Massage Oil Recipes M
The proportions listed here are the suggested ones. If you wish to deviate from these, simply keep in mind that the first ingredient listed should generally constitute the main scent. Each succeeding ingredient should be added to consecutively smaller amounts.
Add these essential oils to 1/8 cup of a base oil, unless otherwise noted in recipe. Visualize as you mix and smell. For best results, don't use synthetics.
Mars Oil
2 Drops Ginger OilWear for physical power, lust, magickal energy and all Martian influences.
Mercury Oil Planetary
4 Drops Lavender OilWear to draw Mercurial influences, such as communication, intelligence, travel and so on.
Moon Oil
1 Drop Jasmine OilWear to induce psychic dreams, to speed healing, to facilitate sleep, to increase fertility and for all other Lunar influences. Also wear at the time of the Full Moon to attune with its vibrations.