ABALONE: color-multi---chakra-n/a-----is associated with healing, serenity, calmness, nobility, and honesty.
ABUNDANCE CRYSTALS: color-clear---chakra-n/a-----a quartz crystal with many tiny crystals at the base. This is a mothering, protective crystal, bestowing nurturance, love, abundance, fullness, sufficiency, creativity, well-being, success, good fortune, blessings and growth. Encourages our dreams and our wishes to thrive.
ACTINOLITE: color-green---chakra-4th, 6th-----this stone is associated with creative expression. Appreciation of beauty and spontaneity. This is also an excellent stone for improving visulizations and mental imagery.
AGATE: color-n/a---chakra-3rd,4th,5th-----strengthens heart, gives courage, harmonizes heart, throat and solar plexus, detoxifies system, reduces temperature, sharpens, sight, illuminates, gives balance, eloquence, vitality and joy, mellows, brings prosperity, raises sel esteem, balances extremism, aids in reoxygenation of body, regenerates, protects from x-rays, strength, protection, support, aids upset stomach, lungs, depression, lethargy, throat, skin, tumor.
AGATE (banded: color-banded---chakra-n/a-----strong protectors for sensitive persons, for courage, strength, can ease spastic discomfort and tensions.
AGATE (black lace): color-black---chakra-6th, 7th-----use for projective energy, protection, restores bodily energy and eases stressful situations, courage and successful competitions, guards against physical dangers, helps one to learn to balance mental priorities with emotions, ease depression, develop security within ones self.
AGATE (blue lace): color-blue---chakra-5th-----makes self expression easier.
AGATE (brazilian): color-n/a---chakra-1st, 2nd-----promotes clarity and helps to ground and center, encourages a high level of physical energy, works with balancing mental, physical and emotional energies, protection under stress, especially good when worn or carried on the body; for meditation, works well when placed in the area of the navel, release intestinal blockage, enchances the function of the reproductive organs, promotes eliminations and cleansing.
AGATE (moss): color-green---chakra-6th-----aids in finding ones life purpose.
AGATE (pink botswana): color-pink---chakra-2nd, 4th-----use on heart chakra; protection; used in fertility rites; aids in adjustment to new life and eases lonliness.
AGATE (plume): color-plume---chakra-6th-----used to encourage creative visualization; a good job hunting stone.
AGATE (tree): color-white, black stripes---chakra-1st-----gardner's charm; relieves stiff neck; lends energy to the depleted; attracts riches, happiness and long life.
ALEXANDRITE: color-green---chakra-4th-----encourages regeneration, renewal, protection, joy, emotional maturity, purity, grace and elegance.
ALMANDINE: color-red---chakra-1st, 7th-----brings spirituality to relationships. Helps in transition from romance to a spiritual commitment in love.
AMAZONITE: color-green---chakra-all-----soothes all chakras but especially 4th & 5th; balancing.
AMBER: color-orange, yellow---chakra-3rd-----a highly calming stone that facilitates energy, balancing and calming. Removes psychic attacks and energy draining from others. Used by healers as a protective shield against taking on others pain in healing work.
AMBLYGONITE: color-golden-yellow, clear---chakra-2nd, 3rd-----increases feelings of ones own worth. It helps us develop empathy, self-confidence and thoughtfullness towards others.
AMETHYST: color-violet---chakra-7th-----spirituality & contentment, balances the intelectual, emotional & physical bodies; peace, meditation, protection, sobriety.
AMETRINE: color-violet, yellow---chakra-6th-----equilibrium & balance; meditation; disperses negativity; release physical, mental, emotional, and auric blockages; compatability.
ANDALUSITE: color-yellow, green, brownish-red---chakra-1st, 3rd, 4th-----promotes business and career success, asendancy, authority, leadership ability. It helps us to become powerful and then to use our power wisely and for the good.
ANGLESITE: color-white---chakra-4th-----promotes sensitivity, gentleness, relaxation and tenderness.
ANHYDRITE: color-light blue---chakra-5th-----acts something like a radar detector. It has a way of finding toxins and energy blocks within the body. When the toxins or blockage is identified the anhydrite works energetically to cause release. It balances hormones which are upset by toxins and stress.
