The Meek Shall Inherit...NC17

Cassie sat alone in the bar, watching a bunch of crazed fans mulling around the members of her favorite rock group, Def Leppard. Too shy to actually go up to them, she let her friends go over and make fools of themselves around the band. Her friend Terra was hanging all over the lead singer, Joe Elliott, and making a major play not to be sharing the hotel room with Cassie that night. Rick Savage was tangled up with another of her friends, CC, and from the looks of things at the moment CC wouldn’t be coming back to their room either. Phil and Leesha had moved to a quiet table at the back of the bar, the occasional fan the only interruption of their intense conversation. Vivian and Rick were off with another group of fans, talking quietly at a table in the middle of the room.

Joe got up and excused himself from Terra, heading for the men’s room. Cassie’s eyes followed his every movement, though she never could bring herself to approach him. She’d fantasized over the man for fifteen years and was just too embarrassed to try to meet him now.

When Joe came out of the restroom, he looked around and headed away from where Terra sat. He glanced Cassie’s way and caught her doe-eyed stare. Terrified, never expecting him to notice her, she could only meet his eyes and wait for him to turn back to her friend. But instead, Joe smiled softly at her and walked her way. When he made it to her table, he looked down at her and asked, “Is this seat taken?”

“Um, since everybody’s over around the band, guess not,” she said quietly.

Joe pulled out a chair and sat down, saying, “I’m Joe...”

“Joe Elliott, I know,” she said shyly. “I’ve been a big fan of Def Leppard for years.”

“Ah, then you have a bit of an advantage over me. You know who I am, but I don’t even know your name,” Joe said with a smile.

“Oh, me? My name’s Cassie. Cassandra Torch,” she said quietly. She looked up and found herself staring into the most captivating eyes she’d ever seen. The posters she kept on the wall didn’t do him justice, that was certain.

“Lovely name, that. Rather exotic,” he said with a grin.

“Yeah, I’ve been told that. Someone once said it sounded like a red haired vixen,” she laughed. “Funny, too, cuz at the time I actually had red hair.”

“Nah, sounds like a fiery drink to me,” he said with a sly laugh. “And do you live up to that name?”

“Somehow, I don’t think so,” she said, looking away. She looked over at the bar and found Terra glaring at her. So Cassie turned back to Joe and said, “I think Terra’s awaiting your return.”

“Hmm?” he said, taking his eyes away from Cassie and looking back at the bar. “Oh, you know her?”

“Yeah, her and Leesha and CC are all friends of mine,” Cassie said quietly. “And I think Terra’s thinking I’m trying to steal you away from her.”

“Well, since I never belonged to Terra, you couldn’t possibly be stealing me away now, could you?” Joe asked, ignoring Terra’s pleading eyes and turning back to Cassie.

“Guess not,” she mumbled. But Terra wasn’t giving up so easily. She walked up to Cassie’s table and pushed her way onto Joe’s lap, saying, “What took you so long, Joe?”

“Oh, found someone looking rather down in the mouth and decided to cheer her up a bit,” Joe said, looking over at Cassie. Terra shot her a look that obviously meant to get lost, so Cassie stood up and said, “I’m outta here. Think I’m gonna go try out the pool. It should be nice and quiet by now, cuz the life guard’s not on duty at this hour.”

“Thanks,” Terra whispered, oblivious to the look Joe was giving her. Cassie held out her hand and said, “Nice to meet you, Joe.”

He raised her hand to his lips and said, “The pleasure was all mine.”

Cassie walked out of the bar ready to kick herself. Why did she always let Terra take over like that? She shook her head and nearly ran into Sav and CC, who were heading up to Sav’s room. She stared at Sav for a moment before CC said, “Sav, this is a friend of mine, Cassie. She’s one of the girls going to the concert tomorrow night.”

“Ah, so we’ll be seeing you there, huh?” Sav smiled.

Before she could stop herself, Cassie blurted out, “Yeah, but only if you’re wearing your glasses.” She turned bright red and said, “Oh my God, I’m sorry, I can’t believe I said that!”

Sav chuckled and said, “Well, I just might wear them tomorrow, so I can see you lovely ladies in the front row.”

“Oh, well, that’s probably a good thing,” Cassie said, still completely embarrassed. “I’ll just be taking the stairs now,” she said, running for the stairwell. CC just shook her head, saying, “Um, she can be a bit shy at times. At least with people she doesn’t know. But once you get to know her, look out!”

Cassie took off for their room and changed into her bikini, wrapping a cover over her hips to get down to the pool. All she wanted to do was get into the water and forget her troubles with a few laps in the pool by this time. There was no one in the pool area when she got there. Stripping off her wrap, she dove into the pool and started swimming.

She’d done about fifteen laps and was just floating in the pool, staring off into the stars, when she heard a loud splash. She came up looking to see where it had come from. There was a large form, swimming directly for her. She started to back away, just as the person surfaced. He shook the water out of his long blond hair and smiled down at her.

