
Dee walked into the house, looking around for Joe. She couldn’t find him any where in the house, even though the lights were on all over the place. “That’s not like him,” she thought. “He never leaves them on.” She’d come home early from a trip to see her father, a truly gut retching trip because they’d thought he was in the hospital for the last time for sure this time. She’d never cried so much in her life, wondering why the man wouldn’t take care of himself, letting himself die slowly as everyone watched. Unable to take any more of it, Dee had come back to Ireland three days early to get away from what was happening in the States.

She shut off the lights, leaving just the ones Joe would need when he got home, and headed up the stairs. That’s when she heard the high feminine giggle. She froze. He couldn’t have, could he? Not while she was off on a trip like this one! She took off for the bedroom at a dead run, slamming the door open, then stopped dead in her tracks. There was Joe, naked as the day he was born, in bed with a girl who couldn’t be more than twenty one years old, if that. From the empty bottles by the bed, he was dead drunk as well.

The girl looked up at Dee, completely startled by her unexpected presence. Dee’s anger spilt over and she grabbed the girl by the hair, pulling her off Dee’s husband. The girl screeched as Dee threw her across the room. Dee landed on her like a hell cat, swinging and scratching til the girl was begging her to stop. Then Dee grabbed the girl’s hair again, dragging her out of the room and down the stairs. Before the drunken trollop knew what had happened, Dee threw her naked ass out into the streets and locked the door. Then she turned back to the bedroom, ready for the confrontation with Joe.

Joe had thrown on his jeans and started down the stairs when he saw Dee coming back up. He stopped and started to try to apologize, but Dee wasn’t listening. Her stare could have frozen water as she hissed, “You fucking no good son of a bitch!”

“Baby, you know she didn’t mean anything to me,” he said, holding the banister to support himself as he wobbled drunkenly.

She resisted the temptation to simply push him down the stairs, but only barely. Instead, she hit him full force in the chest and pushed him back into the hallway where he landed flat on his ass. She went down on top of him, screaming like a banshee and pummeling him with her fists.

“YOU BASTARD! I’D EXPECT THIS SHIT OUT OF YOU ON TOUR, BUT TO BRING ONE OF YOUR LITTLE WHORE BITCHES INTO MY HOUSE! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” she screamed as her fist landed upside his face. He tried to grab for her hands, but the alcohol in his system impaired his reflexes too badly. She finally got up off him and headed for the bedroom. He crawled up, trying to follow her slowly. As soon as he reached the doorway, an alarm clock came sailing at him, hitting him full on the leg. He sat down in the door and covered his head with his hands as a glass figurine smashed on the wall beside his head. Dee started to pace the room as Joe cowered in the door, not knowing what else to do.

Finally, she grabbed him by his long blond locks and drug him to the bed, throwing him down unresisting. He looked up her and said, “I’m sorry, baby.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Dee hissed. She looked around the room and remembered where she kept what she needed. Pulling open the drawer, she grabbed two pairs of handcuffs they’d always played around with. They were real police cuffs, not the toy ones from the novelty shop. Joe was laying on the bed, his eyes closed to stop the world from spinning, so he didn’t see what she had until it was too late. She had one wrist fastened to the bed before he heard the metallic click and looked to see what she’d done. Struggling against the cuff, he was still too disoriented to notice as she took his other wrist and closed the second cuff on it. She pushed him roughly against the headboard and snapped the other cuff closed.

He looked up at her in wonder, not knowing what she was capable of at that second. His drunken mind flashed images of the Lorena Bobbitt trial in the States and he started to plead with her.

“Baby, please, I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again, I swear!” he said quickly.

