The Lyra Chronicles: Gathering

Rick took Cyra with him when he rejoined the band to record in Ireland. They were working on a new album and he really didn’t want to leave Cyra behind all the time he was recording. As soon as they landed at the Dublin Airport, Cyra sensed something that just wasn’t right. There were people here who had encountered a vampire before, at least two of them. She could tell just by the scent, they had both been bitten before. She looked around, wondering who it was among the press of people waiting for the plane to empty. Then Rick waved to his friends, Joe and Sav, and Cyra focused on them. These people Rick was meeting were the same ones she’d felt as she came off the plane.

Both men looked at Cyra, knowing her for what she was. Yet as Rick introduced them, it was clear he didn’t have a clue as to Cyra’s true nature. Joe and Sav exchanged a worried glance, wondering if they should tell Rick exactly what he’d brought with him. Then Joe caught Cyra’s soft smile of warning and paused. He realized that Lyra had been right, this woman knew exactly what they’d both done. He put his hand over his mouth, warning Sav not to say anything yet. He wasn’t sure what game Cyra was playing, but he decided then and there to keep a close eye on Rick while they were in the studio.

In the car on the way back to Joe’s house, Rick tried to keep up a steady stream of conversation, but the other three didn’t seem to be interested. He let them lapse into silence as he wondered just why his friends seemed so preoccupied. Cyra took his hand and whispered, “Don’t worry, luv, everything will be just fine.”

Joe pulled into the driveway and grabbed Cyra’s bags while Rick got his own. But as they were walking into the house, Cyra finally stopped and got a good look into Joe’s eyes. Within an instant, she recognized his familiar spirit and knew a moment of panic. How could Connor and Gregor have been reborn together? It didn’t seem possible. She was suddenly very curious about their other bandmates, wondering if somehow the Gods had seen fit to be kind to her finally. But Sav wouldn’t come close enough to her so she could check to see if her hopes were justified.

As she entered the house, she felt another who was familiar with her kind. Rick led her into the studio and Phil’s head snapped up, staring at her like she was a viper. Memories of what Crystala had done to Joe and Sav flashed through his mind as she crossed the room and extended her hand in greeting. She smiled as she looked deeply into his eyes, finding another man she had known before. The joker Tomas. Phil took her hand, leery of what she would do to them. She seemed familiar, but Phil knew he’d never met her before. She introduced herself to him before Rick took her over to Vivian. And she was in for another surprise, looking into Vivian’s eyes. Her dark child was here, among those other loved spirits. Vivian looked at her and smiled, liking her immediately and wondering why everyone else was being so stand offish towards her. But Vivian didn’t know what she was, only that she was here with Rick.

Joe stood in the doorway, motioning Phil into his study. He closed the door quickly and whispered, “What the hell are we going to do now?”

“Jesus, mate, I don’t know!” Sav said quietly.

“Who the hell is she?” Phil asked. Joe and Sav turned as one and said, “How the fuck should we know?”

“Can we get to Lyra or Steve?” Sav asked, keeping his voice low. “Right now, Lyra may be the only one who can get her out of here!”

“I still don’t know for sure how this bloody bond thing works. I‘m not sure if she‘ll hear me from so far away,” Joe answered, his face lined with worry.

“Me neither, but I guess we have to try,” Sav whispered. “Phil, you try to get Steve to come here, okay?”

“Um, what about Leesha? She’s not far from here,” Phil said softly. The door opened quietly and Cyra looked in at the three of them. She knew they were worried and wanted to put them at ease, so she said softly, “If you call her, she’ll come. Just say her name and she’ll know you want her.”

Then she gazed at them, her wisdom showing in her dark blue eyes as she turned slowly away without another word. If they had a protector, Cyra needed to know who it was to make sure she was worthy of these men.

The three of them stared at each other, wondering how she’d known they’d been talking about Lyra. Then Joe said, “Well, I hope we’re not leading Lyra into some kind of trap. Cyra seems decent enough and Rick is obviously happy with her. Guess we have to try.”

Joe and Sav both thought about Lyra, trying to call her to them. Phil’s mind went to both Leesha and Steve, knowing if Lyra was trouble, the more of their friends they called in, the better. Then they turned and headed back into the studio where Rick and Vivian waited.


It was late evening in Dublin, but mid-afternoon in the States. Lyra woke with a start. She was in Washington, visiting with a few friends who were staying there. She woke the nearest person she found and told them that she had to go, there was trouble in Dublin and she was needed. Then she took to the sky with a long flight ahead of her.


