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2001 News Archives


November 4, 2001

The picture page is back up so you can check out some stills from past shows. There are some pics from the Fineline, Rookies, Rascals, and various other places.

If you happened to miss them on the front page I have put up a couple of live recorded songs from our show at Rascals on 10/25. The production isn't the best but we would be very interested in what you think of the songs. Both songs could very possibly end up on the CD so email us and let us know.

Other than that we are getting ready for this Fridays show at Rookies which is going to kick ass, so bring your friends and we'll drink and party until the sun comes up, or actually, until they kick us all out!


October 22, 2001

We'd like to thank Lazer 101.7 and Apollo Liquor for giving us the opportunity to play the Oktoberfest this year. It was a lot of fun and we received a great response from every one. Not to mention all the excellent brew.....yummy.

A couple big shows this week. Oct. 25th will be our first time in Winona at Rascals and we're looking very forward to that. Oct. 26th we will be Opening at Rookies for Loft. This will be their final performance and we are honored to share the stage with them that night. Its going to be great.

On October 9th we won a contest at Hooligans in Mankato. The semi finals are going to be held sometime in November we will keep you posted as to the time and date. No one knows for sure what the grand prize will be but there is guaranteed to be some great bands playing.


September 21, 2001

As you can see I'm trying to give the website a face lift. The "pics" section will be down temporarily I'm going to be putting more current and better quality pictures up. Probably will no longer have thumbnail pics. Also I'm going to turn the "Misc" section into the "Press" page. That's with the hopes that we will be getting some press. Here you'll be able to find articles from newspapers and stuff like that. If any of you have any suggestions for me feel free to email us and let me know. I'm just an amateur at this.

We are very excited about the shows we have coming up. The Fineline and the Oktoberfest shows are coming up quick and we hope to see you all there. We're also looking forward to getting back to Rochester Community college on Nov. 7th where we'll be doing a 2 hour acoustic show (much like the one we did there a couple years ago) the first one was a lot of fun ad I'm sure this will be too.

We're in between studio time right now and just trying to figure out what the best direction for us to go will be as far as where and when we will proceed the recording. We have a lot of new stuff that we want to share with you....soon....soon my friends.


September 3, 2001

Not too much in the ol' news category, We've been playing out a lot and have been busy booking shows. Check the upcoming shows for where and when. Thanks for all the continued support! It's really been great the last couple of months.

As for the CD we are s l o w l y in the process but we'll let you know more as completion gets closer.


July 12, 2001

Well its been awhile but we've been busy. Work on our second CD is going to be started at the end of July. We are all looking forward to getting started.

Be prepared to see a lot us of in the near future. No more 1 show every 3 months , I promise


May 23, 2001

Well as most of you all know the name change is official!. The Descending Peasants name has been put in the history books and we are now RELEVANCE. Last night at Rookies we played for the first time under the new name and if it was a foreshadow of the future than we are very excited. Most of the crowd was there to see Aunt Flossie but we got a wonderful response after each song. the crowd was great and the whole night was terrific.


May 16, 2001

Last night while Matt was gracing the audience with his ravishing Karaoke skills at the local karaoke bar a woman approached him saying that she wanted to introduce him to someone. To make a long story short he was introduced to the bass player of Firehouse. he chatted with him for awhile and the bass player asked for our CD! A great rock'n'roll encounter.

On Tuesday may 22nd we will be opening for the national act Aunt Flossie at Rookies again. They have a song on the radio that is climbing the charts right now. (the songs name escapes me)


May 14, 2001

Well the show at rookies went well, we would like to thank Loft for letting us open for them. We had a lot of fun

The show at the 400 bar in Minneapolis was cancelled do to booking problems but we hope to play there again in the near future. Sorry for any confusion.

We are thinking about changing our names and would like to get your opinions. Feel free to email us and tell us if you like the name or not. Also feel free to leave suggestions.


April 16, 2001

Well it's been awhile since our last performance but things are turning around. We will be playing at the 400 club in Minneapolis on May 2nd and at Rookies in Rochester on May 11th. On May 11th we will be opening for Loft. They have been nice enough to let us steal the stage from them for 45 minutes or so. we can't tell you how much we appreciate this, So after we are done make sure and stick around for them because they are an amazing band and you're guaranteed to have a great time!

we are also in the middle working out a few other shows which include events involving Mike Thompson of Last Minute Records, The Viking Lounge, and a few other things so keep an eye out for us this summer because we'll be playing a lot! WE'RE BACK BABY!


March 5, 2001

As you probably have already noticed I've changed the site a little, added a few colors here and there, nothing special

Special Place is back up for those of you who missed it the first time around.

There is a new section on the main page called misc, this section will be for all the stuff that I don't know where to put. Currently you will be able to find a link to the review of the battle of the bands in Mankato where we took 2nd place.

As for the band, rehearsals have been awesome and we will be playing as soon as we're done with spring break!


February 21, 2001

The opinionated ones poll has changed. Assumptions was the winner of the four songs with Milestone close behind. Anthony's heart felt composition "chili" came in at a proud third.

Our former bass player, Matt Stobaugh, has has launched his own website called Excursions on Wobbly Rail. It's kind of a freelance point of view on the entertainment industry and other things. There's some funny stuff on there. Check it out.

I've also added the Peasants Unite page so check it out and help the cause!


February 15, 2001

Its For Sure! Adam Wiscow is the newest member of the Descending Peasants. He has been playing around Minnesota for the last 4 years in various bands and his experience is well proven by his talent. We should be ready to play live by mid March if not sooner.

"Special Place", a track off the upcoming disc, is now up on the main page of the site. It is a rough mix of the one that will end up on the next CD and will only be up for a little while so get a taste while you can!

I have also added an Audio link on the main page which will take you to our page where you can get all of Fliptop Grany Jar. I have also added more notes to the concert chronology, its almost up to date.


February 10, 2001

We've been working with a new bass player! We are pretty confident that he will be the newest installment to the band but until we know for sure we aren't going to say much more.

I've added more notes to the concert chronology, I think I only have four more shows to go and it should be up to date.


January 31, 2001

I've Added some notes to a few of the shows in the concert chronology. I will add more as I come out of my drunken haze and regain the ability to remember things

I have also uploaded "Milestone" to, which is another place where unsigned bands can put their music to be viewed by countless other unsigned bands. Apparently Milestone will collect votes and if it gets enough then we get to appear on Farmclub which airs on Fridays on the USA network. So uhh whatever.


January 30, 2001

The Studio time went very well. We were able to get 4 tracks done. it was a good time had by all. we plan on going back in a couple of months to add to the CD.

Some of you may have heard rumors that Chris Johnson has decided to leave the band... well its true. Chris's decision came earlier this month and he is now going to pursue other things, among them, a new band that he is involved in and I have heard is very good. He will still do our artwork for the CD's and remains a close friend of the remaining members. We wish him the best of luck....

As far as any up coming live performances we are currently searching for a new bass player. And we are toying with the idea of adding a keyboardist to the group.


January 19, 2001

I've thrown some pictures up, but the thumbnails don't quite line up with the actual pic for all of them I'll fix that later


January 18, 2001

Well this is it. The beginning of a new website. It comes at a crossroads in our 2 years as a band and it signifies a time for re-organization and change. We are very positive about the options and hopes for the next couple years and we can't do anything without your support. so thanks for it thus far and here's to the future.

we head off to the studio on the 19th to start working on the next CD. we plan on taking enough time to put down at least 10 new tracks. Abe Burson will be heading up the project. He engineered Fliptop Granny Jar (Our First CD) and has been kind enough to ask us to come back for the next one.

Milestone is now up on