HALITE: color-n/a---chakra-n/a-----helps us transcend our
problems.Encourages perspective and contentment.
HAMBERGITE: color-clear, white---chakra-1st-----helps us
stick to our beliefs. Fosters idealism, character and truth.
HAUYNITE: color-blue---chakra-5th-----helps us gain
respect, honor, esteem and admiration.
HEMETITE: color-red, silvery---chakra-1st, 7th-----mental
attunement; memory enchancement; original thinking;
technical knowledge; mental and manual dexterity; calming;
release of limitations; physical cooling; equilibrium
between ethereal and physical; balancing of yin & yang;
focusing energy & emotions; dissolves and transforms
negativity; peace; self control & inner happiness;
meditation; grounding; tranquility; emotional clarity; helps
with leg cramps, blood disorders, nervous disorders &
insomnia, helps bones, especially the spine.
HEMIMORPHITE: color-blue, green, clear---chakra-4th,
5th-----fosters enthusiasm, optimism, high energy and the
ability to stay excited about a project right through the
color-clear-----chakra-all-----transpersonal chakra, creates
mental clarity, expands awareness, draws ones soul-mate and
soul-friends. Aids in remembering dreams.
HIDDENITE: color-yellow, green---chakra-3rd,
4th-----grants spiritual attainment, enlightenment,
universal compassion, transcendance and peace.
HOLLEY: color-blue, purple---chakra-all-----this stone
focuses one's life purpose for this incarnation. Opens and
balances the casual body allowing for transmission of
spiritual energy into your awareness. A good aid for new
HOWLITE: color-white---chakra-5th-----calms
communication; facilitates awareness; encourages emotional
expression; discernment; memory; progress; eliminates
hesitation; dispels criticalness, selfishness &
facetiousness; eliminates pain, stress & rage, subtelty &
tact; balances calcium levels in the body.
HYPERSTHENE: color-blackish-brown,
blackish-green---chakra-1st, 4th-----enchances self esteem,
emotional expression and overcoming shyness. Helps put us at
ease in all social situations.
IOLITE: color-blue---chakra-5th-----enchances leadership
ability, power, inner strength, self confidence and
executive ability.
IRON: color-reddish---chakra-1st-----promotes balance,
strength, endurance, protection, longevity, persistence,
emotional stability, favorable legal situations, efficiency
and skill.
JADE: color-green---chakra-4th-----dream stone; stone of
fidelity; brings realisation to ones potential & devotion to
purpose; releases suppressed emotions; peace; access to the
spiritual worlds; wisdom; confidence; helps the heart, hips,
kidneys, spleen, skin & hair.
JADEIT: color-variety---chakra-n/a-----encourages
emotional balance, a sense of well being and healing dreams.
JASPER: color-red---chakra-2nd, 6th, 7th-----energizes
life force; rejuvinates; promotes unselfishness; dissolves
illusion; gives courage, wisdom, protection from stress,
clear vision; relieves pain and suffering; attracts good
fortune; reduces fear and suppresion; aids past life recall;
increases pyschic ability and attunement to higher self;
balances astral and etheric bodies; increases masculine
traits; rain bringer; protection for unseen hazards at
night, stability stone; regulates metabolic processes and
promotes physical stamina; good for digestive upsets; helps
with blood disease, stomach ache, skin, kidneys, thymus,
neurological tissue, immune system, aging, allergies.
JET: color-black---chakra-1st-----fosters nobility,
honor, decency, justice, goodness, protection, optimism,
emotional balance, courteousness, happiness, benevolence,
confidence, transformation, positive growth, courage and
leadership abilities. This stone encourages us to stay
centered in all situations.
KIOSHI STONE: color-n/a---chakra-1st-----used as a
grounding stone.
KORNERUPINE: color-green, greenish-brown---chakra-4th,
5th-----enchances teaching ability, eloquence, communication
and clarity.
KUNZITE: color-green---chakra-4th-----manifest mature
state in heart; to be open, clear, secure, strong, vibrant,
balance and loving; enables you to reach out and give;
allows one to experience purity of self love and own
essence; can balance negative emotional states; good stone
for children who are having a hard time adjusting and
functioning in life.
