Ask Pat Archive

Here are past questions and answers. If you'd like to submit questions of your own for Pat, please read the FAQ before submitting. Thanks and enjoy!

Have you or anyone else in the band ever gone out and needlessly bought guitars or basses you'll never need or use just for the hell of it? [submitted by: Captain Napkins]

PD: Indeed, i used to get depressed or the blues like we all do and my fix all was a healthy trip to the local vintage guitar shop. This is a great fix. To this day my collection of guitars is over 30 and still counting.

What is the origin of the Eb tuning prevalent in almost all of Live's songs? Were there any influences or other reasons behind it? [submitted by: Captain Napkins]

PD: Simple, Ed writes amazing songs and he is a huge influence on me.

I would like to know why Live haven't been in Poland? They have so many fans here! [submitted by: Marta Ma³Kowska]

PD: We have never had an offer from a Polish promoter........any offers?

Hey Pat, sometime last year, Adam & the Weight, Adam Kowalczyk's band, opened for Live in Las Vegas and Anaheim. What did you think of them? [submitted by: Lis]

PD: They are a super bad ass pop band, i dig the new disc big time......go boy.

Hey Pat, what's the big difference between making music and producing, besides the obvious (not playing instruments), and what are the commonalities? [submitted by: Lis]

PD: Wow, I really don't think of myself as a producer, YET.

Pat, is there a song on the new album, Birds of Pray, that is a longer, say 6 to 7 minutes in length? I seem to love the songs that are in greater length on the albums. Thanks. [submitted by: Adam Sauter]

PD: No, sorry

I was wondering if pat ever plays jazz bass at all...just a random thought, but the bass riffs in operation spirit and pain lies on the river side sound jazzed up and awesome. [submitted by: LiNg; Auckland, NZ]

PD: I haven't been into any jazz playing since high school, many many many years ago. Pain Lies was me trying to mock the bass player from Sade, Paul D.

What do you think about Dave Matthews Band (and especially the bass parts of their songs, of course!)? [submited by: Frank]

PD: DMB is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry today. Dave writes great songs and the bass player is ALL OVER IT.

What are your favorite sporting teams? [submitted by: EvilBeth]

PD: God bless the 76ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you consider Philly the "hometown" crowd or is that more like Lancaster, etc? [submitted by; EvilBeth]

PD: Well, I guess home crowd is York but nobody ever comes to see us there. Philly is our second home.

Hi Pat, Have been a huge LIVE fan for 12 years!! My question is, where are your favorite places to play and why? Thanks! [submitted by: Chris Hall, Cleveland]

PD: I love Europe...........well playing in Europe. They seems to love any sort of live music. Always a good crowd.

What are the good and bad aspects of being a rock star? Is there anything you would change if you could go back 10 years? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Never live with will lead you to an early grave. Bad aspects??????? Never thought about that (yeah right) but I won't complain to you all.

What is the interview question that you have always wanted to be asked by someone but never were? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Would you sign this contract to star in our next line of porno's?

What do you do to relax both at home and on the road? [submitted by: Travis]

PD: Relaxation seems to be few and far between lately! When I'm at home I try to get to the ocean as much as I can. Between the three kids and four dogs it doesn't happen as often as I would like. I also love a cruise on my motorcycles when they are running. On the road I try to get a game of golf in now and then. And don't forget the almighty power of sleep!!!

Have you lost your anonymity, when you go out, do you need to be incognito? (LOL) [submitted by: Travis]

PD: I can honestly say that my anonymity is in full effect. With 20 million records I can still wander the streets as a bag man.

What characteristic annoys you the most about each of your bandmates? [submitted by: Jamie]

PD: CT still bites his nails and has since the 6th grade. Ed never closes doors behind him as if he grew up in a barn. CG can't pee if someone is nearby speaking.

Do you believe in reincarnation? [submitted by: Anup]

PD: Spirits never they?

Does +Live+ try to use music as a forum to raise awareness of various social issues? [submitted by: Anup]

PD: The only "cause" Live has really supported is the Tibetan Freedom movement.