“JOE! God, you scared the hell out of me!” Cassie gasped.

“Sorry, luv. You just looked too peaceful floating there to disturb,” he said softly.

Cassie looked around, but didn’t see anyone with him. She turned to him and asked, “Where’s Terra?”

“Well, she and I just, um, didn’t hit it off,” Joe said evasively. Then he looked her dead in the eye and said, “She was a bit too, um, forward for me tonight, so I told her I wasn’t interested.”

“Really? How’d she take it?” Cassie asked cautiously.

“She left,” Joe said slowly. “I don’t think she was terribly happy.”

“Oh,” Cassie murmured. “Maybe I should go make sure she’s okay.”

Joe moved forward slowly, running a hand over Cassie’s cheek. “I’m sure she’s fine, luv. Just a bit of a bruised ego. I’d really like you to stay with me. Just for a swim.”

“Oh, okay,” she sighed. Then she dove under the water, swimming away from Joe quickly. He looked around and spotted her heading for the deep end of the pool. Going after her, he caught her in a few short strokes. Reaching under the water, he grabbed her foot, beginning what basically became a game of tag. He would swim after her, grab her leg and take off on his own. She had a more difficult catching him because of his longer legs.

Then Joe swam out to where he could still stand flat footed and keep his head above water, yet the water was over Cassie’s head. He stood there, waiting for her to catch him. As she swam close, he reached down and grabbed her out of the water. She sputtered as he drug her head up, taking a deep breath and trying to touch the bottom of the pool. When she couldn’t, she stayed there treading water.

Joe laughed and said, “No sense wearing yourself out, let me hold you up.” His arms closed around her, pulling her body close to his. Without thinking, she locked her legs around his waist so he could let go of her. He brought her into his body, wrapping his arms around her to hold on.

This close to those eyes, Cassie knew she was about to completely lose control. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her lips gently over his. His tongue probed her mouth, exploring each hidden part of her as his hands roved over her body. The strings of her bikini top were quickly undone, the thin fabric tossed to the side of the pool. Joe lifted her gently out of the water as her legs moved up to his chest. Her hands helped hold her out of the water by bracing on Joe’s shoulders as he lowered his head to her breasts. As his mouth closed over her firm, plump nipple, he felt her legs tighten around him. His tongue swirled over the nipple, teasing it to hardness and dragging a moan from deep inside her body. One of his arms was helping to support her, while the other quickly removed her bikini bottom. When the material landed in a pile with her top, Joe’s hand went under her, running ever so lightly over her slit.

She shuddered and arched her back against the pleasure she was feeling at his hands. His tongue worked lightly over each nipple as two of his fingers slid easily into the depths of her hot sex. Her hips ground down against his hand and chest, her body ready to give in to the intense feelings he was giving her. She leaned back, grabbing at the side of the pool as Joe helped her float on the top of the water. Her hands found the edge of the pool as Joe’s moved slowly down her body.

He slipped her firm thighs over his shoulders, leaving her sweet mound bare to his tantalizing tongue. He moved slowly, running his soft tongue over her hard clit. His hands rested at her waist, holding her at a perfect angle for his magic touches. She trembled as his lips closed steadily on her hidden nub, the tip of his tongue flicking out quickly over it. Her legs clamped down around him as she shuddered with her orgasm. Then he heard her murmur softly, “Oh, Joe, God, Joe, you feel so good!”

He slowly lowered her body back down into the warm water, kissing her deeply as soon as her soft mouth came into his reach. She could taste herself on his tongue, her sweetness lingering on his lips. He pulled away from her briefly as his shorts landed in the pile with her bikini, then he reached for her again. Her legs moved lower, fastening around his hips as he sank slowly into her body. She tensed for a moment, not quite ready for the size of him. His hard cock delved into her body, tearing into never before touched areas inside her as he went. As she finally felt his hips grinding into hers, the tip of his stiff member pressed firmly against the opening of her womb. No man had ever filled her so completely before.

Thrusting gently into her, he pulled her lips back to his and let his tongue wander into her mouth. Her fingers came together at the back of his neck, holding him close to her as he wrapped his arms around her. It didn’t take long for her to reach another earth-shattering climax. They clutched each other tightly as her body clamped down on his. Her legs held him tightly inside her, his cock pushing hard against her cervix and intensifying her orgasm. As her body relaxed once more, she realized how much it had taken out of her. Pulling her torso away from him, she lay back in the water and let him satisfy himself with her body. His hands grasped her hips firmly, letting her glide over the water as he pulled her onto his hard member. Her hands floated out at her sides, her body still electrified by his movement into her.

Her body was still so tight on his, he couldn’t believe it. He reached out and grabbed her hands, using them to pull her down onto him over and over. She felt wave upon wave of sensation as his pounding movement increased. His final thrust, as his own body gave in to what it needed, sent her over the edge a final time. He drew her body back up to his, murmuring her name against the soft flesh of her throat as he came. Clutching his body, her own completely exhausted, she could only whisper, “You’re wonderful, Joe.”

