One Wild Night NC-17

Randi was just about to come off her shift at the hotel, when two touring buses pulled onto the parking lot. She flopped down on her stool and looked over the books again. “Damn it!” she said to no one in general, “We’ve only got one room left! Where the hell am I going to put two bus loads of people?”

A small group of men walked into the hotel lobby and Randi looked them over. A short bald man was heading straight for her. The rest of the group hung back, though they were the ones who caught Randi’s attention. She could have sworn one of them was Rick Savage from Def Leppard. Then she saw a man with one arm and realized it was Rick Allen. She gave an excited moan, saying, “Aw, shit, this would have to happen when we’re booked up!”

The short man walked up and said, “We need some rooms, luv.”

“I’m sorry, we’ve only got one available,” she said regretfully.

“Damn, it figures!” The man said with a huff. “What the hell am I going to do now? I’ve got nine people who need a place to sleep!”

“I know this is a bad time to ask this, sir, but are those guys in Def Leppard?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’ve got the whole band here and it’s snowing too bad for the driver’s to keep the buses on the road!” he exclaimed in frustration. “The heaters on the buses don’t work well enough for us to sleep on the bus, or we’d just do that!”

Sav and Rick walked up and said, “What’s going on, Malvin?”

“They’ve only got one room for the night!” he said crossly. “Now what the hell do we do?”

Randi looked up at Sav, mesmerized, and said without thinking, “The band can stay at my place.”

“What’s that? Oh, I don’t think so!” Malvin said. “There’s no way that would work!”

“Eh, why not Malvin?” Rick asked, looking Randi over appreciatively. “Sounds like fun.”

“Do you think you’d have enough room for all of them?” Malvin asked wearily.

“Yeah, my place is a studio apartment with two double beds and two couches. One of them folds out,” she offered helpfully. “There’s just me, my roommate and, oh, my sister is staying with us. I’m sure we can make room and sleep on the floor if nothing else.”

Joe walked up and Sav filled him in on what was going on. “Hey, if she’s willing to put up with this motley crew, why not,” Joe said, though his eyes looked Randi over hungrily. He obviously wasn’t just thinking how helpful she was being. Steve and Phil walked in and were told the situation. “So,” Phil asked, “where’s this warm paradise of the beautiful lady’s?”

Six pairs of eyes turned towards Randi. She looked up and said, “Oh, it’s about three blocks from here.”

“How long til you get off work, gorgeous?” Sav asked in a seductively low voice.

“Um, well, about fifteen minutes. Have you guys eaten yet? There’s a pretty good restaurant right next door, but it’s mostly the ‘southern style’ food.”

“Hey, I could eat a bear right now! Point the way and we’ll wait for you there, okay pretty lady?” Steve said with a smile.

“Just go right out the door and head to the right of the building. Like I said, it’s right next door,” she said with a smile.

As soon as they left, Randi picked up the phone and called her roommate Bailey. “Bailey, I need you to go to the liquor store for me!” she said urgently.

“Sure, what’d you need?” Bailey asked.

“Um, a fifth of Vodka, one of Scotch and one of whiskey,” Randi answered. “Oh, and a case of Guiness.”

“What the hell? Are you having a party and I’m not invited?” Bailey asked in a hurt voice.

“No, I’m bringing company home. Please, Bailey, you’ll see when I get there, okay?”

“Alright, I’m gone. It closes in a few minutes, so I gotta run,” Bailey answered and hung up the phone.

The next fifteen minutes took forever, it seemed. As soon as eight o’clock hit, she ran for the time clock and out the door. She found the band sitting at a back corner table and Sav pulled up a chair for her next to him as she walked up. She sat down next to him with a smile.

“So, who all’s gonna be at your place tonight?” Phil asked.

“My roommate and my younger sister,” Randi answered.

“How old is your sister,” Rick asked with a worried frown.

“Four years younger than me,” Randi said with a smile. She could tell what Rick was thinking and decided to prolong his agony.

“And, my lovely young lady, how old are you?” Joe asked with fire in his eyes.

“Twenty three,” she replied and watched a look of relief cross Rick’s face.

“How old’s your roomie?” Steve asked.

“Twenty four,” she said with a smile.

“Oh, goody, we’re all adult here then,” Phil said with a heated smile.

“Yep!” Randi said quickly. The band finished their food and Randi grabbed a quick sandwich, then they headed out for her place. On the walk to her apartment, Sav and Joe each put an arm around her to her surprise. She smiled up at each of them warmly as the others watched jealously. When they reached the building, she untangled herself from the two of them and opened the door. Her place was on the top floor of a small warehouse and it was completely open inside. As they came up the stairs, Randi saw Bailey and her sister Cecilia sitting in the living room area, waiting on her. As soon as they saw the men following her, both their jaws dropped open.