Leesha was sleeping in a house nearby, waiting for it to get dark so she could go back to Phil when she heard his call. She jerked awake and started to pace the house, willing the sun to finish its trip through the sky for the day. As soon as it settled below the horizon, Leesha jumped into the air, heading for where Phil waited and wondering what would cause him this kind of distress.

As soon as she landed in Joe’s backyard, the smell of another vampire hit her full in the face. She took off running, not knowing if perhaps the other had taken someone once again as Crystala had with Joe and Sav.

Cyra felt the vampire land and head into the house. She waited patiently, not wanting to frighten whoever was coming into the house. Phil could feel Leesha as well and headed for the back door to meet her. He pulled her into his arms and whispered, “We could have a problem here. There’s a vampire here with Rick, only Rick doesn’t know it. We don’t know if she’s here to cause problems or not.”

“Well, let’s find out,” Leesha said in a quiet, determined voice. Hand in hand, they headed into the studio where the others waited.

When they entered the studio, Leesha stiffened, feeling Cyra’s age immediately. Cyra gave her a smile filled with as much warmth as she could muster, though disappointment ran through it. This girl was a teenager, really, compared to the likes of Cyra. She said, so softly that the mortals in the room couldn’t hear, “Hello, young one.”

Leesha couldn’t relax, but she nodded in greeting and slipped back into Phil’s arm. Like the others, she could remember Crystala’s attack and knew this woman could be a danger to all of them. Since Lyra had gone to America, she’d charged Leesha with protecting them. That was a duty she took very seriously. She moved closer to where the other vampire sat, trying to keep herself between Cyra and the others as much as possible. But there was no hope of getting Rick away from her, he was obviously besotted with the woman. Then Rick said uncomfortably, since he was always out of sorts when vampires he knew of were around, “Leesha, this is my girlfriend, Cyra. Cyra, Leesha is, um, ah, a friend of the band.”

Cyra extended her hand and said, “Hello, Leesha. How long have you known these gentlemen?”

Rick snorted about them being referred to as gentlemen, but Leesha answered cautiously, “A few years. And you?”

“Oh, Rick and I have been together for a while, haven’t we, luv?” Cyra said with a bright smile. Leesha nodded quietly, then sat back to keep an eye on the situation around her. And used every ounce of concentration on bringing Lyra home. Lyra felt closer than she’d been before, but still too far away to do anything if Cyra was to start trouble now.

Cyra was cautious, even now. She was sure this girl was no threat to her, yet with mortals involved she had to be careful. Phil had pulled Leesha against himself and Leesha kissed his neck softly. Cyra bristled, feeling an implied threat to one she now considered under her protection. Perhaps this child thought to take as many of them as she could before Cyra could stop her.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to talk to Leesha in private. Girl stuff, I’m sure you understand, luv,” she said quietly to Rick. Then she took Leesha by the arm and led her quickly into the back yard.

“Don’t you ever threaten one of them again, little one,” Cyra hissed.

“Me? Your presence here is a threat to them!” Leesha growled. “Leave now, before you do anything that would hurt them!”

“I’m not going anywhere, young one, but you might be if you threaten them or me,” Cyra said in a flat, even voice. Leesha felt her blood boiling at the possibility that this woman might hurt her or the others. She didn’t trust her one bit.


Steve and Lisel were just getting into a bar when he heard Phil calling his name. They were traveling in the Middle East, having fun and playing, but Steve could tell there was definitely a problem back in Ireland. He pulled Lisel out of there and said, “We’ve got to go! Phil needs me.”

Lisel only nodded before they jumped into the air. Flying as fast as they could, they would be in Dublin in just a couple of hours. Steve just hoped Phil wasn’t in life threatening trouble.


Phil looked up at Sav and said quietly, “Boy, Leesha’s been out there with her for a long time. You think she’s ok?”

“Well, mate, I don’t know. But do you really want to end up in the middle of two fighting vampires? I’ve seen it before and don’t want any part of it unless they really need me. You’ll be able to tell if she’s in trouble,” Sav answered quietly. “Then we’ll do whatever we can to help her.”

“She just feels really tense right now, almost like a cat ready to pounce,” Phil said softly. He looked around the room and laughed, saying, “You know, this band must be like vampire’s catnip. We seem to be attracting a lot of them!”

With a soft laugh, Sav patted him on the shoulder and said, “Well, until today that’s never been a problem. And it kept Steve from dying, remember that. By the way, can you tell how far away Steve is yet?”

