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<title>Pearl Jam (1997-1998)</title>
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<h1 align="center">Pearl Jam (1997-1998)</h1>

<div align="center"><img src="http://www.pearl-jam.com/pictures/group4/96shdw01.jpg"></div>

Date          Location             #CD      Source                      Grade  Notes  
xx-xx-98      Yield Special        1CD      FM > CD-r                     9.5  Interview + clips
01-31-98      Monkeywrench         1CD      FM > CD-r                    10.0
02-20-98      Maui                 2CD      ? > ? > CD-r                  7.5  With Mudhoney set
02-21-98      Maui                 2CD      ? > ? > CD-r                  8.0  With Mudhoney set
03-02-98      Melbourne            2CD      Isomax II > TCD-D100 > CD-r   7.5
03-03-98      Melbourne            2CD      Isomax II > TCD-D100 > CD-r   7.5
03-05-98      Melbourne            2CD      FM > CD-r                    10.0
03-07-98      Adelaide             2CD      CS  > Sony TCD-D7 > CD-r      7.0  First song not recorded
03-29-98      Los Angeles          1CD      Schoeps CMC4 > D100 > CD-r    7.5  Ed & Jeff only 
06-21-98      Salt Lake City       2CD      Nakamichi 700 > TCD-D8        8.0
06-29-98      Chicago              2CD      MS > TCD-D100 > CD-r          7.5
07-02-98      St. Louis            2CD      CS > Sony TCD-D8 > CD-r       7.5  Noticable index cliches
07-14-98      Los Angeles          2CD      DAT > CD-r                    7.5
07-21-98      Seattle              2CD      ? > ? > CD-r                  7.0
07-22-98      Seattle              2CD      SBD > CD-r                    9.5
08-20-98      Montreal             2CD      CS > Sony PCM-M1 > CD-r       7.0
08-22-98      Barrie               2CD      CS > Sony TCD-D8 > CD-r       7.5
08-25-98      Pittsburgh           2CD      SS > DSM-13 > CSB Mix         7.5  Includes soundcheck
08-28-98      Camden               2CD      CS > Sony TCD-D8 > CD-r       7.0
08-29-98      Camden               2CD      SS > PA-6LC > TCD-D8 > CD-r   7.5
09-06-98      Knoxville            2CD      ? > ? > CD-r                  7.0
09-07-98      Virginia Beach       2CD      SS > PA-6LC > TCD-D100 > CD-r 7.0
09-11-98      New York City        2CD      CS > MD > CD-r                7.0
09-16-98      Boston               2CD      ALD > DAT > CD-r              9.5  
09-22-98      West Palm Beach      2CD      Neumann KM184 > D100 > CD-r   8.0
09-23-98      West Palm Beach      2CD      CS > MD-MS702 > CD-r          7.5
10-10-98      Seattle              1CD      MS > Sony PCM-M1 > CD-r       7.5
11-06-98      Boston               1CD      ? > ? > CD-r                  7.0  Ed w/ Neil Finn

<h3>VCD </h3>
Date          Place                  G/LEN - SRC - GRADE - #CDs - NOTES
11-14-97      Oakland                2/60  - PRO -   9.0 -  1   - Opening for the Stones
03-11-98      Sydney                 2/105 - AUD -   7.5 -  2   - Shot from upper right
06-14-98      Washington DC (TFC)    ?/40  - AUD -   8.0 -  1   - Shot from upper right
07-07-98      Albuquerque            1/115 - AUD -   7.0 -  2   - Focus probs at beginning
09-16-98      Boston                 ?/125 - AUD -   7.0 -  2   - Shot off video screen

<h3>Videos </h3>
Date          Place                   G-LEN - SRC - GRADE - NOTES
11-14-97      Oakland                 2/65    PRO     9.0  - Pro-shot, excellent!!!
11-15-97      Oakland                 3/45    AUD     7.0  - Incomplete
06-30-98      Minnesota               2/120   AUD     7.5  - Awesome show
07-05-98      Dallas                  3/120   AUD     7.0  - The Rodman Show
07-16-98      Sacramento              3/120   AUD     7.5  - 3-cam mix
07-21-98      Seattle                 3/120   AUD     7.5  - Very good show
08-20-98      Montreal                3/115   AUD     7.0  - Excellent show
09-01-98      Atlanta                 2/115   AUD     8.0  - Tri-pod shot, great
09-18-98      Washington DC           3/130   AUD     7.0  - VFC show

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