“Guys, I’d like you to meet Bailey and Cecilia! I would guess you girls know who these guys are,” she laughed. Looking around the apartment, the guys saw several large Def Leppard posters on the walls. Sav walked over to one and said, “Oh, you like these guys, huh?”

“You could say that,” Bailey said breathlessly. Her eyes kept traveling back and forth between Phil and Steve. She was sitting in the middle of one couch and Steve sat down beside her, saying, “My, Randi didn’t tell us how pretty you are!”

“Oh, thank you,” she stammered. Phil came over and sat on the other side of her, lounging back against the couch. Bailey looked up into Steve’s eyes and couldn’t look away. Before she realized what she was doing, Bailey reached up and put her hand on the back of Steve’s neck, pulling him down to her lips. Her lips ran over his gently and she felt his tongue begin to probe up against her lips. She let them part and felt his tongue began a slow exploration of his mouth.

Randi looked over and stared at Bailey in shock. Normally, Bailey was rather reserved when she *first* met a guy, so Randi was understandably surprised.

Rick walked over and started talking to Cecilia as she sat in the chair. He sat down at the end of the opposite couch, closest to her, and they stared at each other for a moment before Cecilia decided to move over next to him. Randi watched them for just a moment before she saw Rick lean over and kiss her softly. Randi was spellbound, watching the two couples. As she looked at Bailey and Steve, she saw Phil’s hand creeping up Bailey’s back. Bailey leaned back into Phil’s arms and he nibbled gently at her neck as Steve moved back to her and captured her lips again. Rick and Cecilia were looking quite comfortable kissing on the opposite couch.

Joe and Sav wandered around the apartment, trying to ignore the scene on the two couches. They both found what was going on incredibly erotic. They both looked at Randi and saw her staring at the couches, practically holding her breath to conceal her own raging inner fires. She looked over at Joe and Sav and saw the hungry look in both their eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. But it wasn’t working.

Sav walked over behind Randi just as Steve’s hand wandered under Bailey’s shirt. As Bailey laid back against Phil’s warm body, Steve lifted her shirt over her head and unfastened her bra. He slipped the bra off her shoulders, leaving her bare to the waist. She could feel Phil all along her back as Steve’s mouth moved down to capture her nipple, bring a moan from her throat. Phil’s hands wandered over her as Steve continued to kiss her breast gently and she turned slightly, giving Phil access to her mouth.

Sav put a tender arm over Randi’s shoulder and stood there with her, watching the others. He leaned down and whispered huskily into her ear, “Looks like they’re all having fun, doesn’t it, luv?”

Randi turned slowly and found herself in Sav’s arms. Her blood was racing after watching her roommate with Phil and Steve, but when she looked up at Sav, she forgot them completely. Sav’s mouth came down fiercely against hers and she met him with an equal passion. Her hands wandered over his strong back and dug into his flesh. Within seconds, she was unbuttoning his shirt and almost tearing it off his shoulders. His bare skin was so hot that Randi felt as if it might burn her.

Rick pulled Cecilia over onto him and let his hand move slowly over her back. She wrapped her fingers through Rick’s curly hair and pulled him closer to her. She sat back away from Rick and pulled her shirt off quickly before joining back with him. Their bodies moved together as he held onto her. She ground her body against him and felt his hardness beneath her. Her legs slid to either side of him and she ground her crotch against him, moaning softly as she did.

On the opposite side of the room, Bailey stood up in front of Steve and Phil and let them peel her jeans off her. Then she started to undress Steve as Phil continued to caress her back and ass. When she’d gotten Steve’s shirt off, she turned and removed Phil’s as well. Phil’s hand wandered between her thighs and began to gently massage her pussy. She was on her knees on the couch as she pulled Phil’s shirt off and she felt Steve kneel behind her, his body firmly against her back. She could feel his rock hard cock against her ass as he ground against her.

Cecilia moved away from Rick and tugged at his jeans, opening them quickly and exposing Rick’s throbbing prick to her eyes. She fell on it hungrily, licking slowly at the tip and swirling her tongue over him, bringing a moan from deep in his throat. She nipped gently at the head before taking him fully into her mouth. Rick’s hand went through her hair and held her mouth on him, whispering her name coarsely.

Randi looked away from Sav for a moment and saw her sister going down over Rick’s hard cock. She gasped for a second, then saw Bailey’s naked form writhing passionately between Steve and Phil. As she turned back to Sav, she saw Joe sitting alone on a stool in the kitchen area, a glass in his hand. Then Sav pulled her roughly back to him, grabbing her ass to emphasize that he wanted her attention. She whispered, “Joe’s lonely.”

“Well, think you can help him out?” Sav said with an evil grin.

“Hmm,” she moaned against his throat. “Maybe I can do something about it in a moment.”

