Transcript: Live

MTVixen: Welcome to MTV Chat for this chat with Live members Patrick & Ed!
Live: Hello!

MTVog: To open on a light note, Ariadne92 asks: This is for both of you...if you could dunk your bandmates in any substance what would t be?
Ed: Lakini's Juice

MTVog: LightnngC asks: Ed you have such a cool voice, did you take singing lessons?
Ed: I sang in the choir, yes, I took some during high school with my aunt, but just a few

MTVog: RobbinBB wants to know: York PA is very proud of you guys.. and your recent concert at Hershey Park was great... So.. How did you like growing up in a 'small' town?? Was it a disadvantage to your music??
Patrick: well i had to sleep with my sisters a lot

MTVixen: TrigrEfec asks: Ed, what brought you into a more "eastern" thought process/philosophy (if that is accurate), a book or person for example?
Ed: Well, I picked up a book called "You are the World" by Krishnamurti when I was 19 and that pretty much kicked it off. I have been inspired by that ever since

MTVixen: Tonight it's Luscious Jackson and ManBreak, Garland X asks: How does a band get the chance to open for you guys?
Ed: We just have to like it, the music I mean

MTVog: DocSatchm asks: Hey, I love you guys. Ed, what was your inspiration to create your website? I love it!
Ed: Keeping in touch with you.

MTVog: StrwbrryG asks: Live, At what point did you feel you were truly successful? Lori in Montana!
Ed: tough one.....
Ed: (edward) I think it was when we started writing our own songs, before we really played out anywhere, for me more specifically, it was when we wrote the song, Good Pain
Ed: we were 18

MTVixen: We are chatting with Ed and Patrick of Live, at Jones Beach in New York, where they are ready to perform.

MTVixen: LyleDrexe asks: Are you guys goimg to play anything from mental Jewelery?
Patrick: Yeah, we are playing a version of "operation spirit" that is totally different and maybe mirror song, it depends on how we feel.

MTVog: JillDaise asks: How do you feel Secret Samadhi compares with your earlier albums?
Ed: It is better.

MTVixen: BeanieG 8 asks: Ed-How did you get involved with your website, "The Hole In the Universe"? Was it your idea to start it?
Ed: Actually, a few friends who work for Netscape came to me and offered to design one and I thought it would be fun, and it has turned out to be one of my favorite things to do

MTVog: GROOVYMIN asks: What's the best or weirdest thing you have received from a fan??
Patrick: Someone once sent us a blender to make fruit smoothies on the road.

MTVixen: Super tin asks: Hello! My name's Avaleena, and I was wondering how is it like to tour around the world??? Is is frustrating???
Patrick: well, lets just say it can get lonely at night.

MTVixen: MSOORG asks: Have you taken Luscious Jackson on in a game of four-on-four yet?
Live: not yet, Kate talks alot, we will have to see what she can do, I've seen her jump shot, it's pretty good

MTVog: Il DaN lI wants to know: how long does it take for you to get ready for a performance
Ed: I think we all have different routines, mine (ed) is like an hour or so of sitting in meditation, stretching and various what nots
Patrick: about 4 beers

MTVog: Psugirl92 wants to know: Live is so awesome live!!! do you have plans for an unplugged album?!
Live: no, we decided against releasing our "MTV Unplugged" however I wouldn't rule out a live Live album in the future, It has been awhile since a really good one came out and we would like to face the challenge!!!

MTVog: GwEnS314 wants to know: Ed, What was the symbol on your back on Saturday Night Live?
Ed: that symbol was a Sanskrit "Da" which is the name of my spiritual master

MTVog: MicheIIe7 asks: Where do you guys get the ideas or inspiration for your lyrics? Are you guys single, married, hooked up, what?
Patrick: life, and..... more life....and food

MTVog: McDugle asks: Hey, all. I'm from York, PA!!!!! (105.7 the edge, yeah!!!!!) Do you have any advice for a young (13) musican??? Also, what kind of equipment do you use??????
Live: just keep playin' homey, and get good management, and steer clear of too many gigs at the Gingerbread man

MTVog: BR15OWN13 wants to know: what do ya'll do in your spare time? rachel 19
Patrick: you have to have spare time first
Ed: i am into taking photographs for my diary on the website, Chad T plays basketball, chad gracey climbs mountains
Ed: patrick watches me type this out

MTVog: Whillice wants to know: are you guys playing a lot of older or newer material on the current tour? mental jewelery, samadhi, copper? which album is most heavily represented?
Live: All three are represented, but we are playing the majority from "Secret Samadhi"

