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The Rock-Impellitteri Advocacy's Glen Sobel Interview
on May 22,2000 
by Charlie L. Yap


Glen Sobel began drumming at the age of eleven, learning how to play in school bands and through private lessons. His formal studies included 
lessons with such luminaries as Greg Bissonette and Chuck Silverman. 
Since he began playing professionally, Glen has recorded and /or toured 
with such international artists as Gary Hoey, Jennifer Batten, Impellitteri, Saga, Tony Macalpine, and others.     In addition to being active on the L.A. gig/session scene he is involved in education having done numerous clinics for his endorsers. Also, Glen is currently on staff at the prestigious Los Angeles Music Academy (LAMA) and has also taught at the Percussion Institute of Technology (PIT) in Hollywood, California.  In Glen's first and exclusive interview in the Philippines,  he talks about Impellitteri and their new album "Crunch". 

The Rock-Impellitteri Advocacy:   How did you join Impellitteri?  

Glen Sobel:    In 1994, I heard from a friend of mine that Impellitteri was looking for a new drummer.  I got in touch with them and we played together and it just seemed to work from the beginning. Everything in Los Angeles works on recommendations and referrals, this was no exception. The timing was good because I had just finished working with Tony Macalpine.  

TRIAd  What was it like working with Impellitteri?  

GS:   It's exiting. The shows are always hi energy and there's plenty of room for playing some serious grooves and chops.  

TRIAd:   Glen, tell us something about "Crunch".  

GS:   It was fun to make because Chris wanted to make sure the drums had a serious presence on the record. He wanted Crunch to have a very percussive edge. Thus the drums act in almost a lead role at times.  

TRIAd:   Did you try to introduce new sounds or styles in the album?  

GS:   I did.  I wanted to be able to complement Chris's guitar riffs instead of just laying down a beat for him to play over. Through the use of double bass drumming and cymbal "chokes" I was able to accent a lot of the guitar rhythms.   

TRIAd:   Are there any songs on the album that you really like?  

GS:   Probably "Slay the Dragon".    It has a very heavy half-time verse section, then it kicks into a double bass bridge which leads perfectly into the huge chorus. Add to that a really cool outro section.  The song is just really fun to play.   

TRIAd:    Thank you very much for taking time with this interview. Is there anything you want to say to The Rock-Impellitteri Advocacy readers?  

GS:   I just want to say thanks for the support.   We all appreciate the work that goes into the fan web sites, and  hopefully we'll be playing soon near you!   Be sure to check out my own site at thanks....