He nipped at her ear and said, “Go ahead, make him feel welcome here too.” He let her move slowly away from him and she walked over to Joe. She took the glass from his hand and kissed him passionately without saying a word. She could feel as Sav moved up behind her and ran his hands over her hips. Joe pulled back and looked down at her gently saying, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“God, yes, Joe. Please?” she whispered. He pulled her away from Sav for a moment and picked her up, carrying her to her bed which was still in plain view of the others. As he laid her down, she tugged at Joe’s shirt, wanting to feel the warmth of his skin against her. Joe laid down on one side of her, while Sav laid down on the other. Between the two of them, Randi felt as though she had landed in heaven.

Rick pulled Cecilia off his cock and finished undressing her carefully with her help. As she stood naked by him, she pulled him to his feet and took his shirt off slowly. Then she turned to his jeans and slowly peeled them off his legs. He grabbed her and softly laid her back down on the couch, ignoring the moans coming from the other couch.

Bailey had managed to get Steve and Phil out of their jeans and was laying down on the couch between them. Phil moved between Bailey’s legs and parted them easily, kissing softly up her thighs until his lips touched gently against the outer folds of her pussy. His tongue gently parted her lips as Steve moved close to Bailey’s head. She tugged gently at his hips, bringing his straining cock to her mouth. She took him into her mouth just as Phil’s tongue hit lightly over her clit, sending shockwaves through Bailey’s body.

Sav and Joe undressed Randi with care, as though they were unwrapping a special present and wanted it to last. Then she helped them to get their clothing off and lay between them, feeling the heat emanating from their bodies. Her fingers wrapped through their hair as they both turned their attentions to her full breast. She could feel Joe’s tongue gently lapping at her nipple, while Sav was a bit rougher, nipping lightly at her tender flesh.

Rick lay on Cecilia’s body, sucking gently at her nipple as he positioned himself at the opening of her body. He entered her carefully, knowing that he was larger than average and it could be a bit painful. As he moved into her, he heard her moan in throaty pleasure, enjoying every bit of Rick’s cock as he moved in and out of her.

Bailey sucked at Steve’s prick as Phil sucked harder at her clit. Her hips began to buck against him as she felt an orgasm overcome her body. She pulled off of Steve and thrashed her head back and forth, moaning their names as the waves of pleasure overtook her.

Sav’s hand moved to Randi’s pussy, rubbing gently at her hidden nub as Joe kneaded gently at her breasts. Hearing Bailey’s orgasmic moans pushed Sav to his limit and he parted Randi’s thigh and pushed himself into her roughly. Joe’s mouth had recaptured hers and she whimpered against his lips as Sav penetrated her. Joe’s hand ran through her hair as he whispered, “Are you okay, baby?”

Sav stopped and said, “I’m sorry, this is just driving me crazy.”

“I’m okay. You just caught me off guard,” she said softly.

“I’ll try to take it easy,” he whispered softly. He stroked slowly into her body, letting her enjoy the feeling of his body inside hers. Joe kissed her softly, his chest resting lightly over hers. One of her hands went up to Sav’s hair, her fingers winding through his curls as they trailed over her chest. Her other hand was tangle through the back of Joe’s hair, holding his lips close to hers. Joe’s hand traveled lightly over her torso as Sav thrust gently into her. Sav rolled her over so she was on top of him, letting her to take control of their passion.

Phil couldn’t wait any longer and got up between Bailey’s thighs, pushing himself into her waiting body easily. His long thrusts brought another moan from Bailey, who was still coming down from her first orgasm. She turned her attentions back to Steve’s waiting cock, sucking at it lovingly. Phil looked down at the girl beneath him and said, “Jesus, woman, you feel wonderful!”

Steve looked at his friend and said, “Oh, no, you’ve got to feel this mouth!” His hand ran through Bailey’s hair as he pushed carefully into the back of her throat. “Heaven is a mouth that feels this good!”

All heads turned as Rick began to scream out Cecilia’s name as he climaxed. The girl beneath him was throwing herself from side to side as she reached her on peak. The others all stopped and watched as the pair climaxed together, then Rick collapsed down onto Cecilia’s body and they lay just snuggling together.

Sav couldn’t take that again. He picked Randi up away from Joe’s caressing hands and rolled her back over onto her back. With a few hard strokes, he gasped her name as he came to his own fulfillment. He bent to her mouth and kissed her passionately, then whispered, “I’m sorry.”

Randi was breathless as she whispered, “Don’t be. You were wonderful!”

Steve’s back arched as he felt himself cumming. He held Bailey’s lips around his cock gently, so she could pull away if she wanted to, but she never stopped sucking and licking him until he was completely spent. Then Phil began to move much more roughly, thrusting into her with deep hard strokes. Bailey went over the edge again, murmuring Phil’s name. He bent to her body and kissed her deeply as he slammed into her with one final stroke. The three of them lay kissing and cuddling together as they all came down from their bodies’ ultimate sensation.

Sav rolled off Randi and kissed her deeply, whispering, “Thank you.”

“Hmm, thank you too,” she whispered back. Joe looked down at her and made a quick decision. “Where’s your bathroom?”