“Sorry, Joe, but it’s time you learned how badly this shit hurts,” she said, going over things in her mind. “You’ve fucked around on me one too many times and expected little wifey to be a good girl. Fuck you.” Then an idea occurred to her and she said, “No, you know what? Fuck me and I know just the man to do it. He’s always been a bit hot for me, isn’t that what you used to laugh about. That you got me first? Well, maybe it’s his turn now. Since Paige left him, I know he’s been horny as hell. I can see it by how he looks at me. But not yet. You’re going to be sober enough to know exactly what I’m doing when I do it.”

She looked him over coldly and said, “Oh, but I don’t want to leave you uncomfortable, DEAR.” She grabbed a pair of shears from the nightstand and cut his jeans away from him as he screamed for her to be careful. The tip of the scissors nicked the skin of his upper thigh, bringing a yell from him. To avoid having to cut through the zipper, she looked at him and said, “I’d lay very, VERY still right now dear, or you’ll never get laid again.” Then she took the scissors and carefully cut under the zipper, the cold metal of the shears grazing his balls as he tightened up in panic. She pulled the scraps of material away from his body and said, “Sleep well, dear. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

Then, with one last sadistic twist, she stripped naked and lay down in bed next to him. He wanted so badly to convince her not to do this, but the words just wouldn’t form. He laid his spinning head back as she rubbed her sweet ass against him. She turned and said spitefully, “What’s wrong, luv?”

Every move of her body against him was torture. There may have been other women in the time they’d been married, but none of them ever did for him what she could. And she’d always known those girls were just there for him to kill time on the road. This was a major fuck up, bringing the girl to their house, but he’d been too drunk to think straight.

She turned around and slid a pillow under his head, letting him lay down in a semi comfortable position. Then she turned her back on him as he tried to talk to her, ignoring every word he said as he begged her to listen. She fell asleep as he finally passed out.


The next morning, Joe woke with a thundering headache. He started to get up, only to find his wrist still shackled to the headboard. His memory was too fuzzy to remember exactly how that had happened. The last clear thought was of being in the pub, chatting with a pretty little blond who was probably young enough to be his daughter. Was she the one who’d left him like this?

He sat there for about ten minutes before Dee walked in. Joe’s jaw dropped as he saw her, then he vaguely remembered her being angry with him the night before. Since she didn’t seem the least surprised at his current state, he could only assume she’d done this to him. She sat down a tray with his breakfast on it and he spotted a bottle of headache medication on the tray as well.

“Dee? What happened?” he asked softly. “Why am I trussed up like this?”

“You don’t remember, huh,” she said quietly. “Well, let me see, do you remember the little blond I found you with last night?”

“The only blond I can think of was one at the pub, but she was way too fucking young to mess with,” he said, his face screwed up in concentration. “Everything’s pretty blurry after that.”

She held up the morning paper and asked, “Was this the blond, Joseph?”

“Um, yeah, what the hell is that about?” he asked, looking at her picture. Under it was a story about a drunken young woman the police had found wandering naked through the town. The girl had been beaten up, but she was too drunk to remember what had happened to her.

“I happened to her when I found her in bed with you, you son of a bitch,” she said in a low voice. “Tossed her pretty little ass outside naked and slammed the door in her face.”

“In bed with me?” he asked uncertainly. “I wouldn’t do that, you know that, Dee.”

“Sorry, luv, but I seem to be the only one that does know what happened last night,” she said sarcastically.

“Why am I like this though?” he asked.

“You’re staying there until I get a little of my own back. I’ve already called the perfect person to help me, as well. He’ll be here in an hour,” she said as she opened the pain medication. She dumped out two tablets and held them up to his mouth, then gave him a drink after he’d swallowed the pills. Then he looked at her with a worried frown and said, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You want to screw around on me, Joseph? And let me find you in my bed with someone else? Well now the shoe is on the other foot. You get to watch me with someone else and see how it feels to you,” she said, getting a fork full of his breakfast ready and sticking it in his mouth, which was hanging open by this time.

“Fuck, no!” he said after he’d swallowed the food. “Like hell I will!” Then he thought for a second and said, “Who the fuck did you bring into this?”

