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undefined Tammy's Garden Terrace

Baby Quilts,Cats,Gardening Thanks for stopping by! My name is Tammy. Here you will find some of my hobbies and my love for cats. I got into is making graphics with Paint Shop Pro a couple of years ago. Bought myself PSP 7 and then joined a online class at Country Clubhouse that teaches you how to make country graphics. Each week you would have one lesson to do. I cannot believe how much I have learned! You could say that I am totally hooked on PSP now! Most of the graphics on my site I did myself.

Graphics Created with Paint Shop Pro 7

Right now I am into making primitive crafts on ebay. Click on the ebay button to see if I am currently selling any.

My items on eBay

And also take a look at some of the quilts that I have made for my family

Pictures of My Quilts!

Quilt Links

Beaver Creek Fabrics

QuiltAway Fabrics

Big Horn Quilts

Equilter Fabrics

Cotton Wood Quilts

This is one of my favorite quilt sites on the Internet! Quilter's Cache

Its a must see site for all new quilters! Free patterns, easy step-by-step instructions. And so much quilting info! New patterns are added frequently

Song playing is "Norwegian Wood" by the Beatles

I love gardening. I can hardly wait to get out in my garden in the spring. Each year I try to add new perennials to my garden. It's interesting to see which ones work and don't work. So sometimes I end up moving plants around, just to get the right effect. We have lots of big oak trees, so I have tons of shade. I have a huge collection of Hosta plants. They are my favorite. And then I plant impatiens in between the hosta's for lots of color.

Stop in and take a look at my Garden Pictures

My husband, Pete and I have been happily married for 25 years now. We have two beautiful daughters, Tara is 23 and has just graduated from college. Becky is 21 and is a Junior in college majoring in Parks and Recreation. Our family of four, has three birthdays in December. Mine is the 12th, my youngest is the 19th and my oldest was born on the 25th, Yes Christmas morning!!! Hubby is the oddball, his birthday is May 10, sometimes it falls on Mother's Day.

I have 3 cats. Socks is black and white, he is a Tuxedo cat. Bebe is our all white cat. She is the Queen of the house. Always first in line to eat. Socks and Bebe are brother and sister. I picked them out at the Humane Society. I have always had a cats when I was growing up. So you could say that I am a big time cat lover.

This is Jupiter who adopted us in June of 2001. He was a stray that came to us very sick with a upper respiratory infection and very skinny. Of course, me a cat lover had to take care of him. I took him to the vet and got him well again. And had him neutered. He lived outside that summer and when it started to get cold out in October, I just had to bring him in the house to live with my 2 other kitties. He is a very loving cat. As soon as you sit down, he jumps up in your lap and his motor starts running.

Please stop in take a look at Cecily's Cat Quilts! These are handmade quilts just for your cat!

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