“Um, it’s right over there,” Randi said, pointing the way. Before she could ask anything else, Joe pulled her up off the bed and led her to the bathroom by the hand. It was the only place in the apartment sectioned off by real walls, and as Randi walked in, Joe pinned her against the wall, kissing her passionately. “Jesus, you’re fucking beautiful!” Joe gasped.

“No, you’re the beautiful one here, Joe,” Randi whispered. “And you’ve been so sweet tonight.”

“Yeah, well, you’ve probably guess this kind of stuff has happened before and it usually ends up pretty much like tonight,” Joe murmured as he sighed against her lips. “But I have to say I’ve never enjoyed watching Sav fuck someone as much as watching him fuck you! I get the feeling you don’t normally do this kind of thing.”

“You’re right,” she said softly as he nuzzled into her neck. Dear God, his mouth was wonderful, so soft and warm as he nibbled gently at her throat. His skin was so warm to her wandering hands!

“I’m sorry you got dragged into our world tonight,” Joe whispered into her ear.

She pushed him back and looked into his beautiful blue eyes as she said, “Don’t apologize! I’ve enjoyed every second. I didn’t know it could be like this!”

Fire blazed in his eyes as he realized she’d enjoyed being with him and Sav, and he whispered, “Maybe later we can show you just how good it can really feel to be with two men, but for right now, you’re all mine!”

“God, yes!” she whispered as his lips seized hers again. She writhed fervently against his body, feeling his weight pinning her to the wall. His hands wandered down and grabbed her ass, grinding his hard cock into the soft flesh of her belly. Without another word, he turned their bodies and laid her down on a small rug on the floor. Within seconds, he pushed gently into her body, ever aware of the need for her to feel his pleasure in her body. She gasped at the size of him and he looked down at her tenderly, saying, “Are you okay?”

She pulled his lips to hers as she whispered, “I’ve never been better in my life! Oh, God, fuck me, Joe!”

“Your wish is my command,” he murmured as he poured his soul into her body. He moved slowly, with long deep thrusts that took Randi’s breath away. His head bent to her breast, imprisoning her nipple between his lips as he rocked into her body. Her hips rose of the floor to meet his driving body, grinding against him as she felt her orgasm approach. When he realized how close she was, Joe brought his lips down to hers, tasting her passion as she climaxed. Then he felt himself coming close to the edge and pulled back from her, grabbing her hips as he pounded into her body. He came with a body wracking shudder that Randi could feel all through her body and, once he was spent, rolled off her onto the cold tile of the floor. He pulled Randi into his arms and they lay there, trying to catch their breath as they listen to the others move around the apartment outside.

Eventually, Joe pulled her to her feet and said, “Lets hop in the shower, okay, luv?”

“Sure!” she said softly. Joe turned on the warm spray and stepped under it, pulling Randi in with him. He grabbed the soap and gently lathered Randi’s whole body up, then helped her to rinse off. She wet her hair down and Joe grabbed the shampoo, rubbing it carefully into her hair with his strong fingers. As she turned her back into the shower spray, Joe’s hands wandered over her breast, teasing her nipples with sure hands. As she opened her eyes, Joe’s lips descended on hers, his tongue teasing hers. She pulled back and grabbed the soap, running it over Joe’s body with long soothing strokes. Joe whispered throatily, “Oh, baby, you’ve got wonderful hands.”

“Why, thank you, sir!” Randi laughed. She rinsed Joe and helped him get his hair wet, then put shampoo in it with gentle fingers. As her fingers moved surely through his hair, his hands caressed her body softly. She rinsed his hair, then felt as he picked her up and leaned her back against the wall. With one swift motion, he was buried inside her as her legs wrapped around him. He smiled down her and said apologetically, “Sorry, luv, I just had to have you again.”

As she pulled his lips to hers, she whispered, “My thoughts exactly. Oh, God, Joe! Fuck me, Joe, PLEASE!”

“God, you’re so fucking hot, baby!” he whispered as he pushed back into her roughly. Their bodies moved together, going off each other’s heat and building quickly to another mind blowing orgasm. Joe was reluctant to let go of her, holding her body to his as one as they came down from their passionate ride. He let her legs slide off his hips, then held her tenderly under the spray of the shower until the water began to cool.

They wrapped themselves in towels and headed out with the others. The guys had all slipped back into their jeans, while Bailey and Cecilia had both put on long t-shirts. Randi went over to her bedroom area and dug out a t-shirt and sweats, while Joe got back into his jeans. He put an arm around her as they each grabbed a glass of Scotch and sat on one couch next to Sav. Sav leaned over and purred into her ear, “Enjoy yourself with Joe, luv?”