“Sav,” she said simply, stuffing another bite in his mouth. He almost choked as he said, “No fucking way!”

“Well, considering your position right now, you’ve only got two choices, luv. Either Sav or I go to the roughest bar I can find, pick up someone, fuck him in front of you and then tell him exactly who you are. Your kinky little sex life will be all over the papers tomorrow, plus God only knows what diseases the guy could have. Either way, I’m getting laid and not by you!”

Joe freaked out, pulling at the cuffs and trying to grab Dee unsuccessfully. He growled, “Damn it, Dee, you’ve lost your mind!”

“No, I watched you with your little groupies on the road and I’ve heard what you get up to when I’m not around, Joe,” she hissed. “Now it’s my turn and you’d better help get Sav to go along with it, or I’ll be out looking for the biggest, ugliest biker I can find.”

Joe slumped back against the pillow, unable to get his hands on Dee. His eyes filled with tears as he said, “Don’t do this, Dee! I’ve always been able to count on you to understand.....”

“And I’ve always been able to count on you to keep the shit out of my house, Joseph,” she said, turning away so he couldn’t see her tears. “You brought this on yourself, luv, now live with it! I‘m off to take care of my father and you can‘t even keep it in your pants for a week! Well, now it‘s my turn.”

Joe struggled and managed to sit up against the headboard, looking at Dee with pleading eyes. He said softly, “You really don’t mean this, do you?”

“Every word,” she answered. “And after it’s over, I’m outta here and you’ll never even know I was in your life.”

“God, no, please don’t leave me!” he said quietly. “I love you!”

“Sorry, you don’t have a very good way of showing it,” she snapped. She finished feeding him his breakfast without another word. She took the tray away and Joe laid his head back, trying to figure out what to do. He didn’t want to live without her, how could he stop her? He’d have to go along with this, until he found a way to end it

Dee heard a knock at the door and let Sav in quietly. He looked worried, wondering what the hell Joe had done this time. Giving her a slow smile he said, “What’s happened now, luv?”

Tears bloomed in her eyes again as she said quietly, “I caught him with a girl in my bed, Sav.”

He pulled her in for a hug and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

She leaned back and said, “I need your help, Sav. It’s time to teach Joe just how this has always felt for me.”

Puzzled, he stared down at her and asked, “What can I do?”

“Well, this is hard to ask. Harder than I thought it would be, actually,” she said with a sigh. “You’re the only one I can trust with this though.”

“What, luv?” he said, getting very worried at this point.

She stared at the floor, not sure how to ask him this. Finally she said, “Sav, I need you to, um, well, sleep with me.”

“What?” he said, knowing he couldn’t have heard her right. “Luv, you can’t mean that you want me to...”

“Yes, I do, Sav,” she said quietly. “My only other alternative is to start hitting biker bars and find someone to help me there.”

“Joe will kill me when he finds out!” Sav said, still in shock.

“No, because he’ll be there when it happens,” she said, turning away.

“Jesus,” he whispered, slumping down into a chair. “I can’t do this, luv. I just can’t.”

“Well, I understand. I’ll let Joe know what happened,” she said. “Thanks for coming, luv.” She headed for the stairs saying, “Can you let yourself out?”

“Sure, but where’s Joe at?” Sav asked, wondering why he’d hidden himself from Sav during this.

“Promise you won’t tell the others yet?” she asked, not really wanting to embarrass Joe in front of his friends.

“Yeah, just tell me,” he said quickly.

“Follow me,” she said with a small laugh. Sav got up and went upstairs with her. She stopped at the doorway of the bedroom and motioned for Sav to go on in. He stopped dead as he saw Joe laying there, chained to the bed. He turned back to Dee and said, “You did this?”

“Yeah, he was too drunk to stop me last night,” she said quietly.

Joe looked up and saw Sav standing there staring at him. He closed his eyes and said in as close to a normal voice as he could, “Hi, Sav.”