What are your long term/short term goals? [submitted by: Anup]

PD: Right now I am concentrating on making a bad ass record with Live, look out rock n roll is on its way folks! Long down the road I would like to record and produce a bit more. Texas Jerry has finished a 6 song recording and I had a great time working on that.

What do you feel about "musicians" who do not write their own music...who have people like Chris Warren write it for them? [submitted by: Anup]

PD: I have come to accept the fact that some artists aren't capable of writing their own material. Some people can't walk and chew gum at the same time either. With Ed and the Chads we have no shortage of new material.

What are your opinions on such controversial subjects among the bass community as tablature, metronomes, and 'practicing away from the bass'? [submitted by: Me!]

PD: My instructor always told me to learn all of the rules first then go ahead and break them!!!

Pat, I have to ask, I understand that you have a diversified taste in music. Can you tell me have you heard any music from the Seychelles (islands near Africa)? Just curious. [submitted by: adarma]

PD: dog ate my homework

I am from Ireland and to the best of my knowledge Live have never played here at least not in the last 3 or 4 years. I am a massive Live fan and there is quite a few of us Live fans here. I would like to know if Live have any plans to play here in the near future. I was packing my bags and heading for Amsterdam in May but I see those shows are already sold out. Please please please come to Ireland. [submitted by: Tom]

PD: I would love to get to Ireland.......have to remind our agent...........honestly I would rather come on holiday.

Pat, how do you view this "alternative rock" as they call it now compared to what it was ten years ago.  Personally I think the genre for the most part has turned into a pile of shit. Genuine musical quality and creativity has gone down and been replaced by formulaic image-based musicians.  What is your take? [submitted by: Anup]

PD: Alternative music is still alive. You gotta dig and find it. Fuck MTV and all our local ALT radio stations. I've been listening to new BR5-49, Stephen Malkmus new solo record, Jets To Brazil, Spitfire

Why did you not release "Lift me up"? Are you planning to release this song in the near future? [submitted by: Costas]

PD: Never released due to lack of interest from us at the time or its recording. It may end up on an MCA record.

Will Live be releasing a 10-year DVD at some point? I've heard people talk about it, and Chad T was mentioning it in an interview, but everybody's still kind of in the dark about it. Any ideas for a release date? [submtted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Write your local Universal promoter near you!!! Good luck!!!

I've heard that Album 6 is currently being made, and that some of it has already been recorded. Can you give some clue as to what the album is like, or possibly a song title? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: As of present we have not even been in the same room collectively since May. We gotta get our band swerve on first......chillin my brotha

What were you like growing up? Did you have aspirations when you were young of having a career in music? [submitted by: Me]

PD: I was a silly, bed wetting, mommy loving, diaper wearing, kid I think. I knew I would one day have cool hair and be a GOD like rock star as long as I can remember.

How has the band changed as far as the song writing process goes? I've heard Ed and Chad both talking about the fact that Ed now writes all the music as well as the lyrics. How has that changed the band and how do you fulfill your own creative desires? [submitted by: Ed Reed from Harrisburg, PA]

PD: Live's songwritting process has always been very different. With 'V' Ed was on a very prolific period so we ran with it. Other albums have been put together in various ways. You'll be happy (or maybe not) to know Chad, Ed, and I are now exchanging ideas for a new record. Meanwhile I record my own ideas in my studio, record with other buddies and work on young bands. So feel free to send Steph your demos and I'll get them from her.

What is your favorite Live song ever or at the moment? What would you say would be the hardest Live song for an average musician to play on guitar? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: I love 'Dance With You' , the boys played it at my wedding. As far as difficulty of songs, my pet monkey has trouble with the guitar part on 'Quiet River Rage'.

I know you're a bassist, but I know you also play guitar. What would be (in your opinion) the best electric and acoustic guitars to have? What is the best guitar you've ever owned? How about amps? And have you gotten Fender's Cyber Twin yet? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: I have a '65 Strat that is the shizzel my nizzel. Put it through an old Fender Twin or Marshall Plexi and your off to the races. I stay away from anything that says Cyber in its name.............