“Mmm, very much, thank you!” she said quietly as she kissed him quickly. He moved closer to her and his hand came to rest on her thigh as they sat and talked. Joe’s arm still rested across her shoulders. Rick sat in the chair with Cecilia on his lap. Each of them had a bottle of Guiness in their hand. On the opposite couch, Phil, Steve and Bailey passed a bottle of Vodka between them and the guys watched amazed as Bailey tipped her head back and took a long swallow. Phil gave a low whistle as Steve said, “I’ve never seen a bird do THAT before!”

Randi chuckled and said in a quiet voice, “He’s just never seen Bailey before!”

“Oh,” Sav laughed, “She does that a lot?”

“Um, Bailey can hold her own with just about anybody when it comes to booze. She drinks me under the table all the time! She claims her father was a big drinker who named her for Bailey’s Irish Cream!” Randi laughed. “For God’s sake, though, don’t get her started playing quarters!”

“What’s that?” Joe asked.

“A drinking game that she’s champion of,” Randi laughed. “She usually gets me shitfaced within forty five minutes.”

“Drinking game, eh?” Phil laughed as he overheard Randi. “Sounds like fun! Anybody up for it?”

Steve, Bailey, Phil, Rick and Cecilia gathered in a circle on the kitchen floor and set a shot glass in the middle. Bailey explained the rules, since not even Cecilia had played before. She showed them how to bounce a quarter in the glass and made it on the first try. Since that was a demonstration, she passed the quarter to Steve and he shot, missing by a mile. Phil laughed and said, “Mate, I can get closer than that!”

He bounced the quarter and watched it sail into Bailey’s lap. She laughed and said, “Okay, Cecilia, your turn!”

Cecilia bounced it and it landed squarely in the glass. “Last time that’ll happen,” she muttered. She handed the bottle to Rick and said, “Drink up, cutie!”

Rick took a drink and set the bottle down. Then he took his turn and missed as well.

Meanwhile, Sav, Joe and Randi sat talking on the couch. “So,” Joe asked, “her hidden talent is quarters? What’s yours?”

“I play a mean game of strip poker!” she laughed. Joe nuzzled at her neck and said, “Hmm, sounds interesting! Wanna play?”

Sav leaned around Randi and said, “Sure, why not?”

Randi untangled herself from their long limbs and grabbed a deck of cards from the desk. She looked at the kitchen table, but the others were all pretty crammed into that area. “How bout the bed?” Sav asked.

“Sure,” Randi said with a smile. “Um, you might want to put some more clothes on, though. Wouldn’t want to beat the pants off you in the first round!” Both men slipped back into their shirts and put on their socks for extra insurance. They got comfortable on the bed and Randi dealt out the first hand as Bailey was on her third toss in a row. She’d already gotten each of the Terror Twins. As the quarter sank into the cup, she turned to Cecilia and said, “Bottoms up, baby!”

Cecilia took a slow swig from the bottle and Rick laughed at her as she made a face. “Not much of a drinker, baby?”

“Not this stuff! I usually just drink the Giuness!” she laughed.

On the bed, Randi laid down three threes and listened as Sav groaned, “Ah, fuck, that’s my second sock already!”

“Oh, just wait, I fully intend to take your shirt, your jeans and your underwear too!” Randi laughed.

He looked up at her with smoldering eyes and said, “Only if you think you can take what’s in those underwear as well, luv.”

She met his eyes with equal heat and said, “I don’t think that will be a problem. Joe’s already said the two of you can show me an even better time later!”

“Just give me a chance to rest, woman!” Joe laughed.

“Guess how long depends on how it takes me to get you back out of those pants,” she said with a throaty laugh.

Back in the kitchen, it had come back to Bailey’s turn for the third time. Her first shot landed right in the glass and she passed the bottle back over to Cecilia, who’d turned into everybody favorite target. She was already completely buzzed and Bailey started to wonder if she was going to pass out. Then, her next shot, Bailey actually missed. She stared at the glass in wonder, saying, “I haven’t missed in a long time!”

She chanced it, figuring she’d get her touch back the next shot. She didn’t and was forced to take a drink herself to the now drunken laughter of the rest of the group.

Randi laid on the bed, collecting Joe’s second sock and Sav’s shirt while she was still fully dressed. She slipped Sav’s shirt on over her t-shirt and pronounced it a perfect fit. Sav dealt the cards again and smiled at his hand. Maybe he’d at least get his shirt back this time, even if he wasn’t allowed to put it back on! House rules and all. Joe laughed as he saw his cards, while Randi grimaced at hers. “Damn, give me three cards,” she said quickly. Sav gave her three and moved on to Joe, who only took one.

“What’ve you got, Sav?” Joe smiled. Sav laid down two pair, sixes and eights. Joe’s two pair were tens and sevens and both their eyes turned to Randi. She laughed and said, “I don’t usually have such good luck on the draw!” Then she laid down three fives and Sav groaned. “Ah, shit, I’m low again!” He peeled off his jeans and threw them at her head. “You sure you don’t have cards up your sleeve?”

“It’s your sleeve, Sav,” She laughed.

