[Underwater UFO's] [Spotting Guide] [Close Encounters] [M.I.B.] [Crop Circles]
Accounts UFO's are the single most widely reported phenomenon in the world, thousands upon thousands of people claiming they have witnessed strange objects floating in the sky every year. From small flashing lights in the night sky, to silent metallic discs floating through the clouds in broad daylight, UFO's have remained the world's No.1 mystery for over 50 years. Ever since private pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing several metallic disks floating in formation during a test flight, these unexplained flying objects later referred to as "flying saucers." - a direct result of Arnold's later quote - "it moved like a saucer would if you skiffed it across the water."
Perhaps the oddest features of UFO's are their incredible abilities when it comes to aerodynamics. They have been witnessed to have been able to fly around - both vertically and horizontally with very little effort indeed, even though they don't appear to have any means of propulsion. They have also be seen to vanish completely in the blink of an eye with absolutely no trace whatsoever. Although by now it seems obvious that UFO's do exist, the main question is no longer "are they real" - but "what are they ?"
The answer to this that everyone wants to hear is "Aliens from outer space", though there could very well be a much more realistic conclusion. There is very little to suggest that UFO's, especially those seen around the Area51 airspace, are simply new types of aircraft that the military have been testing. Other theories for these sightings include Hot Air Balloons, Weather Distortions, Flying Debris, Airships, Airplanes, Orbiting Spacecraft, Flocks of Birds, atmospheric phenomena and even kites. Although these things may account for over 90 percent of witness accounts, there are a few cases which leave serious doubt on this hypothesis. If the craft are military in origin - then why are their extra terrestrials inside them ????
Those who have
a Close Encounter of a grade 3 or above will undoubtedly claim that these craft
are nothing to do with the military whatsoever. Alien presence during an eyewitness
account does indeed bring extreme credibility to the theories concerning interplanetary
origin. Though until somebody comes forward and admits once and for all that
UFO's are either of these things, then we will not know for sure for a very
long time.
One of the less common sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects occurs underwater from within a submersible craft or radar equipped naval vessel. Although it is unclear as to why any Alien visitors would actually wish to travel underwater, it seems as though there should be serious consideration in to the possibilities. One very convincing case is as follows.
On January 26th 1968, an Israeli submarine known as "Dakkir" radioed back to base reporting all was well with the voyage so far. The crew were looking forward to a well earned break in Hafia - though for some unknown and particularly inexplicable reason, they never arrived. At midnight on the same day, a Greek Cypriot fishing boat reported to base claiming they'd witnessed a strange white glowing object in the water off their starboard bow - only 40 miles away from the Dakkir. The following morning, and 1000 miles to the west, a French submarine the Minerva radioed to base stating that they were about to go deeper underwater in an attempt to investigate a strange sonar trace that had been apparently following them. Neither the Dakkir or the Minerva were ever seen or heard from again.
Evidence that
Alien visitors just don't want to be disturbed ? The search for answers goes
ever onwards.
One of the main problems with the serious UFO phenomenon, is when people spot something in the sky and immediately interpret it as being an alien spaceship - without considering for one minute what it may have otherwise been. Over 95% of all UFO reports have natural every day explanations, but a good 5% are still genuinely unknown.
The most commonly mistaken UFO's are things such as planes, weather balloons, helicopters, space debris and even stars, as well as much more conventional things such as flocks of birds and even telephone wires ! So how do you know whether what you've seen in the sky was simply nothing more than a man-made or naturally occurring phenomenon ? If you've seen a UFO, then simply follow our UFO Spotting Guide Below.
1. Is The Object Stationary In The Sky ? If the UFO seems to be staying at the same place for extended periods of time then it much more likely to be a star or a planet - Venus for example is very bright and can appear as a very distinct light in the night sky. In daytime, large stationary discs can often be nothing more than weather balloons or even hovering helicopters, birds or kites. A Large cigar shaped object may be a blimp, airship or another form of balloon.
2. Is The Object Exhibiting Continuous Motion ? A bright, continuously moving light in the night sky may be a comet, satellite, or plane. During the daytime, an object moving slowly and continuously in a single direction is very likely to be a balloon, plane or helicopter. If the object seems to be milling about and changing shape, it may be a flock of birds - but UFO's are also regarded as being able to perform such maneuvers.
3. Does Object Conform To Known Flight Paths Or Any Of The Above ? If the object doesn't conform to any of the above, is not staying in one place all the time and is moving irregularly with extreme speed and agility, then it very likely you have seen a true UFO. Specific types of UFO to look out for are ones with a triangular light pattern, large rotating sphere like objects and other strange shapes. You would be also advised to check to see whether any military, RAF installations exist nearby as this may explain any unidentified craft in the area.
4. I've Seen A UFO ! - Help What Do I Do Now ?? If you have seen a UFO, then
stay calm and follow some simple steps. Try and memorize as much detail as possible
- draw the UFO on paper as soon as you can while it's still fresh in your head.