What is your greatest memory from your time so far with Live? Your worst memory? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Worst memory was having to go on stage with an infected appendix and sit in a chair doubled over in pain for the entire set, EHHH! Greatest memory was playing with Vince Neil.......(not)!

I've heard that while recording Run To The Water, the entire band was naked. Have there been any other weird things that have gone on while recording that made a real difference on the song? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Well.....alot of beer used to make a big difference but I don't drink anymore. Actually the studio never gets too crazy.....yeah right!!!!!!!

What was the hardest song you've had to record? Why? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Damn Capt. nap.! It was pretty hard to nail the right take of 'Crazy Train', we want to do Ozzy proud.

When was the last time you guys played a song from Public Affection? Can you even remember how to play any of that? Do you have any plans to re-release Death Of A Dictionary (I'd buy it) or play any of your old songs in concert? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Death of a Dictionary is something we plan on releasing down the road. We can't remember how to play a single track from that ole thang!

What's in your CD player at the moment? What's your favorite pastime? What movie have you seen most recently? What book are you reading at the moment? [submitted by: Neila]

PD: New Order Get Ready CD in the player at this exact moment. I have also been listening to new best of Bee Gees's, Black Crowes Lions, and Brighten the Corners from Pavement...Golf, motorcycles, dogs, and recording seem to keep me occupied lately...I just watched "The Wild Bunch" yesterday on dvd and it was a bad ass old school western. Earnest Bergnine........nuff said...Not sure about that reading stuff. Gives me a headache n sore eyes!

How many times have you toured New Zealand? [submitted by: Toloa, New Zealand]

PD: Live has been to New Zealand 3 times (I think).

First and foremost, what do you think of the album V in comparison to the other albums Live has put out? I've talked to a lot of fans who are disappointed by the lyrics, and more commonly, the heaviness. On the other hand, I've talked to people who think the change is amazing, and that V is a giant step up. What is your opinion? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: V is the most eager record that we have ever recorded. I love the fact that we as a band can grow and not spit out the same old shit.....for better or worse.

In Live's songwriting process, what comes first, music or lyrics? Or is there switching around? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Not sure......was it the chicken or the egg?

Speaking of switching around, who coordinates the change in hair/clothing? Or do you just do it randomly? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: Well, we share stylists with our buddies from InSync. They really know what the kids want to see. And I personally care deeply what is hip and cool at any given moment.

Has there ever been a mess-up in concert (you, Chad T. and Ed dropping picks or Chad G. losing all his drums) that has caused you to stop playing during a song? I know Ed got hit with a shoe once and somebody's been hit by lightning, but I haven't heard of any real mess-ups. [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: There have been plenty of forgotten lyrics that have lead the band to a halt. I stopped a song in a Baltimore club after someone poured a beer on my head from the 2nd floor. I can remember stopping a song or two to stop fights in the crowd as well.

Can everyone in Live play each other's instruments? Do you ever switch everything around for fun? [submitted by: Captain_Napkins]

PD: We have a super group where I play guitar, Ed on the drum kit, Gracey on bass and CT on lead vox. We rock really fuckin hard!

Are there any bassists you've had a particular interest in lately? Any new influences? [submitted by: Me]

PD: Bobby from Galactic is one funkified white soul Meter's lovin flatwound string playin sex kitten that can't be beat. He can play around a beat like no one that I have heard.

Do you follow any kind of practice regime with the bass? [submitted by: Me]

PD: I do not keep a tight bass regime. I do make it a point to play a bit of acoustic guitar every day when possible. And I eat loads of beans.

Pat, you have a selection of tattoos. Do any of them have any real significance or are they just cause they're pretty...or some manhood initiation...? [submitted by: Neila]

PD: Manhood initiation? No one told me about that club! My tattoos all mean something to me. I would love to explain every single one but that's not the point. Anyway, aren't they "in" with the kids these days?