“Um, hi, Joe,” Sav said, stifling a laugh.

“She tell you what she wants?” Joe asked quietly.

“Yeah, but I told her I couldn’t...” Sav started.

Joe cut him off, “You have to, mate. Dee, can I talk to him alone, please?”

“Sure, I’ve got to change clothes anyway,” she said, grabbing a few things from the closet and heading into the bathroom.

“Jesus, Joe, you can’t be serious! You always said you’d kill anyone who even looked at her!” Sav exclaimed.

“Sav, I trust you. She’s very serious now. If you don’t do it, she’ll get someone else and I don’t want her getting hurt trying to get back at me,” Joe said quietly. “Please, Sav, help me out.”

Sav studied his friend’s face, not knowing what to do. Then Joe said, “She’s leaving me, Sav, unless I can figure out a way to stop her.” Tears rolled down his face as he said those words.

“Oh my God, Joe, what are you going to do?” Sav asked, the concern evident in his voice.

“I don’t know, but I’ve got to get through this first,” he said softly. “Please, do what she asks you to, okay?”

Sav stared at the floor, then said quietly, “Okay, I’ll do it. Just don’t try to kill me afterwards, alright?”

“Thanks, mate,” Joe whispered as Dee opened the door of the bathroom. Two sets of jaws hit the floor when they looked at her. She had on a white crop top, cut barely below her breasts, a black leather mini that didn’t do much to hide her ass and a pair of four inch black high heels. Sav’s eyes traveled up her legs, over her hips, to her breasts and finally made it to her eyes. And those eyes were fastened on Joe at the moment. Joe just stared back at her, wanting to plead with her not to leave. He’d realized in the last hour, he could deal with it if she needed to be with someone else. At least she’d had the sense to pick his friend, someone Joe knew he could trust. He would do anything right now if she just wouldn’t leave.

Joe choked out, “Where are you going, Dee?”

“There’s a bar over on Ninth Street...” she started, but Sav stopped her. He said quietly, “I’ll do it, Dee. You don’t need to go to any bar.”

“Really?” she said with a tentative smile. “Are you sure, luv?”

“Well, Joe talked me into it,” he said, a small smile crossing his face. “And I wouldn’t let you out of the house looking like that without a bodyguard! Just give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back.” Sav got up and shot out of the room, heading downstairs.

“How’d you get him to do it?” she asked Joe.

“Don’t worry about it. Guess all I can do is tell you to enjoy yourself,” Joe sighed. She turned and looked at him, stunned. She sat down on the bed and put her face into her hands, the enormity of what she was about to do finally sinking in. But it was far too late to back down now.

They sat in silence, waiting for Sav to return. He came back into the room about ten minutes later and looked at the two of them. From the sad yet determined look on Dee’s face, she hadn’t changed her mind a bit, which surprised him. He didn’t think she could go through with this. But he had to admit, he was starting to hope she would. She’d always been one of the most attractive women he’d ever seen and when they’d first met her there’d been a bit of competition to see who she’d go out with. When she’d chosen Joe, he’d been disappointed, but hid it for the sake of the band.

When she saw him come in, Dee stood up and shot one last look at Joe. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do, but she needed to carry through with her threat. Then she looked at Sav. He was gorgeous, really. And such a sweetheart. Sometimes she wondered why Joe had been her choice, but she knew that she loved Joe a great deal now. Enough that what had happened last night had crushed her spirit a bit.

Walking over to Sav without a word, she slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her, kissing him with a fever born of anger. His arms went carefully around her waist, pulling her into his body for the first time. Their tongues met, cautious at first, then dueling with each other as his hands started to wander over voluptuous body. She pulled back briefly and said, “Thanks, Sav. I couldn’t think of anybody I’d want to help me with this more than you.”

“My pleasure, trust me!” Sav whispered roughly.