KYANITE: color-green---chakra-4th-----never neeeds
cleaning or clearing. Aligns chakras automatically and
immediately. Calming, dispells anger, facilitates clarity
and meditation. Balances yin & yang. Assists in treatment of
muscular and utogenital systems, adrenal glands, throat &
LABRADORITE: color-yellows, greens,
blues---chakra-3rd-----aids in healing the will, heals
co-dependacy & co-alcoholism. Promotes courage and clarity.
LAPIS LAZULI: color-cobalt blue---chakra-6th-----changes
negative views of reality to positive views. Cleanses the
mental body while releasing old karmic patterns.
LEPIDOLITE: color-n/a---chakra-6th-----peace stone;
spirituality; luck; anti-nightmare; psychism; love;
protection; calming stone, probably due to the high content
of lithium; promotes restful sleep.
LEUCITE: color-white---chakra-1st-----ecourages
reconciliation with friends and lovers. Facilitates
tolerance and empathy.
LIMESTONE color-tan---chakra-1st-----enhances healing,
purification, innocence, centeredness and positive thoughts.
LANOITE: color-n/a---chakra-n/a-----encourages
individuality, expressiveness, originality and creativity.
Helps us to unfold our own unique personality.
LUDLAMITE: color-n/a---chakra-n/a-----a relaxation stone
fostering comfort, ease, rest, repose and mellowness. Good
for workaholics.
MALACHITE: color-green---chakra-4th, 5th-----stone of
transformation; clarifies emotions; release of negativity;
insight into causes of physical or emotional conditions;
equalizing and balancing; responsibility; intuition; love
and friendship; loyalty; dispels vertigo; aids spirituality
and psychism; treats asthma, arthritis, swollen joints,
tumors, growths, broken bones, torn muscles, heals the
immune system, aids birth.
MALACHITE/AZURITE: color-green, blue---chakra-4th, 5th,
6th-----calms, comforts, dissolve and heals old negative
thoughts and memories; clears the mind; gives more personal
power and energy; dissolves illusion; retards abnormal cell
growth; penetrates and moves energy in our bodies; aids
emotional release and physical detoxification; aids
assimilation of copper, zinc and vitamins A & E; alleviates
compulsive eating; increase self discipline and patience;
amplifies clairvoyance, spirituality and ability to astral
project; aids with congestion, depression, anxiety,
degenerative disease, liver, skin, thymus, muscle tissue,
anorexia nervosa, MS, skin problems, TB, hyperactivity,
energy imbalances.
MAGNETITE: color-brownish, black---chakra-1st-----helps
one to become more grounded, opens blocked acupuncture
points, maintains balance through life.
MARACITE: color-silvery---chakra-1st-----inspires
relaxation, reflection, spiritual development, focus and
clarity. It encourages past life recall and awakens ancient
MARBLE: color-variety---chakra-n/a-----encourages
gentleness, tenderness and love, teaches us the art of
MELENITE: color-black---chakra-1st, 6th, 7th-----opens
our psychic vision for forecasting, divination and seeing
the future. Brings an understanding and acceptance of death.
Reminds us of rebirth, reincarnation and the endless nature
of life.
MILLERITE: color-n/a---chakra-n/a-----promotes reason,
moderation, tolerance, frugality and efficiency.
MOLYBDENITE: color-metallic with blue-grey
streaks---chakra-5th-----helps us tap subconcious knowledge.
Teaches to face our hidden self. Helps us to develop our
MOONSTONE: color-white---chakra-6th, 7th-----balancing;
introspective; reflective; lunar; new beginings; hoping and
wishing; helps with change; intuition and emotion;
alleviates emotional tension; enchances perception; cleanses
negativity from the chakras; confidence, composure and
diplomacy; connects the physical, emptional and inntelectual
bodies, traveller's stone, calmness, awareness; energetic
balance; can alleviate degenerative diseases; birth;
circulation; skin and hair.
MOQUI MARBLES: color-yellowish
brown---chakra-all-----these stones may be used to align the
chakras, to relieve energy blockages to ground and center,
and to provide protection. These stones are said to have
been used for contacting ET's, for visioning and for
MUSCOVITE: color-pale mica---chakra-n/a-----teaches
astral projection and facilitates contact with angels and
spirit guardians.