I've discovered this web page called LiveFantasy...and well, yes, it is along those lines...Does it offend you that fans have taken it upon themselves to use you in such a manner...or is it just part of the price of your job...or do you see it as harmless fun? [submitted by: Neila]

PD: Sounds like harmless fun but can I have the address too!!! Welcome to the public eye. This is the kind of shit that happens, no skin off my back. Someone who has put enough time and energy into a website must be a fan.

What's your fave at the moment?: Song (don't have to limit to 1); color; food; car/motorbike/vehicle; key to play music in; time of day, and what is that Afronomical thingee in your travel closet? [submitted by: Toloa, New Zealand]

PD: Fav things right now: spicy tuna hand roll, Harley Phat boy, Coldplay record, being pregnant (again, not me, my wife), the color blue, the key of E, sunsets in Miami Beach, kids, 58 Fender P. Bass, a good lid. And what the hell is that poster in my wardrobe case??? It's the coolest black light poster ever. It shows me the "Afrocentric" positions of love making. ewwwww!

If your fingers fell off tomorrow, what would you do? Apart from freak a bit...The jist is, if you weren't a bass player, what do you think you'd be? [submitted by: Toloa, New Zealand]

PD: I would be developing another way to play guitar!

Patrick, assuming that you do recording and sampling of your own stuff on your free time, what hardware/software do you use? Do you go analog/tape or digital/PC software? If PC, what programs? I line straight into my sound card, using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9, Sound Forge 5.0, Cool Edit Pro, etc. [submitted by: Robert Saba Dallas, TX]

PD: Studio geeks unite! I have gone into the digital domain to record and have been doing it for a few years now. Hold onto your pants, here we go: Pro Tools 5.1, Mac G 4, Glyph Trip, 3 Digidesign 888 digital/analog converters, every plug-in that I can get ahold of, Focusrite, Avalon, Demeter, pre amps. And a boat load of out board gear. Want to talk about it all day sometime?

Hey Pat - I am going to be at your show on May 5th at Sunfest in West Palm Beach. I am a huge fan and I was wondering if it would be possible for me to meet you before or after the show? Even if it is just for a minute that would be great! Thanks a lot! [submitted by: Allan]

PD: No, sorry to be blunt but my mom told me not to talk to strangers!

Patrick, I am a vocalist/rhythm guitarist for my own band, and have found that the songwriting process is different for a lot of bands. What is Live's process? I'm sure there are many ways, but for example, have you ever disliked something that Ed or Chad T. have "presented" as a song idea and just gone with it? Or is it an issue where if one doesn't agree, it gets scrapped? This is more of an insecurity issue on my part as far as the songwriting process goes, being a 'frontman' -- entertaining the idea that I'm "forcing" three or four other guys to play my "crap". Any advice on the confidence of a musician or songwriter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. [submitted by: Robert Saba - Dallas, TX (gave Ed the Fight Club film!)]

PD: Well my friend, its time to decide if you are in a band or fronting YOUR band. Respect and trust are required to be in a band. Everyone should have some input. I have heard ideas from my bandmates that I at the time thought were crap, after running those songs up the flag pole, quickly had a new outlook on those ideas. Be honest with your band mates and open your ears for input!

Do you still collect vintage instruments like you did back in the days of Secret Samadhi and Throwing Copper? How many basses do you own? [submitted by: Me]

PD: I do still collect vintage guitars but you may have noticed that they haven't seen much touring time. Before Chad T. lost Ruby Lou, a Pre CBS surf green Jazzmaster, I decided that I was really abusing some of those great old guitars and hooked up with Lakland bass. Amazingly simple but beautiful sounding basses. So the 40 or so old gitters stay at home and Lakland has become my studio and road choice.

I play the bass as well. Is there any advice you can give to all us fellow bassists out there who still have yet to 'make a break'? [submitted by: Me]

PD: Learn all 12 notes a man can play BUT don't play too many notes at one time.

Is it hard to be on the road sometimes, being away from your family and friends? [submitted by: Me]

PD: Touring is a mixed bag. Love to play but miss the family.

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