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  Peril is a band from upper Michigan. They have a cd called Faces Still Unknown. It is awesome. There music is a cross between Dokken and Ozzy.

members include :

Jeff Hudson-guitars

Mark Pulley -drums

Adam Crawford -bass

I was fortunate to go up and see them in 1998 and now they are finally coming to JanesvilleWI  In May. I can hardly wait.

check out there web pages at:



Well they finally invaded Janesville WI May 4,5 and 6 and I was there for two nights. This time around I got to meet their new basssist Adam Crawford. He added a cool dimension to the band. He sang lead on some megadeth, Metallica and White Zombie cover tunes.  He wore this cool rock studded wristband.  Jeff dedicated "Alone Again" to me Friday night, that was really sweet of you Jeff.:)    

For both nights they had a good crowd which was great to see. WISCONSIN loves you guys!!  I miss you already. Thanks for making  a fun weekend . Come back soon.

the following pictures were taken Friday night May 5,2000

peril1.jpg (84636 bytes)  adam1.jpg (33517 bytes)

Mark,me, Jeff and Adam                                                   

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more pictures coming soon from their Janesville show