“He’s getting a lot closer, but he’s still pretty far right now,” Phil said quietly. “How bout Lyra.”

“She’s getting close,” Sav replied. He sat thoughtfully for a moment, then looked up with a startled expression on his face. “FUCK! We’ve got a problem here. Vivian doesn’t know what they are!”

“Guess we’ll have to tell him, then,” Phil said with a resigned sigh.

“You’re not getting what I’m saying. He thinks Steve is dead!” Sav said in a hushed voice.

“Ah shit, I knew that was going to cause a problem sometime!” Phil answered, slumping back into his seat. “But how the fuck can we tell him without him thinking we’ve been into some really good booze?”

“Let’s wait. If nothing else, Lyra’s really good at those explanations and Viv really likes her. At least with her doing the telling, she can show him if nothing else,” Sav laughed. “I still remember the night she showed Joe and the rest of us the truth!”

“Yeah, that was a bit frightening,” Phil said slowly.

“Damn near pissed meself when she took on Joe, and Rick was climbing the furniture to get away from her,” Sav chuckled.

“I’m just glad she found Steve when she did. If he’d have died...” Phil stopped, not wanting to think about it.

“But he DIDN’T, thanks to her,” Sav said quietly. “Now if she just gets here!”

“She’s getting really damn close,” Joe said softly as he walked up. “I’m just afraid what will happen when she does.”


“Get back, Leesha!” Lyra screamed as she landed in the yard. “Leave her to me!”

Leesha was still staring at Cyra. They’d been hissing threats back and forth as Leesha tried to stall for time. Cyra’s back was to her as Lyra approached the circling vampires. Cyra was surprised to feel the second vampire approach, usually a vampire kept others away from those she’d chosen. Cyra kept her eyes on the younger one in front of her as she tried to reach out with her mind to the older one behind her. There was a very familiar touch to that mind.

Lyra could tell this vampire was old and powerful, but she had to protect the mortals inside the house from her. She hissed, “Get out of here, leave them alone! These men are under my protection!”

“Perhaps, but I’m sure I could do a much better job of it. I’m far more...” Cyra turned around slowly and looked at Lyra. Lyra jaw dropped open as she recognized the woman. “Siona?”

“Lyra, luv! It’s been so long!” Siona said quietly. Leesha watched in shock as Lyra flew into the smaller woman’s arms, like a child going to its mother.

“This is Siona?” Leesha said, stunned by the revelation. “I thought your name was Cyra?”

“You’ve never used another name, young one?” Siona said quietly. “Sometimes one needs a change in their life.” Then she pulled back from Lyra and said, “You already know who they are, don’t you?”

“Of course. I knew most of them the first night I met them, though Vivian wasn’t here then,” Lyra replied.

“Wait, Rick has mentioned a friend of theirs who died. With so many born together again, was he one of us?” Siona asked.

Leesha eyed her suspiciously, not sure if they should tell her about Steve. But Lyra forged ahead, saying, “Yes.”

“But he’s dead now,” Siona said sadly. At just that moment, Steve and Lisel landed softly on the grass. Lisel hissed at Siona at first as Steve stood back, not sure what to do. Then Lisel recognized Siona and screamed, “Oh my God! Siona!”

She ran to Siona and threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly. “I can’t believe it!”

“Did you think I wouldn’t find Connor when he was reborn this time?” Siona chuckled softly. Steve slipped an uncertain arm around a nervous Leesha, wondering just what was happening here. He’d heard them tell stories about Siona, but they’d never been able to find her. Now, here she was right in front of him.

“Si, this is Steve. He was part of the band, til he crossed over,” Lyra said quietly. Siona looked into his eyes and smiled, saying quietly, “Welcome home, Rafe.”

Steve scuffed his shoe into the grass, embarrassed for a moment. Then he said softly, “Thank you, ma’am.”

“There’s one that I haven’t been able to get close enough to see. I’ve found Gregor, Connor, Josef and Tomas. Should I assume that the other is most likely Ronan?” Siona asked.

“Yes, Rick Savage was Ronan once,” Lyra said with a smile.

“Well, I’m sure we’re being missed by now,” Siona said to Leesha. She slid her arm around her and said, “Shall we go back to the others now?”

Half afraid to trust her, Leesha looked at Lisel and Lyra’s smiling faces and said, “All right. Phil’s probably wondering where I’m at anyway.”

When they walked into the house, Rick looked half sick. Vampires made him more than a bit nervous. Lyra smiled at him before turning back to Joe and Sav. She kissed each of them softly, whispering, “No worries, luv. I’ve know Siona a very long time.”