Joe closed his eyes, willing himself not to see what was happening. But they shot open as he heard Dee moan against Sav’s lips. He saw Sav’s hands grasping her ass, grinding her body against his. Joe stifled a groan, remember how good her body always felt against his. And now she was giving it to his best friend because Joe had finally fucked up one time too many. Tears rolled down his face as he stared at the entwined pair standing across the room.

Sav and Dee both tried to shut Joe out of their minds, though Dee wasn’t having any luck with it. But Joe deserved this, she told herself, let him live with it.

Her nimble fingers undid the buttons of Sav’s shirt as she kissed him, gently sliding the material off his shoulders. Her lips went down to his throat, nibbling and sucking at his tender flesh. There was a sharp intake of breath as she went lower, her tongue swirling over his nipple. His head was thrown back as she nipped at his skin. As he pulled her back up to his lips, he glanced at Joe, who gave him a very weak smile. Sav was still a bit afraid to go any further, but Dee took care of that. Her shirt was pulled quickly over her head, leaving her breasts bare to his touch. His guitar-roughened fingertips ran softly over her nipples, sending an electric shock through her body. His soft lips captured the hard bud, working lightly over her nipples as she started to move against his body.

She pulled at his jeans, opening them quickly and helping him skin them down over his legs. Joe closed his eyes again as Sav carefully removed her skirt and panties. Then he felt the side of the bed go down as Dee pushed Sav onto it. He looked over and saw Dee going down on Sav’s hard cock, working him over gently, her head bobbing as she sucked at his friend’s manhood. Sav moaned as his member hit the back of her throat. His fingers grasped the sheet, holding tight as she continued her slow motion over him.

Joe couldn’t help it, his own cock was throbbing as he watched them together. He wanted so badly to touch her as she stroked Sav’s body. He strained against the handcuffs for a moment, the metal biting into his skin.

Looking at Joe, she pushed Sav all the way back onto the bed and let him get comfortable before climbing onto his body. Sav’s eyes were closed, his mind too busy with the sensations she was giving him to worry about Joe being in the bed. She positioned Sav’s member at the opening of her sex, then stared at Joe as she lowered herself onto Sav’s body. Then she closed her eyes as she slowly rode Sav’s cock, finally shutting out Joe and enjoying the feeling of Sav’s body in hers.

This was torturing Joe. His body was responding to what they were doing, wanting to be with her while she took pleasure in his friend’s touch.

Sav couldn’t take any more of her tantalizingly slow movements. He picked her up and laid her on the bed, his cock never leaving her tight sheath. He thrust hard into her body, bringing moans of ecstasy from deep in her throat. She reached up, her fingers curling around Joe’s arm as Sav pounded into her. Thrust after wonderful thrust, he brought her right up to her orgasm. Then, with one last hard stroke, Dee and Sav reached their climaxes together. She lay gasping, one hand twined through Sav’s blond locks, the other still holding tight onto Joe’s arm. Sav held her close, not quite ready to let her go after what they’d shared. But eventually, they pulled apart and Dee stood up. She kissed Sav again and said, “Thank you, luv. That was fantastic.”

Before Sav could say anything, Dee went to the closet and pulled on her jeans and a t-shirt. She slipped on her shoes and handed Sav the key to Joe’s handcuffs. Then she said, “You can let him go after I’m gone.”

“Please, Dee, don’t go!” Joe said, his voice cracking against the tears he didn’t want to shed again. “Stop her, Sav, please! Let me out of these now!”

“I’ve got to do what she wants, Joe,” Sav said slowly. “Will five minutes be enough, Dee?”

“It should be,” she said quietly, as Joe stared furiously at Sav. “My things are already in the car, so I’ll be going now.” She gave Sav a quick hug, then headed out the door.

Joe was fuming. “Come on, you bastard, let me out of these or I’ll kick your ass when I get free.”

