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Hi!  I have dedicated the majority of my home page to my passion in life - to worship God.
This part is just about me, though.

My name is Matthew Boyd, and I am a Church Music Ministry major at Cedarville College.  I transferred here from Calvin College after my freshman year. I am currently serving as the worship leader at Heritage Fellowship Church in Springfield, Ohio, where I have been taken in and loved. I am learning a lot about being a servant, and loving people. I don't want to bore you anymore, but if you would like to read more, click on the pic below, or if you would like to e-mail me, please do so at

Pictures of my life:
        Family Pictures
        Pictures of my Fiancé' and I (I know - Gag - whatever, you're just jealous!)
        Concert Pictures
        Various other Pictures

My Testimony

I am definately an !
The Lord tells us to love one another, and that means EVERYONE, not just those that are a certain race!

Main Worship Page
About Me
My Testimony

Worship Songs