APACHE TEAR: color-black---chakra-1st-----helps to ground and center. Helps to connect the physical body with the cubtle body. Helps in the breaking of addictive behavior.
APATITE: color-n/a---chakra-7th-----clears confusion whithin the mental strata, helps to make a person cheerful, strengthens the nerves and overcomes fatigue.
APATITE (yellow): color-yellow---chakra-3rd-----activates the passive and dreamy person.
ARGONITE: color-n/a---chakra-1st-----centering; meditation; insight; discipline.
AQUAMARINE: color-light blue---chakra-5th-----aids in communication and voicing ones opinion. Supports one through intense physical, emotional, and karmic release.
AUGITE: color-green, black---chakra-4th-----is associated with prosperity, success, good fortune and luck. It helps us to be at the right place at the right time.
AUTINITE: color-green---chakra-4th-----fosters courage, daring, new beginings and adventures. It is protective of those who are young and free and willing to take a chance.
AVENTURINE: color-green---chakra-4th-----protects the heart; balance; motivation; decisivness; instinct.
AXINITE: color-blue, violet, brown---chakra-1st, 5th, 7th-----helps us activate our spiritual beliefs on the earth plane. Teaches us to live our spirituality in our daily lives.
AZURITE: color-blue---chakra-6th-----helps one to connect with spirit guides, aids healers, meditators, and psychics. Increases psychic ability. Dissolves energy blocks and negativity.
BARITE: color-varies---chakra-4th, 5th-----is linked with platonic love, friendship, loyalty, love and relationships. This is a stone of interpersonal communication and intimacy.
BENITOITE: color-light to dark blue---chakra-5th-----is associated with emotional sensitivity, empathy and understanding.
BERYL (clear): color-clear---chakra-7th-----increases intellectual abilities, wisdom and the capacity to see things from all sides.
BERYL (golden): color-golden---chakra-3rd-----brings persistence, altruism, spirituality, healing, strength, learning, communication and comfort.
BERYL (pink): color-pink---chakra-1st-----fosters tolerance, empathy, love, acceptance and a "live and let live" attitude.
BERYLLIUM: color-n/a---chakra-6th, 7th-----is associated with altered states, meditation and cosmic consciousness.
BOJI STONES: color-brown---chakra-1st-----these metallic stones work to heal negative feelings, negative emotional patterns and old pain. Promotes free flow of ch'i and balanced energy, help heal arthritis, backaches and osteoporosis.
BORNITE: color-metallic purple---chakra-7th-----is associated with peace, social justice, goodness, fairness, truth and equality. It fosters caring on a worldwide scale, teaching us to be concerned with the welfare of all beings on earth.
BRAZILIANITE: color-yellow, greenish-yellow---chakra-3rd, 4th-----is associated with academic achievement, attention to detail, improved study skills and increased intelligence.
BRONZE: color-bronze---chakra-3rd-----is associated with relaxation, serenity, calmness. Helps promote a laid back attitude.
CALCITE: color-blue, orange---chakra-2nd, 5th-----memory; clear and activate chakras.
CALCITE (green): color-green---chakra-4th-----aids in releasing old traumas held in the belly chakra. Clears negative karmic patterns.
CALCITE (honey): color-honey---chakra-3rd-----helps the mind and body remember information brought during astral travel and channeling experiences.
CALCITE (optical): color-clear---chakra-5th-----communication.
CALCITE (red): color-red---chakra-1st-----helps one to be more grounded on the earth plane. Provides courage and the will to live.
CARNELIAN: color-orange---chakra-2nd-----analysis and precision; protection from negative emotions; stability; inquisitiveness; initiative; cleansing other stones: 1st through 4th chakras.
CASSITERITE: color-brown, black---chakra-1st-----promotes productivity; practicality and organization. It empowers us in worldly endeavors and practical pursuits.
CATS EYE: color-golden---chakra-3rd-----builds determination, strenght of mind, steadfastness, will power, moral courage, tenacity, vigor, resolve, self control, intelligence and knowledge. It also fosters constancy, stability and the ability to weather all storms.