Sav smiled and said, “Um, Joe, sorry about the repair bills you’re going to get.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? The ones when I put your ass through a wall for letting her go?” Joe yelled.

“No,” Sav said quietly. “The ones to her car.”

Joe stared at him for a moment, then realized what Sav was talking about. “You mean...”

“She’s not going anywhere in that car,” Sav laughed. “I tore the insides of it apart.”

Joe chuckled and said, “She’s gonna be furious with you when she finds out what you did.”

“Oh, well,” Sav said with a resigned smile. “She’ll get over it, if you convince her to stay. Besides that, I couldn’t let my friend down, now could I? We’ll wait a few minutes, then I’ll let you go get her.”

“Thanks, mate,” Joe said quietly. They sat and talked quietly while they waited and Sav did have one other thing to say. “She’s fucking fantastic, man.”

“Like you needed to tell me that?” Joe said with a raised eyebrow. “Listen, stick around, okay? I’ve got an idea, but I’m gonna need your help again.”

“Red Cross, at your service sir,” Sav laughed. Then Joe spelled out his plans.


Dee stared at the mess under the hood of her car and cursed Rick Savage for helping Joe. She knew she had to act quickly now, her five minutes were flying by. She grabbed her bags from her car and threw them into Joe’s car, then got behind the wheel. She didn’t even see Joe as he ran into the garage and pulled her door open again. Before she could start the car, Joe grabbed her and dragged her out from driver’s seat.

“Damn it, Joe, let me go!” she screamed.

“Not til you’ve talked to me,” he said, his grip on her wrist unbreakable. She tried to sit down, so that he would have to drag her screaming into the house, but Joe wasn’t having it. He simply picked her up and threw her over his shoulder in a firemen’s carry. Ignoring her fists pummeling against his back, he carried her up to the bedroom and asked, “Are you going to listen to me yet?”

“Fuck off, Joe. I’m outta here as soon as you put me down!” she yelled. Sav appeared at the door and said, “Need some help, mate?”

“Yeah, actually I do,” Joe laughed. He threw her down on the bed and pounced on her before she could move. “Get her into those cuffs.”

Sav grabbed her thrashing wrist and fastened the first one to the headboard. Then he walked slowly to the other side, catching her hand as she lashed out at him and secured it to the bed as well. Then he went over and took a seat across the room, watching as Joe tried to calm her down.

Joe ran a gently hand over her face as he straddled her body, trying to calm her down. She laid her head back, trying to ignore everything Joe was saying.

“Luv, please, just let me talk to you. You know I love you and I know you love me. Don’t do this. I swear, I’ll never cheat on you again,” he said softly. She opened her eyes and hissed, “I don’t believe you, Joe!”

“I’ve never said those words before, have I, Dee?” he said softly. “I mean them!”

Looking up at him suspiciously, she said, “That’s true, you never have promised me that before. Why now?”

“Because I don’t want to lose you,” he answered, tears showing in his eyes. “I don’t want to live without you, Dee. I love you.” He leaned down and kissed her gently, his lips pleading his case to her. She tried so hard not to give in, but her body betrayed her. When his tongue moved slowly against her lips, hers parted quickly, letting him explore her mouth. Her mind screamed out and finally her body responded, pulling her head back away from him.

“Fuck you, Joe! I can’t do this!” she screamed. “Let me fucking go!”

“No,” Joe said quietly. “I can’t. You’ve got to believe me this time, Dee. I can’t lose you.”

Finally, Sav walked over and sat down beside Dee, turning her head gently towards him. She hissed at him, saying, “You helped him! How could you do that to me!”