“Siona?” Joe asked. “I thought her name was Cyra?”

“She’s been going by that for a while now, but trust me, it’s Siona,” Lyra laughed.

Vivian watched the newcomers, knowing who Lyra was but not the others. He nearly choked when he looked at Steve, gasping, “Jesus, mate, did you know you look just like Steve Clark?”

Then Vivian watch as glances flew all over the room. He was thoroughly confused, wondering why everyone acted like there was some big secret about to be revealed. But he wasn’t ready for what came next. Lyra walked over to him and said, “You trust me, right, Vivian?”

“Yeah, why?” he asked quickly.

“Then you need to take my word here. There’s some things you don’t know about Leesha and I. Or any of the others standing over there,” she said as she motioned to the group of vampires still by the door. “We’re vampires.”

Vivian started laughing, until he realized that Lyra was serious. “This has got to be a joke, right?”

“No, luv, it’s not. And that is Steve Clark there, still walking among the living. Only, he’s not completely living anymore,” she said softly.

Vivian chuckled and looked at the others, then realized no one else was laughing. He looked back at her and said, “Which one of them put you up to this?”

Lyra sighed and whispered, “You know, mortals are so hard to convince. Do you really want proof, Vivian?”

“Well, I don’t believe a fucking word you’re saying, so yeah,” he laughed. Lyra laid a gentle hand on Vivian’s shoulder and leaned into his body. He stared at Sav, wondering what the hell he was thinking of Lyra being this close to him. Feeling her lips against his throat, he let out a sigh. Then there was a sharp pain and he realized Lyra really had bitten into his throat. His eyes went wide and he gasped, trying to pull back, but Lyra’s grip on his shoulder was too strong.

She pulled away after a moment, just long enough for Vivian to realized what she’d done. Then she licked the holes, carefully closing them before she moved away and back between Sav and Joe. Vivian stared at her, not wanting to believe what he’d just felt. Joe laughed and asked, “Did I have that look on my face when you did that to me?”

“No, you were much more scared,” Sav chuckled. “We all were.”

“Well, Steve was laying dead on the floor at the time, so that was pretty understandable,” Lyra said with a smile.

“So all of you are vampires?” Vivian asked quietly, motioning to the group still standing together.

“Yes, luv, we are,” Lyra answered. Then Rick spoke up and said, “Well, except for Cyra.”

Lyra shot Siona a look, raised her eyebrow and said incredulously, “You haven’t told him yet?”

Siona shook her head with a soft laugh. Then she said, “Guess I should have, huh? Didn’t think he’d believe me.”

“Tell me what, Cyra?” Rick asked, his voice gone flat.

Siona moved to Rick’s side, her hand resting on his thigh, and said, “Um, luv, you know what Lyra is, right?”

Rick pulled away from her and said, “Yeah, she a fucking vampire.”

“Oh, my,” Siona said quietly, “this is going to be more difficult than I thought. Rick, my love, I’m the same as Lyra and the others.”

Rick jumped up off the couch, yelling, “Oh, FUCK no, you’re not.” He glared at the women across the room and said, “Whose idea of a sick fucking joke is this?”

“It’s no joke, Rick,” Lyra said quietly. “I first met her when she brought my husband across nine hundred fifty years ago. Then my husband did the same for me.”

“FUCK!” Rick screamed, jumping off the couch and taking off out the door. Siona followed him slowly as the other sat and watched. Lyra snuggled down on the couch with Sav and Joe, while Steve and Lisel took one of the chairs. Phil and Leesha sat on the floor, while Vivian still stood there, completely stunned at what had happened.

Out in the yard, Siona followed Rick until he turned around a raged, “This isn’t fucking possible! There’s no way you’re one of them! I’ve known you too well, too long for you to have hidden it from me!”

“Don’t be so sure of that, luv,” she said softly. “You’ve seen Lyra out in the daylight, haven’t you?”

“Yeah, but she’s really old, says it doesn’t bother her anymore,” Rick said angrily.

“I’m older than her by seven hundred years, Rick,” Siona continued.

“But you eat food, she doesn’t!” He said, walking away from her again.

“But my body doesn’t digest it, luv. It just passes right through me,” she answered. “Listen, I can prove it to you. Come here.” There was something in her voice that made Rick stop and turn around. Then he saw her bloody tears trailing down her face and backed away from her until he ran into a tree. She walked slowly up to him and kissed him gently. His body was all for what she was doing, even though his mind screamed, “NO”.

