efforts to further assure compliance with environmental laws. The court held that EPA conducted a "thorough inspection" and that the Air Force is adequately providing information to EPA concerning the operating location. On several occasions, the court has also held that the Air Force has properly classified information concerning the operating location."
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