“Oh, right,” he mumbled as Joe laughed. Sav sat out one hand and went to get them all drinks. He handed Randi and Joe each another glass of Scotch before sitting down with his own whiskey. Then he laughed. “Those five are really ripped in there. Bailey’s the closest to somber and Cecilia looks like she’s either gonna puke or pass out!” Then they saw Phil and Steve carrying Cecilia over to the couch, while Bailey opened it out into a bed. They plopped her limp body down and covered her over with a blanket, while Rick stared daggers at Bailey. He said, just loud enough for everyone to hear, “Why’d you have to pick on her, Bailey? She’s nice!”

“Well, I’m total evil when it comes to men. Maybe I just wanted all of you to myself, but I know there’s no way Randi’s gonna let go of either of those two,” she said, jerking her thumb towards Sav and Joe. Then she stopped right in front of Rick and kissed him deeply. “If two guys is great, three’s got to be better!”

“Shit, Bailey must really be out of it,” Randi groaned. “She’s told me about doing two guys before, but I didn’t really think she’d get that into it!”

“Hope she’s not counting on any of them passing out, cuz they can all hold their alcohol really well. Especially in bed!” Sav said quietly.

Steve, Phil and Rick all surrounded Bailey and her shirt came off very quickly. Randi could no longer see Bailey because of all the men surrounding her. Bailey’s hand rubbed over Rick and Steve’s cocks and her eyes opened wider when she felt the size of Rick. “My, Cecilia got one hell of a surprise tonight, didn’t she?” she said as she smiled up at Rick. Phil skinned her panties down as he stood behind her and licked all the way from Bailey’s ass to her shoulder as he stood up. Then Steve leaned down and picked Bailey up, carrying her over to her bed on the other side of the room. As soon as he laid her down, all three men were on top of her, covering her with their mouths.

Sav, Joe and Randi watched the four of them in erotic shock.

Steve parted Bailey’s thighs and his long fingers worked magic on her pussy just like it was a guitar. Rick continued kissing her as Phil worked over her breast, his soft mouth bring almost as many moans as Steve’s magic fingers.

“Jesus,” Sav murmured, “she’s really gonna take on all three of them, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, guess so,” Randi said, trying to swallow away her own rising fire as she watched the erotic scene unfold.

Rick and Phil switched places as Steve’s tongue parted the outer folds of Bailey’s pussy. Her hand wrapped around the back of Steve’s head, grinding her pussy down onto him. Her other hand wandered out and fumbled with the zipper on Phil’s jeans. Phil pulled away from her and took them off quickly and Bailey’s hand clasp him almost immediately. Rick pulled his jeans off and placed his prick next to Bailey’s mouth and his hand guided it easily into Bailey’s waiting lips. His hips thrust slowly into her warm mouth as her hand ran up and down the length of Phil’s cock. They could both feel her muscles tighten as Steve’s wonderful tongue raced over her clit as quickly as his fingers on a fret board. She gripped Phil tightly and took Rick almost completely into her throat as her body convulsed in a powerful orgasm.

“God, she’s coming already!” Joe gasped. Randi could see the hard lump in Joe’s jeans and Sav was shifting uncomfortably as well. Randi pressed her thighs together as she dealt another hand of cards out, though no one’s attention was on the game at that moment.

Bailey pulled away from all three of them and focused on Rick. She leaned close to his ear and whispered, “I’ve got to have that big cock of yours inside me, NOW!” Then she pushed Rick down on the bed and straddled him quickly, her pussy splitting open as she sank onto Rick’s large prick. It took her a moment to take all of him. Then she moved slowly up and down, grinding herself onto Rick’s body. She felt hands all over her as Rick, Steve and Phil all caressed her body roughly. Her hand closed on Steve’s cock as Phil moved around behind her and gave her a gentle push down onto Rick’s body, exposing her ass to him. She continued to pump her fist over Steve as she felt Phil pushing the head of his cock against her anus. She’d done this many times before, though Randi didn’t know how often, and she turned her head to Phil. Phil was trying to take it easy as she whispered, “Damn, just give it to me, Phil. Give it to me hard!”

After a moment’s thought, Phil did exactly as she asked and thrust into her ass with all he had. With one movement, he was buried inside her hot ass and she let out a scream. Phil stopped, afraid he’d hurt her, then realized she’d liked it. He pumped into her as hard as he could, while she pulled Steve’s cock into her mouth and sucked at him hard, bringing a moan from his lips.

“Oh, my God, I’ve never seen anyone do that before! How can she take it, I mean, there?” Randi said quietly. Joe laid his cards on the bed. Four eights. Sav revealed his hand, which was two pair.

“Aw, shit,” Randi said quietly, and peeled off Sav’s shirt.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Sav laughed. “That wasn’t yours to start with!”

“Oh, alright,” Randi sighed and took off her own shirt.

