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Here's a list of traders that I've had successful dealings with. If you're into the bands I have, definitely check these folks out!

Bill Gene Jim John Z.
Robert A. Wagdaddy Scott Robert W.
William Fox Glen Chris
John M. John B. Chris Ouzo
Robert C. Neil Gary Peder
Chad Scott Ron Jerry
Easterling Martin Steve Bart
Walter Barb/Mark Greg Jay
Hal Rick Lou Brian
Greg Dewey Craig Len
Bob Skeet Mike Mark
George Ryan Mike S. Hartley
David Matt Federico Randall
Dennis Eric Tim Neal
Christopher Randy John Doug
Sundog Joe Mark Matt
Steve Mark Chad John Mark
Shane Swaenen Jeff David
Jeff Bill John Jer
Kevin Paolo Boyd Brent
George Fabio Terry Greg
Scott Carlos Tom Jim
Jon Eric Adrian Rob
Skunk Chris Rob Darren
Stephen Robert Greg Ken J.
Christian Ken B. Jason Chuckboy
Rob Kath Darin Chris
Scott Ted Joe Dunsy
Norm Brandon Jason M. Roger
Eddie Ric Greg Chad
Randy Mike John Chad
Frank Brian Phil John
Tom Carl Matt Roman
George Jason Jim Mark
Doug John Dave Shawn
Scott Steve Michael Kevin
Dave I. David John K. Marshall
Ron I. Steve R. Jose Mark
Greg David Jon E.


Sadly, here's a list of traders that I've had problems with.
Todd Smith Tommy Kjolberg

If you have any doubts whatsoever about Todd, simply perform a search for "Todd Smith" on, and all your questions will be answered. This guy has apparently ripped off so many traders that I almost wonder if he gained his large collection without ever owning a CD Burner...really! He never sent his end of our trade, and was not only full of the most idiotic excuses known to man, he would contradict himself almost every other email. 'Nuff said.

Tommy Kjolberg was very courteous in his emails, but constantly gave excuses. Ultimately, he never sent his end of our trade (8 CD's) from November 2000.

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