In A New York Minute

He stood staring out the window gazing at the green lawns and the
distant hills shaded a soft bluish gray. The bright golden sunlight
gleaming off the windows. He loved the autumn he liked all the
bright colors, how the sky seemed so very blue. How in the mornings
there was a crisp bite to the air, how it always faded into a
delicious kind of warmth. He sighed and looked away.. it had been
only three days since it happened. And he was getting concerned for
his house guest.

The women had come to Dublin to record their fourth album. From wot
he'd heard of their new material, it could be one of their best. But
now… who knows. The three of them had reacted in differing ways.
Brighid had sat in stunned silence, tears sliding unchecked down her
cheeks. Jess had been shocked, then angry as a wet cat. Ceej had
just sat stony faced. She'd listened to the news on that September
day. Then she got off the couch and walked out the door. Joe had
just let her go without a word, thinking that perhaps she needed

But as the hours ticked away, he became concerned. Sav told him that
he'd poured several shots inside Bree and tucked her into bed. And
he was going to stay in her room with her. He felt that she really
shouldn't be alone. And privately, Joe agreed.

Steve more or less told him the same thing, after her initial
outburst, Jess had broken down and cried. Steve just held her in his
arms, soothing her, just letting her know that she wasn't alone.
Steve had come downstairs to fetch her something warm to drink.
But Ceej was unaccounted for.

Joe started to search the house for her, and when he didn't find
her inside, he started looking outside. He was just slipping on a
jacket, when he noticed the door to the studio slightly ajar.
He walked out and in the darkness, he saw the glowing end of a lit
cigarette. He started to turn on the light, when her voice stopped
"Please don't." it was a bare whisper, the pain and ache clearly

"Ceej? "

"Please Joe? No lights."

He nodded and moved across the room towards the sound of her voice.
He heard a soft rustling, then a sudden flare as she lit her
lighter. He hissed softly, when he saw her face. Her eyes were
haunted and shadowed.
"You heard? The pentagon was hit too." She whispered.

"I heard." He sat down on the piano bench beside her.

"I called my ex. My nephew was there. He's gone. He didn't have a

"Oh god Ceej. I'm so sorry." Joe wrapped his arms around her.
Holding her close. Offering simple human touch and simple human
compassion. And she gratefully accepted what he offered her. Laying
her head against his shoulder.

"He left behind a daughter, and a wife who is due in a matter of
weeks. All Vanna kept saying is "why didn't daddy call me? He
always calls me before my bedtime."

"And Joe, All I can think about is how many other children will be
standing looking out the window waiting for a mommy or a daddy who
wont be coming back. And wondering…. Why?"

"Why would someone do something like this? I mean I could see
hitting the pentagon, but not the twin towers. These were just
people like us, they had families, they had house payments, an over
due library book. Just ordinary folks. Folks who were just going
about their day."

Joe tucked CJ's head under his chin and tried to think of an answer.
But he had none. Because he was asking himself the same question…


He held her for along time, then he suggested something to eat and
perhaps some sleep. Perhaps in the morning, there might be some
answers for her questions. She nodded and let him lead her into the
kitchen. She dutifully ate the soup and sandwich he pressed on her.
She then let him lead her up to her room. He told her that he'd give
her 10 minutes to get herself into bed. He was going to lock up. She
sat down heavily on the bed, and nodded.

Roughly ten minutes later, he tapped on her door and when he didn't
hear an answer, he opened the door quietly. She was still sitting on
the bed, her eyes dark and deep within herself. He sighed and hoped
she wouldn't mind.

He gently undressed her, as if she was a small child. Talking to her
in low soft tones. He left her briefly to get one of his tee shirts,
slipping it over her head. She obediently let him strip her and when
he turned down the sheets, she slid inside. He turned to leave the
room when she finally spoke.

"Joe? Please stay. Hold me? I don't want to be alone. Please?" her
eyes were begging him, they were so huge and vulnerable, he just
couldn't refuse her simple request.

