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My friends

A friend is someone to behold,
                       to laugh with and chat with, when warm or cold,
              someone to comfort you when you're blue,
to talk about the old and new.
One has many acquaintances in life,
but when there is sorrow or strife,
a friend is someone who will understand,
to lend an ear or a helping hand.
It matters not where you are,
whether you are near or far,
around the world or across the street,
a friend is someone we like to meet.
       So when life's little troubles get you down,
try to smile, do not frown,
              turn on the computer, or pick up the phone,
with friends, you are never alone.
- author unknown -

Below  are pictures of me with some of my best friends

me_adam.jpg (18149 bytes)

me and my friend Adam

tom2.jpg (5248 bytes)


mbbrand.jpg (32889 bytes)

Brandi and I

mebarb.jpg (19565 bytes)

me and Barb

mefriends.JPG (6479 bytes)





maidandbravehome.jpg (3376 bytes)

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