NATROLITE: color-white, yellowish---chakra-3rd-----is
associated with achievement, success, victory and triumoh.
Helps us overcome challenges to reach our goals.
NEPHRITE: color-variety---chakra-n/a-----brings inner
strength, fortitude, courage, protection, persistence and
completion. Helps us stand our ground.
OBSIDIAN: color-black---chakra-1st-----elimination of
personal flaws; grounding; connection to earth; protection;
shields against and transforms negativity; general healing.
OBSIDIAN (snowflake): color-black with
white---chakra-1st, 4th-----protects soft hearted people;
use to keep away unwanted; acts as protective energy glass;
is a personal stone-do not give away or exchange with
another; us at first chakra-survival stone; acts as a
magnative forces; dissolves ego; teaches the mind to be
humble and peaceful; spiritual cleaner, dissolves
negativity; teaches wisdom, understanding, surrender;
increases clairvoyance and focus, strength and intuition,
gives sincerity and gentleness; attracts love and affection;
raises self esteem; improves balance; dissolves fatty
tissue; amplifiys healing rays; use in meditation to
experience tranquility; use on third eye; aids anxiety,
confusion, hyperactivity, acne, negative habits.
OLIGOCLASE: color-yellow---chakra-3rd-----this stone
emits a sustaning energy which assists one in learning
trust. Helpful in releasing internal anger which causes
energy blocks.
ONYX: color-black---chakra-1st, 6th, 7th-----for
protection; defensive magic; reducing sexual desire; absorbs
negative energy and must be cleaned regularly; manifests
objective thinking, spiritual inspiration, greater control
over emotions and passions.
ORPIMENT: color-n/a---chakra-n/a-----is associated with
innocence, purity, goodness, nurturence and emotional
intimacy. Helps us to choose friends and lovers wisely.
ORTHOCLASE: color-champagne,
yellow---chakra-3rd-----helps the overly intellectual to
become more heart centered and more grounded.
PEARL: color-varies---chakra-1st, 3rd-----inspires
purity, honesty, innocence, integraty, concentration, focus,
meditation, serenity, tranquility and wisdom. Helps us get
in touch with the simple honest things in life.
PERIDOT: color-green---chakra-3rd, 4th-----these
wonderful bright green stones emit a warm and friendly
energy, they can be used to cleanse and to stimulate the 3rd
and 4th chakras, bringing openness and acceptance to the
intellectual pursuit of matters of love and relationships.
PETALITE: color-pink---chakra-1st-----is associated with
inspiration, fertility and imagination.
PETRIFIED WOOD: color-multi---chakra-6th, 7th-----used to
extend lifespan; increases our enjoyment of and development
within our lives; recalling past life experiences; sets up
barriers of energy which deflect negativity; carried as a
charm against drowning.
PHENACITE: color-clear, pink, yellow---chakra-1st,
3rd-----helps those who have addictive personalities
overcome their negative habits. Especially good for those
who are addicted to love and to relationships.
PHOSGENITE: color-clear, yellow, green,
white---chakra-3rd, 4th-----is associated with boldness,
courage, daring and confidence.
PRASIOLITE: color-green---chakra-4th-----inspires self
reliance and originality. Gives us the courage to dare new
PREHNITE: color-yellow-green, yellow-btown---chakra-1st,
3rd, 4th-----facilitates trustworthiness, truth, calmness,
sincerity and sensitivity.
PURPURITE: color-purple, pink, brown---chakra-1st,
7th-----brings vitality, robustness, truth, vigor and
stamina, has a wholesome, rejuvenating effect.
PYRITE: color-gold---chakra-7th-----provides a base of
life force energies that can be utilized through your body;
acts as an energy channel and transmitter of that energy to
you; eases anxiety, depression, frustrations and false
PYROLUSITE: color-n/a---chakra-n/a-----is associated with
hope, optimism, confidence, determination and material
PYROPE: color-red-brown---chakra-1st-----brings stability
in relationships. Helps in the transition from romance to
firm commitment in love.