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Invader Zim

INVADER ZIM RULES ALL YOU PUNY HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!! Invader Zim is the BEST cartoon eva! Enjoy!!!! ^_^

IZ Cancelled!?!?!? Click on Gir to see how you can help!!!

Zimmy Sounds

Amazing Plan
Arm Control Nerve
Battle Dib
Blow it Up
Carne Theme
Zim Acts Out DBZ
Doom Doom Doom
Doom Song
Escape on the Pig
Gaz Theme
I Loved You Piggy
Invader's Blood
Professor Membrane Explains Future
Sweet Jumpin Chili Bean!
Ultra Peepi
He Likes Me
Dancin Like a Monkey!
Guidy Chippy
I Miss My Cupcake
The Meaning of Gir's Name
I Saw a Squirrel!

Zimmy Pics

The all mighty creator of IZ, Jhonen!!!
Gir - Robot1
Gir - Robot2
Gir - I Made it Myself
Gir - Chocobubblegum
Zim and Gir
Zim and Gir2
Gir and His Krazy Taco
Gir - Cupcake
Gir - Cupcake2
Gir - Rubber Piggy
Gir - Doggy Suit1
Irken - Logo
Gir - Animated

Other Sweeeeet Zim Sites

The Best IZ Site....EVER!!!!!! ^_^
Get Lots of IZ Sounds Here!
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