“Please, luv, don’t leave him. I’ve known Joe a long time, he really does love you. He’s made mistakes and he’ll be the first to admit them. If I didn’t think he meant to change his ways, I wouldn’t have helped him bring you back here. But you two belong together, so please, don’t leave him,” Sav said softly. He leaned down and kissed her gently, trying to bring her back to her senses. Her eyes shot to Joe, but he was just sitting back, watching the two of them eagerly. When she realized what he wanted, she gave in, her tongue moving quickly between Sav’s lips. She felt Joe’s hands on her, lifting her t-shirt carefully as he watched them. His lips closed quickly on her nipple, sending a shiver through her body as she moaned against Sav’s mouth. Joe’s body ground against her as Sav’s mouth moved lower, nuzzling gently at her throat.

“Oh, God!” Dee moaned. “Please, let me go! I want to touch you both!”

Joe laughed and said, “Hmm, I don’t think so. Not yet, at least.”

Dee strained against the cuffs in frustration as Joe laughed. Then she said quietly, “Damn it, Joe, I’m not going anywhere!”

“Don’t worry, luv, we’ll let you up soon,” Sav said softly. “I think somebody just wants to play around a bit.”

“Now, where the hell are those shears?” Joe asked absently. He looked around the room and found them on the floor where Dee had dropped them. He made his way back to the bed and slowly cut up both sides of her shirt as Sav kissed her. Sav leaned back long enough for Joe to cut across the shoulders of her t-shirt, then pulled the wreckage of her shirt away from her body. Then he bent his head to her breast as Joe went to work on her jeans. She felt the cold metal rubbing against her skin as he cut and fought to be still under Sav’s touch. Joe pulled away the strips of denim and rubbed his hands over her soft flesh. Free to move again, Dee’s back arched up to Sav. His hand went to her other breast, teasing and pinching her nipple. Dee laid her head back, unable to believe what was happening to her.

“Oh, God, PLEASE, JOE!” she moaned.

“Please what, luv?” Joe asked softly.

“Stop, I can’t take this!” she cried. Sav looked up into her passion soaked eyes, knowing full well she was enjoying what was happening to her. But he pulled away, letting Joe deal with her protests. She closed her eyes as Joe’s hands ran over her thighs, dipping between them to run over her slit.

“Do you really want me to stop?” Joe asked as his fingertips ran over her clit.

“YES..NO.. OH GOD HELP ME! NO!” she said finally as his fingers penetrated her warmth. Her hips bucked up against him, forcing him deeper into her.

Joe leaned down and ran his tongue over her hard nub, sending a shiver through her, then asked, “Should I stop that, luv?”

“OH, FUCK NO!” she gasped. “Please, do it again!” Her eyes flew open as his lips closed over her and she found herself staring straight at Sav. He was sitting back, watching her and rubbing his hard cock through the denim of his jeans. Licking her lips, she said, “I can help you with that, Sav.”

Sav looked at Joe, who only nodded then went back to what he was doing. He took a deep breath, then pulled his jeans back off and moved up beside her. She had trouble reaching him and motioned for him to straddle her chest so she could get at his cock more easily. His legs on either side of her chest, he watched as she slowly swallowed all of his manhood. Pumping slowly into her throat, Sav moaned as he grabbed the headboard above her.

Both men could feel her body tensing, ready to explode. So Joe probed inside long enough to find the hidden spot inside her walls that drove her wild. Her lower body thrashed up against him, but her mouth never released Sav from its silken prison. One of Sav’s hands wound through her hair, holding her steady as he felt a tightening in his balls. “Oh, fuck, Dee, I’m gonna cum! Should I pull out or...”

He stopped as he felt her shake her head, redoubling her efforts on his cock. A moment later, Sav couldn’t hold back any longer. His seed poured down her throat as he groaned, “Oh, damn, I’m cumming Dee!” She licked away every last drop before Sav pulled away and lay down beside her. Looking up, he found Joe watching them, spellbound. Then, like a big cat stalking prey, he crawled up Dee’s body and captured her lips with his own. For a moment, Joe thought he wouldn’t be able to kiss her. Tasting his friend’s cum on her lips would drive him insane with jealousy. But he put it out of his mind and his tongue quickly went between her lips. His mouth begged her forgiveness. And his body pleaded with her not to leave him. She wrapped her legs around his, pulling him down into her with the ease of long practice.