“Oh, so confident you’d win, you didn’t even put your socks back on?” Joe asked with a laugh.

“Hey, I’ve gotten Sav down to his undies, haven’t I,” Randi laughed. A moan from the other bed had all three heads turning that way.

“Oh, God, you’re so fucking tight!” Phil nearly screamed. He thrust into her and Rick moaned, “God, I can feel it every time you move! Damnit, fuck her man!”

“Oh, fuck, I’m cumming,” Phil yelled. He slammed into her full force, pushing her down into Rick.

Joe massaged his own stiff cock as his friend poured his seed into Bailey’s body. He wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this!

Phil pulled out of Bailey and slumped down beside her. He looked up at Steve and said, “You’re gonna have to take care of her, mate. I’m shot.”

Steve moved over to the position Phil had just left and entered Bailey easily after Phil’s pounding of her. He thrusts into her just as hard as Phil had, sending her finally over that edge. She yelled incoherently as she climaxed. The contraction of her walls pushed Rick to the brink as Steve continued to pump into her. Rick pulled her mouth to his, his tongue forcing it’s way past her lips as he poured his cum into her. Steve pounded into her furiously as he started to cum himself. He thrust into her hard, one last time and whispered her name, then collapsed onto her back.

“Oh, Jesus,” Sav murmured. He rubbed his aching cock, needing a release soon. Joe dealt another hand of cards out slowly, his eyes still fastened on the group on the other bed. They were sorting themselves out and getting ready to go to sleep. Rick moved over to the fold out bed and pulled Cecilia into his arms with his back to Joe, Sav and Randi. Phil and Steve lay down on either side of Bailey and all three were quickly asleep.

Relief swept over the three on the other bed. None of them would have been able to take much more of the activity on that bed much longer. Randi laid her cards down with a smile, showing a pair of aces. Sav showed three jacks, but Joe only had a pair of threes which cost him his jeans. “Well, somebody loses big time this time,” Randi laughed.

“Nah, you’re still in your pants,” Sav said in a disappointed voice.

“But, my dear boy, there’s nothing under them,” Randi laughed.

“Oh, really?” Joe asked, his cock coming back to attention at the thought.

“Really. Now deal, Sav,” Randi said with a smile.

Randi picked up her cards and looked down at them. He’d dealt her three aces and she had to laugh. “Aw, fuck, Savage, what’d you give her?” Joe asked in dismay.

“How the fuck should I know?” Sav answered.

She smiled at both of them and asked for two cards. Sav shook his head and gave them to her, then gave Joe the three he asked for. “Fuck,” Joe muttered as he took the cards and looked at them.

Sav just shook his head and wondered if he was about to be the one with his ass hanging out. He laid the cards face up, revealing a pair of sevens. Joe looked at his cards, stunned. Then he laid down his own pair of sevens. Randi put down her three aces and looked at the two men. “Get ‘em off, boys!” she laughed.

Sav and Joe skinned off their underwear, leaving them both naked under her stare. She looked from one to the other, not knowing what to do next. Sav put the cards on the nightstand as Joe went and got another drink for each of them. He brought only two glasses back and shared his Scotch with Randi as he handed Sav a Giuness. Sav sat back and watched Joe and Randi as Joe moved closer to her. Sav wasn’t sure if he should interfere with them for the moment. They stood face to face, barely breathing as they looked at each other.

“You promised me something, Joe,” she whispered finally, breaking the spell between them.

Joe laughed and said, “Yeah, I did, didn’t I? Come here,” he said gently. He pulled her lips to his, kissing her tenderly. “Are you sure you want to?” he asked.

“Well,” she whispered, barely audible to even Joe’s ear, “I’d feel awful leaving Sav by himself after the show Bailey put on.”

He smiled down at her, realizing she really wanted to just be with him, but felt obligated to take care of his friend’s needs as well. He looked into her eyes and said, “Okay.”

She skinned off her sweats, showing that she really hadn’t worn anything underneath. The two of them lay down on the bed and Joe pulled her into his arms, kissing her and letting his hands wander over her body. When Sav stayed away from the bed, Randi turned and looked at him. “Come on, luv, we can’t have you left all horny over there.”

Sav climbed onto the bed, not needing to be asked twice. He realized there had been a decision made between the two of them to include him in this and his body wouldn’t let him say no. He lay down behind her and started gently caressing her body and kissing her neck. She could feel both their bodies against hers and knew she’d never get this again. She leaned back into Sav’s arms and pulled Joe closer to her, holding him tightly. She had this one night and didn’t want to waste it.

Her leg went over Joe’s hip and he could feel the warmth of her against his throbbing cock. His hips ground into her almost involuntarily as his lips took possession of hers. She could feel Sav’s body throbbing against her back as his hands traveled over her. Then Joe pulled her on top of him as they kissed. Her hair trailed over his cheek as she whispered in a low voice, “So, are you going to show me how good two men can feel?”

