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Dave's Trading Page

Closed untill further notice

Well, it seems i'm going to have to close up my trading page for a while. Wether this is going to be for a couple of weeks, a couple of months or indefinitly I do not know.

The reason for me giving up on my trading activities are as follows - during my last couple of trades my fellow trading partners reported to me that my packages failed to arrive at their place.
I received a letter from the Belgian Anti-Drug Department at Zaventem Airport that my packages have been "intercepted" and that, at current i'm facing charges for illegal copying & distribution of cd's.
Due to this it's pretty much hard for me to keep on trading, since it's well known that every package bearing my name will be checked, at least for the time being. I do not know exactly what will happen with these things - eg: my boots being confiscated, or i have to pay a fee or something and i'm still waiting for a reply to both my letter & statement involving this matter.

Basically I still owe a couple of people a lot of cd's - I just hope that you guys bear with me for a while before accusing me of being a rip-off or a bad trader as I have done my fair share of trades over the past year and all of them went pretty well. 

Having said this - I will eventually get you packages out again over the next couple of months, at least when I know what my "penalty" will be for these so-called "crimes".

At the bottom of this page is a list of people that still have not received their packages. IF, and I say IF, any of these packages should by some strange miracle arrive at any of you guy's places, please let me know so I can take your name out of my "I still owe you" list. If anyone feels that i'm doing him wrong and wants another way of settling this, please email me, I can still be reached at


People I still owe recordings :

Dave Bernardi - 2 cd's
Steve Kirk - About 7 or 8 shows (11 cd's)
Jens Bauer - 4 cd's
Jared Drace - 5 cd's
Jessie Hibbard - 2 cd's
Matt Rebidue - 10 cd's