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This picture is by Hiawatha (Susquehanna river)

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undefined My name is Al Marzooqi but you can call me Ali. I love to scuba dive and travel. In my homepage you'll find all kind of pictures of my dives and travels. Some of these pictures are from Indian Ocean, Grenada, Persian Gulf, and Cozumel. I also love photography: underwater photography, Landscape, and my friends.Cool Friends.....
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People have always had a fascination with water. I find it enthralling to watch water, whether flowing as a river or waterfall, or just being as a relatively static pool, lake, or ocean. As a photographer, I love to capture images of water's endless variety and enchantment, and of all of the creatures that make it their home.

Do you like; unspoiled reefs, seeing schools of fish rather than schools of divers, comfortable relaxed boat diving, personal service where you make friends and have a lot of fun then you want to go to Grenada

I grew up by the ocean where I played by the shore when I was a kid. Since I'm not near the ocean; I have made the river one of my favorite spots to go to relax. It brings back many good memories. I took this picture in Williamsport, PA January 1999

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