“Hmm, yeah, if Sav will cooperate,” Joe said with a slight smile.

“Hell, yeah,” Sav murmured. Joe moved his hand under Randi and moved his hard cock into position under her. She sank slowly onto him and sighed as her pelvis ground against his. Sav waited as Randi rode over Joe’s body, kissing him and rubbing his chest. Then he caught a look from Joe that let him know he was ready for Sav to start.

Sav moved close to them, kissing Randi’s back as his hair trailed over her. Then he leaned over and asked Randi softly, “Baby, have you ever had a man in your ass before?”

She turned around quickly, terror in her eyes. She’d heard from her friends that it was very painful to take a man that way. “No,” she said in a trembling voice. “It’s gonna hurt!”

“Don’t worry, it might hurt for a minute, but you’ll enjoy it. You’ve just got to trust me and try to relax, okay,” he whispered. Joe’s hand went down between them, fingering at her clit and trying to make her feel as good as he possibly could. Sav dipped his fingers into her natural lubricant and smeared it over her ass and his cock. He placed the head of his prick at her anal opening and waited until he felt start to relax a little. His hips moved gently forward, pressing into her. She felt a shooting pain as the tip of his throbbing cock broke through the muscles of her ass and she let out a cry.

“Oh, God, it hurts! Stop, please!” she begged. Joe pulled her down onto his chest and held her close, kissing her and still working his fingers over her clit. “Shh, baby, it’ll be okay. It’s gonna just hurt for a minute.”

Sav didn’t move forward or backward, just trying to give her body a chance to adjust to what he’d done. He let Joe hold her as he ran his hands over her back, calming her down. “Is it getting better yet, baby?” he asked softly.

“I think so,” she whispered. “It doesn’t hurt as bad now.”

“Okay, I’m going to push in a little further now,” Sav said quietly. He pushed into her as Joe held her. She flinched at first, but by the time his pelvis hit her ass, the pain was fading into memory. She murmured, “Oh, my God.”

“Are you okay?” Sav asked. “Should I stop?”

“God, no, don’t stop. It feels so good now,” she sighed, her voice trembling with passion. Sav moved slowly, withdrawing only to thrust slowly back into her. She’d never felt anything like this before and with the help of Joe’s strong fingers, she was quickly on the brink of an orgasm. The closer she got, the harder her hips slammed back into Sav’s thrusts. Sav and Joe could both feel her body tense as her orgasm claimed her. Her head went from side to side as she gasped both their names. She laid in Joe’s arms as Sav slammed into her, keeping the waves of sensation running through her body. With one last hard thrust, his body betrayed him and his cum pour into her. He lay across her back, holding her for a moment before allowing Joe to turn her over onto her back. Joe moved tenderly into her as Sav took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked at it gently. Randi’s body was building again quickly with Joe’s expert movements. He moved faster and faster, taking her with him as his body moved towards it’s final completion. Her muscles contracted again as she reached another climax, moaning his name as he bent to kiss her again. He ground into her one last time as his body went over the brink into his orgasm. Then he lay kissing her tenderly as Sav’s hand ran over her shoulder. Joe pulled her into his arms and Sav lay against her back as they all drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, they were all awakened by a phone call. It was Malvin, calling to tell them that the roads had cleared enough they would be able to make it to the next gig if they left within the next hour. The guys all threw on their clothes as the girls watched in disappointment. Sav looked up at the posters on the wall and grabbed a marker. He walked around the room and signed all six posters with a flourish. Each of the others did the same, writing various messages on each one. Rick pulled Cecilia into his embrace and kissed her gently, then leaned down to whisper into her ear, “Come with me!”

“Oh, God, I can’t! I’m supposed to go back home to school in a few days,” she said tearfully. “Maybe I’ll see you sometime on the tour though, okay.”

Rick let out a regretful sigh and went over to his bag, pulling out a his backstage pass and handing it to her. “Come see us anytime. This will get you in.”

Phil and Steve stood next to Bailey and Phil said, “You’re going to have to come party with us, sometime.” He handed her his own pass and said, “Just think about it.” Then Steve and Phil each gave her a kiss and walked out the door.

Sav walked back to Randi and said, “Thanks for last night. It was very nice.”

“Yeah, I enjoyed myself. Take care of you!” she said and gave him a quick kiss. Then she turned to Joe, who pulled her into his arms. She kissed him deeply, then looked up into his beautiful green eyes, losing herself in them. He kissed her again and whispered, “I wish you could come with me.”

“Oh, I’ve got two weeks vacation time coming up. Maybe I’ll come see you then,” she said, trying to hide the tears in her voice. He slipped a pass into her hand and kissed her again, not wanting to let go. But finally, he had to turn and walk out the door.

Randi walked over to the closest poster and stared at it. Among the signatures was Joe’s, that read, “Randi, you’re a beautiful person. I hope to see you soon, all my love, Joe Elliott.”