Siona’s hand’s ran lightly over his chest as her tongue penetrated the warmth of his mouth. As her lips trailed lower, she whispered, “I can show you what Lyra shares with Joe and Sav. The bond they have.”

Rick leaned his head against the tree as her hands moved lower, grasping his stiffening manhood with a practiced hand. He let out a moan as she undid his jeans and bared him to her touch. Then her lips trailed down his chest as she undid each button of his shirt. Her hand moved slowly over his cock as her lips found his hard nipple, sucking it lightly into her mouth. She continued her journey lower, running her tongue over his hard stomach muscles before capturing his shaft between her lips. Moving slowly, her mouth went up and down the length of him, tongue swirling over his hard flesh. Then she felt him bend down, laying her on the grass with a firm touch. His hand went quickly under her shirt, pinching her nipples gently as she ground her body against his. Moments later, he pulled her jeans off and ran his hand ever so slowly up her thigh. He moved into position between her thighs and plunged into her hot, moist depths. She pulled him down to her, whispering, “Please, let me give you the bond with me! I want you so much, Rick!”

Every thrust brought Rick’s body closer to his climax. Siona gave a push and rolled Rick onto his back, taking control of their lovemaking. She moved her body onto his body hard, grinding against him as she felt him reaching his orgasm. As his cock throbbed inside her, she begged one more time, “Please, Rick, I love you!”

He nodded silently as she felt her own climax wash over her. And just at the moment when she felt Rick’s body release into hers, she leaned down and sunk her fangs into his tanned throat. Rick gasped, the pain washed away by the pleasure his body was taking from hers. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered softly into her hair, “I love you.”

Siona pulled away from his throat slowly, carefully closing his wounds with her soft tongue. They lay there for a long while, holding each other tenderly as Rick got used to the new sensations brought on by his bond with Siona. After a while, they dressed quietly and walked into the house hand in hand.

As soon as they crossed the threshold into the house, Lyra and the other vampires could sense what had happened. Steve chuckled and whispered, “Way to go, Rick!”

Lyra leaned into Sav’s body and said softly, “He actually let her bite him! I don’t believe it!”

Joe laughed and said, “Well, your kind can be rather, um, persuasive, shall we say?”

“Persuasive, that’s a good word for it,” Sav said as Lyra nuzzled into his neck. He felt her fangs graze his skin, wanting to taste him even now. He leaned down and whispered, “If you need me, luv, go ahead and take me.”

“Mmm, of course I need you, Sav,” she purred softly into his throat. He ran his hand over her hair and said quietly, “Then take what you want!”

Her fangs sank gently into his skin as he moved her body close to his, holding her tightly. He moaned softly, after so many times he was now enjoying the feeling of giving this to her. Joe watched hungrily, his body missing the feel of Lyra against him after so long.

Siona looked over and found Steve and Lisel twined together in a blood kiss, each taking from the other. And Phil and Leesha had disappeared, leaving Vivian to stare at the display in front of him. Satisfied himself, Rick looked at Siona and said, “What kind of relationships do you guys have anyway. I mean, they can’t be normal, look at those three!” Then he motioned to the couch where Lyra sat between Sav and Joe. “She’s with both of them.”

“No, in a coven, it’s not uncommon to have sex with different members,” Siona said quietly. “Why, what are you thinking, luv?”

“It’s just that, well, Viv looks really lonely watching everyone around here...” he started softly. “And he’s a really great guy, so I’d hate to see him left alone.”

“Would you like me to take care of him, luv?” she asked softly.

“Yeah, well, I guess I would,” Rick answered. Siona walked slowly in front of Vivian and put her arms around his waist as he watched the others writhing passionately in the room. Then she said softly, “Would you like to be part of that, Vivian.”

“I thought it would hurt, but Sav looked like he ENJOYED it,” Vivian said quietly.

“I can show you what pleasure there is in it, if you wish,” she murmured. Vivian only nodded, still spellbound by what he was seeing. Siona turned his face to hers and kissed him softly, her tongue moving gently against his lips. She pushed her body against his and felt his hardness through his clothing. With a slight chuckle, Siona’s lips went lower, to his throat. She nibbled gently there for a moment, feeling his body grind against hers before she let her fangs descend. She heard the sharp intake of breath as the first pain hit him. Then his body melted into hers as he felt the tingling pull on his vein. When she pulled back from him, she took him by the hand and led him towards the stairs, motioning for Rick to follow her.

Joe chuckled as he saw what Siona was doing. Then he said softly, “And another little group is formed.”