Sav laid back, watching them together. Dee’s hands were still cuffed to the headboard, but she strained against them to reach Joe. He thought of releasing her, but didn’t want to do it until Joe told him to. It didn’t take long for Sav’s body to respond to what they were doing though. His cock stiffened quickly just from seeing them together. He looked at Joe, who grabbed the keys and said, “Let her go, okay, mate?”

“Sure,” Sav answered, unlocking each wrist quickly from the head of the bed. She wrapped her arms around Joe and pulled him down to her body. He leaned down close to her ear and whispered, “I love you, Dee, please, don’t leave me.”

“I won’t,” she said softly. Then she looked at Sav and saw him running his hand over himself unconsciously. His lips were parted as he watched the two of them making love. She turned back to Joe and said, “Um, someone else has a problem.”

“Think you can handle him as well, luv? I mean, he’s been a big help, ya know?” Joe said softly into her ear. She nodded slowly and felt things spin as Joe rolled them both over. Then he looked at Sav and nodded silently. Sav ran a hand over her shoulder and said, “You sure, luv?”

“Uh huh,” she answered softly. Laying down on Joe, she looked up at Sav and said, “Please? I want you to!”

“Okay, luv,” he said quietly. Then he moved behind her and placed himself at her second opening. He sank slowly into her body and heard a moan escape her body. Holding onto Joe tightly, she moved her hips back to meet Sav’s with each careful stroke. Joe could feel every movement Sav made, so he let Sav control things and laid back, watching the fire burn in his wife’s eyes. Her head went from side to side as the sensations poured through her body and into his. He could feel her starting to tense and knew she was getting close to the edge. And from the look on Sav’s face, he wouldn’t last much longer either. So Joe let himself go, thrusting up into in time to Sav’s movements. Sav bit his lip as his body started to release into her. Then he heard her cry out as she went over the brink as well. The feel of her body clamping down on his was what finally gave Joe that last bit of heaven. He pulled her down to him, holding her tightly as he said, “Oh, God, Dee, I love you baby. I love you!”

“I love you too, Joe!” she moaned against his throat. Sav pulled away from them and laid back on the bed in exhaustion. Dee ran a hand over Sav’s chest and said, “Thanks for today, Sav.”

“Oh, trust, me, I’d do that kind of charity work anytime!” he chuckled. Dee settled down in Joe’s arms and Sav threw a careless arm over her as they all settled down for a nap.

When Joe woke up, he was alone in the bed with Sav. Panicked, he looked around and couldn’t find Dee anywhere. He woke up Sav and said, “Damnit, she left me anyway!”

“We’ll find her, Joe, don’t worry,” Sav said groggily. They both threw on their clothes and headed downstairs. That’s when they heard the sounds coming from the kitchen. They walked in and found Dee working over the stove like nothing had happened. When she saw them come in, she gave Sav a quick kiss, then moved into Joe’s arms and kissed him soundly as well.

“God, baby, I thought you’d left me!” Joe said as he held onto her tightly.

“No, but just remember, you’ve got a promise to keep now!” she said seriously.

“I will,” Joe murmured.

“I’ve been doing some thinking and I was wondering,” she said. “I think maybe I should quit working, so I can tour with you next time. Ought to keep temptation at bay?”

“God, would you?” Joe said quickly. “I know you love your job, but...”

“I love you more, Joe,” she whispered.

Sav stood up and got ready to leave them alone, but Dee turned to him and said, “Thanks Sav.”

“No problem, luv,” he said with a crooked grin.

“Sit down, mate,” Joe laughed. “I think you at least deserve something to eat after everything you did today!” Sav plopped back down at the table and looked up at them. Joe just laughed and said, “Okay, woman, what you got cooking?”