The important thing is not to panic ! It is easy to get worked up if you come
face to face with something which may or may not be alien in origin. Following
your encounter, you may wish to report the incident to a UFO organization. We
also recommend you report your sightings to us here as well for us to add to
our sightings database. If enough UFO reports are documented, we may very well
end up figuring out the truth behind these perplexing phenomena.
When you see, or at least think you see something Alien, there is a standard scale of terms which allows you to define what "depth" of encounter you have experienced. These range from seeing a flashing light in the sky, to being taken aboard an Alien Spacecraft. If you or any of your family has ever had a close encounter, then you can find out which class of encounter it was below.
Close Encounters Of A 1st Kind :- This is the most common category of close encounter. It involves seeing something in the sky which you categorize as being a UFO. Anything from flashing lights to disc shaped craft gliding through the clouds - anything like that fits into this section.
Close Encounters Of A 2nd Kind :- A bit deeper than the 1st kind, to have a 2nd class encounter you must have witnessed what you can almost guarantee as being completely unknown - close up. If you come across a UFO landed in front of you or hovering above the ground in front then you've had a 2nd class encounter.
Close Encounters Of A 3rd Kind :- Aliens are involved in this class of encounter. If you see what you think is an alien - whether a UFO be involved or not, you've had a close encounter of the 3rd kind.
Encounters Of A 4th Kind :- This is the big one
- actual contact with the Alien life forms. Whether they approach and communicate
telepathically to you or silently bring you aboard their ship, that is considered
as a class 4 encounter. Very few people have ever had this category of encounter.
Who Are The Men In Black ? Alien Abduction Alien Origins Return To Main Page A To Z Index On-Line Book Store Discussion Forum Photographs Archive Audio Recordings Video Footage Archive Interviews / Accounts Believe it or not, this isn't about the movie Men in Black - these people are more than just film characters, they're real people. However, their actual nature is somewhat different to that posed in the film. Many people do claim to have a "visit" from these unearthly agents, although they're true purpose is something of a mystery. In every case, the MIB warn the individual to cease investigating / publishing their information concerning a UFO incident, a threat which ultimately leads the individual to stop what their doing through fear of what might happen. The movie did get one thing right however - the MIB's distinctive clothing. They are always seen to wear distinctive dark suits, ties and white shirts, and they are all almost always men. A female MIB is particularly rare. One point of oddity concerning the MIB's are their apparent discomfort being dressed in such an attire, as though they are not used to wearing such a get up, or to human clothing for that matter !?
The Men in Black also always arrive at the victims home when he/she is alone, within a large black car, the number plate of which is always found to be non-existant. The MIB themselves always appear totally expressionless and move jerkly and awkward. Many witnesses claim that the "visitors aren't human at all."
One particularly disturbing example of a visit from the Men In Black occurred on an evening in November 1961. Paul Miller and three of his companions were returning home that evening when they saw what they described as being a "luminous silo" land in a nearby field. After disappearing and reappearing in front of them, the silo then seemed to open up and 2 humanoids emerged from within it. Panic-stricken, Miller aimed at the humanoids and fired his rifle, apparently injuring one of them before the whole incident ended as quickly as it had begun. On their way home that evening, the 2 men experienced blackouts and appeared to loose 3 hours, an event which terrified them completely.
The next morning
however, when Miller reported to work that day, 3 men in black arrived. They
claimed to be government officials, and went on to query him about the UFO incident,
even though they couldn't possibly know about it. " They seemed to know everything
about; where I worked, my name, everything else" Miller reported. Not surprisingly,
Miller didn't dare report this incident for several years following the MIB's
One of the most hotly debated unexplained phenomena in the world today is the strange appearance of crop circles in fields all over the world, but especially in some areas of southern England. The circles themselves are created through the flattening of the crops in the field in question, creating quite incredible patterns which depict strange circular shapes and curves. Could these be messages left for us by an alien race, or is there a more rational explanation for their appearance ? Well as of yet, nobody has a clue, but there are quite a few interesting theories.
Some of the crop circles are very odd in design - and show up in such a small space of time that it wouldn't be possible for anyone to create it artificially. The one on the left depicts 4 circular areas with interjoining cross lines. A message of some kind ? Maybe even a map of a solar system somewhere in another galaxy. Some rather more conventional theories about how crop circles are made include the mating habits of hedgehogs, wind currents, holes in the ozone layer and even miniature cyclones manifesting in the fields.
The most common paranormal theory suggests the the circles are made by landing alien spacecraft, but it would be a bit hard for them to land in such exposed areas. If UFO's were landing in these fields all the time then surely someone would see them - or at least see the marks being formed if the craft was invisible.
of the most interesting theories concern alien beings leaving us messages in
the fields for us to read. Some analysis's claim that some of the crop circles
depict astronomical markers and diagrams which could indicate the location of
the being's home world. Some even believe the symbols to mark the end of the
world !! It seems clear that if the real reason for the crop circles creation
is unknown, then you cannot prove the validity of any claims at all. Whatever
the cause for these mysterious ellipsoids, we will undoubtedly discover the
truth sooner or later.