MTVixen: PhReAkGuR asks: why is there two videos for turn my head
Live: The first one is, if you've seen it, a really artistic, kind of "pristine" looking and feeling piece, we wanted to portray the song in a more intimate way with the new one, we like them both alot

MTVixen: YDR asks: Hi guys, this is tina from the York Daily Record. What do you think of all this attention in cyberspace? pretty great. What made you want to do it?
Live: Keeping in touch with fans is really important to us, we've been doing it for a long time with our newsletter "Homespun" and our websites are just the new phase,,

MTVog: Zwiminzen asks: who are your musical influences????
Live: Ozzy Osbourne, Snoop dog, REM, Black Sabbath, The Psych Furs, Fishbone, Neil Young, U2, Prince ..... the list is endless

MTVixen: JPlovesCO asks: why did you all punch chad taylor? and why did he apologize for it?
Ed: chad had an attitude, so we all felt obliged to help him with it, he hit me back so now we are even

MTVog: NFWeino asks: What is your favorite song from all three albums and the earlier stuff?
Live: that was in eighth grade, BTW
Live: the secret track on "Throwing Copper"

MTVixen: Layne4Pre asks: If you were stuck on a desert island, what 3 CDs would you want with you...assumin you had your portable Sony discman, and a huge resevoir to AA batteries
Live: Saturday Night Fever..... Bee Gee's Greatest hits... Sex Pistols

MTVixen: Tsunami X asks: What iz the craziest thing that has happened to you on stage?
Live: well Chad T decided to leap off the stage in New Hampshire and then proceeeded to be beaten down by police and then arrested

MTVog: Ozone13 asks: Are there any bands you really like now and are they any bands you want to tour with in the future?
Live: Manbreak

MTVixen: I just wanna say that you guys are the best band that i have EVER seen in concert, you guys did great at Montage, Scranton, Pa. A question - HOw long does it usually take to write a song?
Live: Minutes, hours, or days. it really depends on how much you put into it

MTVixen: CcwMagic asks: whats your fav. food?
Patrick: italian subs

MTVixen: NarfZort5 asks: I was curious, what is track 14 on "Throwing Copper" called, and why isn't it named on back of the Album?
Live: It was supposed to surprise the listener, we call it "She rode a horse into my head" but we're open to new titles

MTVog: Nodoub453 wants to know: HOW DID YOU GET THE NAME LIVE?
Live: It came to us in a collective dream, no, really, we drew it from the proverbial hat...

MTVog: Aerobulle asks: do you guys enjoy going online?
Live: yeah, we are all into it

MTVixen: Mazarella asks: What exactly is a gas hed?
Live: It is a head, a physical head, that has been expanded in a cosmic, yogic, whirlwind of free love to the point of having to be "lanced" by the big doctor in the sky.... what does it mean to YOU?

MTVog: Referring to a question earlier, when Ed and Patrick were asked what they would dip their bandmates in, Silve482 asks: What is Lakini's Juice?
Live: that's not fair... that is a trick question, isn't it?

MTVixen: BlueJoy6 asks: did you see the beavis and butthead where they made fun of you and said you were checkin them out? what did ya think of that?
Live: I was on my way to the "Discovery channel" and saw it by accident, I wouldn't want anyone to think that we actually watched that show! But no offense to those who have indulged in it.

MTVixen: RubySoho7 asks: you're videos are so beautiful, especially Turn My Head....where did you get the idea for the using Register paintings, and how much input do you have into the videos as a whole?
Live: we went to Jake Scott for his treatment of the song, because we like what he did for Lightning Crashes so much. We really didn't know much about Register before hand, so we had to get educated really quickly. But we loved what he did. We were'nt as involved in that one as we were with the new one with mary lambert

MTVog: SFlana782 wants to know: hows the tour going?
Live: very well, thanks, are you coming to any of the shows?

MTVixen: (This is also for Patrick) Dmv07 asks: : Ed: what is the nail polish color of this week?
Live: that would be a lovely gold sparkle

MTVixen: We have one final question for Live:
MTVog: Jen0008 asks: Where do y'all see yourselves in ten years?
Live: rockin'! having fun, getting old but not too fat

MTVixen: Thanks to Ed and Patrick of Live for joining us here in MTV Chat.
Ed: Peace, thanks for having us,
Patrick: we are out, cheers

Copyright 1997 MTV Networks.