He stripped down to his knickers and slid in beside her, flicking
off the bed stand lamp. Holding her to his chest. He felt her curve
into his body, her head laying on his shoulder. He just held her,
his hands stroking her, comforting her.

That had been three days ago. Bree and Jess were snapping out of the
shock. And sure enough there had been more information released on
the news. But Seej still seemed out of it. He'd been staying with
her at night, by her request.

Sav said that Bree had almost desperately made love with him. It was
a common occurrence, a way to deal with death and destruction, revel
in life. Steve had mentioned that Jess had damn near attacked him..
but Ceej…. She still seemed to be operating on auto-pilot. As he
turned from the window, he heard the sound of running feet, then the
door smashing open. It was Bree.

"Joe, I'm sorry babe, but Ceej demanded that I get you guys and drag
you down to the studio, by force if necessary."

Puzzled, he followed her down into the studio, when he got there, he
found a kind of frantic chaos, and it all seemed centered around one
small hurricane.

"You! I want you at the board, there's no time to lose. We need to
get going and fast if we want this done while it's still fresh."

Ceej told him, the urgency in her voice demanding him to obey. he
blinked, but slid into the sound room.

Jess was sitting behind the drums running through a quick check.
Bree was tuning up her bass, Sav was picking up a sheaf of sheet
music and sorting through it. Steve had his omnipresent fag dangling
out of his mouth, his guitar tuned and ready.

Ceej herself was sitting in front of the piano, going thru a few
warm up exercises. Sav handed out the music and tossed a second
guitar on. Ceej shook herself and gazed at everyone.

"Ready? Good. From the top."

Joe read thru the music he'd been handed…. He looked up startled.
Then read it through again. Amazing.

The soft piano leading them, with the other instruments joining in.
It all came together so perfectly. The melody and soft harmonies
blending into a seamless whole. As the five musicians played with
their hearts and souls.

Harry got up, Dressed down in black
Went down to the station, And he never came back
They found his clothing, scattered somewhere down the track
And he won't be down on Wall Street in the morning

He had a home…. The love of a girl
But men get lost sometimes…. As years unfurl
One day he crossed some line, and he was too much in this world
But I guess it doesn't matter anymore

In a New York minute... everything can change
In a New York minute... things can get a little strange
In a New York minute... everything can change
In a New York minute...

Lying here in the darkness, I hear the sirens wail
Somebody's going to emergency … Somebody's going to jail
If you find somebody to love in this world you better hang on tooth
and nail
The wolf is always at the door

In a New York minute... everything can change
In a New York minute... things can get a little strange
In a New York minute... everything can change
In a New York minute...

And in these days when darkness falls early
And people rush home to the ones they love
You better take a fool's advice and take care of your own
One day they're here….. next day they're gone

I pulled my coat around my shoulders, And took a walk down through
the park
The leaves were falling around me, The groaning city in the
gathering dark
On some solitary rock a desperate lover left his mark….
"Baby, I've changed. Please come back."

What the head makes cloudy.. The heart makes very clear
The days were so much brighter.. In the time when he was here
But I know there's somebody somewhere make these dark clouds
Until that day, I have to believe, I believe… I believe …..

In a New York minute... everything can change
In a New York minute... things can get a little strange
In a New York minute... you can get out of the rain
In a New York minute... everything can change
In a New York minute...

In a New York minute... everything can change
In a New York minute... things can get a little strange
In a New York minute... everything can change
In a New York minute...

The song was captured in under 24 hrs. pressed and released, it went
straight to #1 with a bullet. By common consent, all proceeds were
placed in a fund for the survivors and families of the Twin Towers.
In December, Ceej's niece was delivered of a healthy 9 pound boy.
Time continues it stately march, bringing hope and healing with it.

Authors note: The lyrics used above are from the Eagles song "New
York Minute." Rumor has stated that the eagles released a second
version of the song, and half the proceeds are put in a fund for the
victims families of the WTC bombing.