“I just needed to go shopping,” he replied nonchalantly. He didn’t tell the others where he really had been-at a gym. He was desperate to lose weight, and at this point he’d do just about anything.
“We didn’t eat till frickin’ FOUR because of you,” AJ growled.
“I almost starved to death!” Nick rolled his eyes.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t have died.”
“Well, it sure felt like it.” Nick walked up to Brian.
“Where we going?” They were all walking up a street, along with some bodyguards, and it was getting dark.
“Dinner.” was Brian’s short reply.
“Dinner?! Didn’t we just eat lunch?” Nick asked.
“What do you mean we? YOU were off somewhere and I was worried!” Brian said.
“Brian, I’m sorry,” Nick said. He felt like crap. He looked around, and he could tell they were all mad at him.
“Just don’t do it again,” Brian told him.
“Don’t do it again?! Brian, you can’t tell me what to do!”
“If it involves you being in danger I can!”
“So I can’t-” Nick lowered his voice when he saw people staring. “So I can’t control my own [expletive]ing life?!”
“Let’s eat here,” Brian said, ignoring Nick.
“I’m not hungry, I just ate,” Nick lied.
“Get the [expletive] in there,” AJ hissed, grabbing Nick’s arm and shoving him inside.
“God, y’all don’t gotta be so mean,” Nick muttered.
“I’m not mean, fatass,” AJ said.
“AJ, stop,” Brian told him.
“It was just irony. Or an oxymoron.”
“Speaking of morons...” Nick said, glaring at AJ.
“Shut up, you elephant!”
“AJ and Nick, STOP NOW!” Brian yelled.
“God damn, you two are immature,” Howie said, annoyed.
“Howie, stop cursing,” Brian said, making them all laugh. Except for Nick. He was mad.
They sat at a table near the window, which was Nick’s source of entertainment. All he could think about was what he had eaten and the exercise he had done.
“NICK!!!” Brian exclaimed, and smacked him with the menu.
“Oww! What the [expletive]?” Nick asked, rubbing his head.
“For the fourth time, what do you want to eat?”
Nick didn’t know. It wasn’t a priority to look at the menu.
“I’ll have...a salad with vinegar.”
“For an appetizer?”
“For dinner.” AJ opened his mouth to say something but Kevin shut him up. AJ bit his hand.
“Oww, dayum AJ, you little bitch,” Kevin said, just as the waiter walked up to them.
“Uhh...y’all ready to order?”
When they got their food, Nick picked at his salad. ‘I don’t want it, I don’t want it,’ he repeated to himself, but he ate most of it purposely so that the other guys wouldn’t think he was acting weird. They thought that anyway.
“Who wants dessert?” Brian asked. They all looked at Nick, who was staring out the window, trying to figure out how many calories are in vinegar.
“What’s up with him?” AJ asked quietly.
“Don’t worry, Nick won’t hear you,” Brian said. Nick looked up.
“Huh?” They all laughed, then decided to leave.