“So are you, luv, so are you,” he whispered quietly into her ear. They stayed in the pool, their naked bodies wrapped in each other, for a long while before Joe said, “Let’s go up to my room, luv. I think we could both use a bit of sleep right now.”

He lifted her carefully out of the pool beside her bikini, then grabbed his shorts and slid them on under the water. Cassie was so tired she couldn’t even dress herself, so Joe grabbed her wrap and put it gently around her hips before tying her bikini top back on. Her bottoms he simply carried carefully up to his room after they’d dried off.

By the time the elevator reached his floor, Cassie could barely walk. Joe picked her up gently, carrying her to his room. As he fumbled with the key and got the door open, he saw Terra going into her room. She stared at them in disbelief, wondering how shy Cassie had ever managed to snag Joe from under her. She could only shake her head as she walked slowly into her room.

Joe lay Cassie on the bed and pulled back the covers. Removing her wet clothing, he helped her slid under the covers, then joined her a moment later. Folding her in his arms, it was only seconds before they were both sound asleep.


Cassie woke early the next morning before the sun came up. Joe’s hard body ground against hers in his sleep, his cock rubbing roughly against her ass. She snuggled back against him and drowsed slowly back to sleep as her hand covered his.

Their hands, guided by Joe’s, slid slowly down her body. Holding her hips gently to him, his body moved into hers, his cock finding her anal opening accidentally as he moved sleepily. In her relaxed state, her muscles gave way easily and the head of his member popped quickly into her ass. She woke with a start, the searing pain jerking her from her sleep. By the time she was fully awake, Joe was buried nearly two thirds of the way inside her. He came completely awake as she gasped his name, his body still moving into hers. He froze just shy of being entirely inside her body.

“Oh, Jesus, I’m sorry, luv! I was sleeping, I didn’t realize...” he apologized. “What should I do?’

“Just don’t move, okay,” she gasped, trying to relax and allow him access to her body. “God, you’re just so fucking big, Joe!”

“I’m so sorry,” he said quietly. Then he felt her hips thrust back against him, taking him all the way inside her. Her breathing came in short pants, the pain starting to mingle with the pleasure his body could give her. He reached between her thighs, rubbing gently at her clit as her leg wrapped back around his. Letting her head fall back against his shoulder, she felt his lips working softly over the sensitive flesh of her throat. He rocked slowly into her body, the tightness of her almost too much for him to take. It took only a few brief moments for Joe to reach his climax, his hot cum pouring into her body. His flesh softened inside her and he pulled out gently as he said again, “I’m so sorry, luv.”

“Don’t be, Joe. It was just the shock of it, that’s all,” she whispered. Then, pushing her over onto her back, Joe moved slowly down her body. His only thoughts were making her feel good as he parted her thighs gently. His tongue went out over her secret nub, then he sucked gently at it. The swirling motion over her flesh ran her close to the edge as he worked slowly, carefully, carrying her over into a bliss filled state as his rough fingers penetrated her hot mound. He could feel his body responding to her muffled, lust-filled cries, rising in answer to them. He knelt between her thighs and buried himself inside her with one thrust. Crying out his name, Cassie pulled his body down onto hers as they moved together. Her hips met every thrust of his body, taking his full measure with every stroke. Digging her nails into his sweat drenched back, she urged him on, harder, faster. She could feel her body tremble as a mind-blowing orgasm overtook her. The contraction of her inner walls drove Joe to his own climax and he collapsed onto her, completely spent. Then, wrapped in each others arms, they let sleep claim them once more.

The following morning, they woke to a ringing phone. Joe answered it and talked for a moment before hanging up, then he turned back over to Cassie. He said softly, “Well, luv, that was Malvin. We’ve got to leave in an hour.”

“Oh, well, guess I’d better get out of here and let you get ready then,” she said quietly.

“Um, I was thinking, do you have any pressing plans at home?” he asked.

“Not really, why?” she asked.

“I’d like you to come with me,” he asked slowly. “I’ve really enjoyed our time together and was hoping it wouldn’t end.”

She looked into his eyes and couldn’t say no. All she could whisper was, “I’d better let the others know. I don’t want them to worry about me when I don’t go home with them.”

She slipped back into her bikini and head for her room to get her things. While she was packing, CC and Leesha walked in, both looking ready to bounce off the walls.

“We’re both going on tour with them!” Leesha said excitedly.

“Hmm, guess I’ll see you on the bus then,” Cassie laughed.

“WHAT? Who?” CC asked.

“Joe,” Cassie said quietly. “We had a wonderful night last night.”

“That explains why Terra took off in a huff,” Leesha said thoughtfully. “She wanted Joe for herself.”

“A bit too much, I guess,” Cassie said quietly. “I think she scared him off!”

“Well, we’d better get our stuff together,” CC said with a smile. “They won’t wait forever on us!”

“That they won’t,” Leesha said quickly.

All three girls packed as fast as they could and headed down to the lobby to wait for the new men in their lives.