January 01-GN'R play the HOB in Las Vegas-
The first GN'R show in over 7yrs and first of the New Era GN'R shows.The band took the stage at 3.30 am infront of 1,800 ecstatic patrons, after the club cleared the house following a performance by the Goo Goo Dolls. belting out an array of old favorites and introducing a handful of new tunes .
The band consisted of the expected lineup: guitarists Buckethead, Robin Finck and Paul Tobias (a.k.a. Paul Huge); keyboardist Dizzy Reed; former Primus drummer Brian "Brain" Mantia; and former Replacements bassist Tommy Stinson, and keyboadrist Chris Pittman.

January 5th- Buckethead signs multy album deal with Stray Records -
Press release from Stray Records stated .
On the heels of a recent announcement heralding his addition to the new Guns ‘N’ Roses line-up, guitarist Buckethead, has just signed a multi-album recording contract with Bay Area based Stray Records. He is expected to begin work on the first of his Stray releases after conclusion of tour support for the latest GNR release.

January 14th -GN'R play Rock In Rio III-
Playing on the third night as headliners to a crowd of over 200,000 in a set that lasted 2 hours 20 min.

January 15th -Axl has poolside chat with fans -
Drinking "caipirinha" and tequilla, he spent over two hours chatting with fans by the pool of the Intercontinental Hotel, during which he revealed some of the inner tensions that led to the disintegration of the band's original incarnation .

January -Beta (known as the "mom" of Axl) gives an interview -
In the bar at the Intercontinental Hotel, she talks of Axl, her family and life with GN'R. "I always cook and take the meals to the studio. I make cakes, pies. And I call before a show to wish them "good luck". I even light candles for them. It's like I'm the mother of Guns N' Roses."
Read the full article here

January 22nd - Axl gives a telephone interview to Rock And Pop FM --
In Buenos Aires Argentina, Speaking to Juan Di Natale at the station.He ended the interview with a thank you to his fans their "All that I want is to thank you for all the love and support that I feel when I am here. I am very grateful and I appreciate it. I cannot wait to return here and to play. It is very good to be here and I thank them a lot."
Read the full article here

April -GN'R Doug Goldstein join Sanctuary-
Goldstein, who has been with the band since its first album , will become Co-President of Sanctuary Music Management based at the company's new Los Angeles offices which are due to open in mid May.

May 10th - GN'R cancells European tour due to Bucketheads Illness -
Helter Skelter, the band's European management agency issued a statment "It is with great regret that I must notify you that the upcoming Guns N'Roses June tour of the UK and Europe is cancelled.
"Lead guitarist Buckethead has undergone extensive medical tests to determine the cause of internal haemorrhaging, a condition that has caused him to recently be absent from band rehearsals. Management are waiting to be informed of his prognosis.

May 10th - GN'R Reschedule European Tour -
Helter Skelter state, the group will perform roughly the same number of shows in the same venues as on the original itinerary (except for festival dates that cannot be made up).

May 31st - Bucketheads doctors cannot agree -
Merck Mercuriadis of Sanctuary Music Management states that Buckethead has been diagnosed as having a gastric ailment by one doctor and tuberculosis by another, and that the shows will not resume until the winter to allow Buckethead adequate time to recover.

June 15th - Axl attends the NBA finals -
And gives a short interview of his opinion on the sport to presenter Fred Roggin.
Axl: I thought it was amazing, it's a lot of fun. This was my first basketball game ever, in person.
F: This is your first game ever in person?
Axl: Yeah - to go see it live, yes.
F: Coming in, were you rooting for the Lakers or the Sixers?
Axl: The Lakers are my favorite team, but I'm a huge Allen Iverson fan, so I'm rooting for the underdog, 'cos the Lakers are like, a given. So it's like - I win either way with this one.

June 30th - Doug talks of his and Axls current relationship squashing rumours of a bust up -
No legal steps have been taken to dissolve their relationship. He admits that the pair did have (yet another) falling-out over touring issues, but he expects that this one, like the others, will be long gone by the time Axl and crew hit the European circuit in December to make up for last May's canceled dates.

July - Beta gives interview from Santos -
Revealing "To maintain the form, he has an academy at home and he works out daily of three at four hours. They are going a lot to the movies, of preference for films of policemen or dramas ''.
Read the full article here

July - Fernando (Betas son) gives interview -
He mentions, Axl's Halloween parties, Chinese Democracy, about band members/past and present, and his family's friendship with Axl .
Read the full article here

Aug - John Carpenter reveals he has asked Robin Fink and Buckethead to be on Soundtrack -
For his upcoming horror movie Ghosts of Mars playing on the track "Love Seige".
Buckethead is an avid Carpenter fan, getting the idea for his white mask from the Halloween movie, and also drawing inspiration to his music from other Carpenter classics such as The Thing, The Fog and Escape From New York

September 25th -Axl's Donates his Live Era Platinum Award for Charity Auction -
By the Southern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU-SC) was sold today for $4,850,00.
The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation's foremost advocate of individual rights and equal justice, and leading guardian against unwarranted government interference and abuse. Since 1920, the mission of the ACLU has been to preserve the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Today, the ACLU fights to defend the Constitution for each new generation - and to extend constitutional rights to groups that have traditionally been denied them. The ACLU is best known for it's litigation efforts; many of it's ground-breaking cases have changed lives and made history.

September - Tommy Stinson and Robin Fink attend Rick Rubin benefit -
Proceeds from the event went to 'Schools on Wheels', a charitable association dedicated to helping homeless children get an education.

November 9th - GN'R cancell their European tour for the second time -
Doug Goldstein issued a statement stating the delay to 'Chinese Democracy' following the guitarist's illness as one of the reasons for the second postponement.

December 4th - Axl issues a statment on gnronline that they will play Vegas again -
"We've been couped up in the studio for so long that we have to release some energy. Since we had so much fun playing Vegas last year, we've decided to do it again."

December 29/30 th -The band plays The Joint in Las Vegas -
To a crowd of 1.700..Axl sheds some light on the cancelled Euro tour during the shows. Revealing that he had no idea Guns N' Roses were supposed to play a European tour. "One day I was sitting at home on the internet and I found out that the tour was cancelled and I had no idea that I had a tour."
A new star logo appears on merchandise, with the US flag in the background.

On to 2002

This time line diary was compiled using press releases and various news/articles archives. Any mistakes extra info please let me know
GnR1rockinzelda @ aol.com