“That’s not surprising,” Lyra said, leaning against Sav. “She never was much of one for only having one man.”

Steve and Lisel got up and excused themselves, heading for Joe’s little vampire nest. Sav looked down and asked quietly, “How did you meet her, Lyra?”

“Um, well, it was a long time ago and I’m sure you don’t really want to hear it,” she demurred softly.

“Actually, I think we both do,” Joe answered.

Lyra sighed and said, “Well, I was still a mortal. My husband and son had gone off to battle and when I got there, my son was already dead. My husband had taken a fatal wound and was dying. Siona, well, she brought my husband over. I went with them and Ronan brought me over the next night.”

“Ronan?” Sav asked. “Why does that name sound so familiar?”

Lyra laughed and said, “Hmm, I think I‘ve told you about him before. Anyway, she had two men with her even then, so even nearly a thousand years ago she tried to keep two with her.”

“Just like you now, huh?” Sav asked quietly. “Is that a vampire thing?” Joe watched, wondering himself why she was pulled to both of them.

“No, it’s not a vampire thing, luv. I probably would have fallen in love with both of you even if I was mortal,” she whispered. She kissed him gently before he asked, “But how could it be that both of us love you too and there’s not one bit of jealousy here? Joe and I have always been rather possessive of our women.”

“Well, all I can say is I’m glad you don’t get jealous of each other,” she said quietly. “Let’s go to bed, okay, luv?” She took Sav by the hand and reached for Joe as well, taking his hand as she headed them up to Joe’s bedroom. Joe took her in his arms and whispered, “We’ve missed you, Lyra.”

“I’ve missed you two as well,” she answered softly. He leaned down and kissed her hungrily as Sav came up behind her, nuzzling gently at her neck. One of her arms wrapped slowly around Joe’s neck and the other went behind her, pulling Sav closer to her body. She could feel their hard members fore and aft and moving her body slowly between them she felt both of them responding to her touch. She’d worn a simple t-shirt and Sav lifted it quickly over her head, then his lips went to the smooth flesh of her back. Joe’s mouth followed a familiar trail down her neck and to her breast, taking her hard nipple between his soft lips. Sav had shed his shirt and his warm skin against hers was thrilling beyond belief. While Joe was still occupied with her full breasts, Sav reached around and unfastened her jeans, pulling them off her gently. Then he moved away from her and took off his own. His body melded against hers as Joe realized they were both already naked. While Joe took off his own clothing, Lyra turned and gave Sav a gentle push onto the bed. She knelt in front of him and took his cock into her mouth, sliding it deep into her throat. Sav moaned as it hit the back of her throat, leaning back on the bed and enjoying what she was doing to him.

Joe moved in behind Lyra, helping her to change position and giving him access to her body. He knelt down on the carpet behind her and entered her sex with one thrust. Lyra’s throaty moan sent vibrations through Sav, pushing him quickly over the edge. She laid her head down on Sav’s leg as Joe pounded into her body. Sav leaned forward and rubbed her back softly, cooing words of encouragement to her as Joe made love to her. Sav slid off the bed and sat on the floor, holding Lyra gently as she felt the first waves of her climax. Sav felt her body tense and knew her well enough to see the desire for blood rising in her again. He asked softly, “Can you?”

“No. Not safely, luv,” she panted as Joe still moved behind her.

“Joe, take her up on the bed, mate,” Sav said quietly. “I think she needs more than what you’re giving her now.”

“No, I’m ok,” Lyra whispered roughly. But Joe stopped and lifted her gently, laying back on the bed with her straddling his body. She looked at Joe and asked, “Are you sure, luv?”

“God yes!” Joe gasped as she sank back onto his cock. Sav could feel his body responding to hers again and whispered into her ear, “I need you again, luv. May I?”

Lyra nodded slowly and leaned down to Joe, offering herself to Sav. He moved in behind her and pushed gently into her second orifice as she moaned against Joe’s neck. Sav’s movement inside her sent Joe spirally over the edge, his body pouring its release into her. She let her fangs descend finally and bit gently into his throat, drawing slowly on his vein. As Joe’s manhood slipped from her body, she laid down fully on top of him, though her hips thrust back against Sav’s every push. His body tensed as it poured his issue into her. He lay gently down across her back, kissing her softly as her fangs withdrew from Joe’s neck. They rearranged themselves with Lyra between their bodies, holding Sav close as Joe snuggled against her back. Exhausted now, sleep claimed all of them quickly just as dawn was breaking through the sky.