"For those who've had my back and are down by us
with even a modicum of understanding we hope
to give you our best." Axl -2002

A very special thank you to Chindem for her massive contribution in the articles section, as well as her AWESOME research on finding the Madagascar samples (still can't believe that just amazing) and taking the time to write a site response in answer to the Rolling Stone Lost years. Her support in the beginning was an invaluable help.

Thank you to Izzyjim for his contribution to the news archives section, again that was invaluable help helping get it off the ground.

Jon aka Axl001, for his work in the technicals section, their would be no technicals if it was not for his support their.

Shelly for her friendship and support on the forum, clucking away and digging up topics for us all.

Belend and Endo at the GN'R Factory for allowing though old Odyssey forum to merge into theirs, less hassle for me that is for sure whew!

Sir Smart Ass, aka acraane for all his support and friendship which has been considerable, as well as site checking for my mess ups to .....Like any good Smart ass would =p.... He's going to love this but i truly will always be in debt to him *blush*

Ana for the encouragement to go ahead with the site (since I had nooooo idea how I was actually going to build it being an HTML know nothing back then) as well as helping think of the name (Odyssey).

Jeff Boerio for the Dust N Bones Mailing list, where a good proportion of the news/articles first surface, gotta say thanks to all other web masters/posters who post the links ect to it their, sure makes things easier.

All those who post news ect at the GNR Factory, and GN'R Bar, especially Belend, Endo, gnfnr2k, Louise.

A massive thank you to all who's, reviews, pics, ect used on the site. You are all credited individually where appropriate. Hope their is no mistakes, any spotted please let me know and i will amend;)

Last but not least a massive thank you to the guys in the band for the lyrics and music ranging all eras of GN'R words cannot express what that has meant to me.

Im sure this list will have to be updated constantly through time, for now THANK YOU all again.

Peace n out.