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The Blog of Jen Skibitsky
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
First steps on the job hunt
Mood:  irritated

This is an attempt to rewrite the post I lost...

I took the first baby steps toward finding a new job. I added a summary and more details to my job responsibility description on my LinkedIn profile. I also sent out several recommendation requests. While I'm grateful for the four very nice ones already on my profile, it would certainly be helpful to have a few more. I also started looking at jobs posted on LinkedIn. There are a few Developer positions posted, but only one for which I might be qualified. My next stop will be...! I already have a recently updated resume posted on there, but I know I'll probably need to post it on other sites as well. I can't be as lucky as I was the first-time-around, when I got the job on my very first interview!

Well, now it's time for me to do some housework... blah...

Posted by Jen Skibitsky at 1:09 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:19 PM EDT
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Friday, January 9, 2009 - 10:12 PM EST

Name: "Jason Kenney"
Home Page: http://None

Hey Jen, it's me from college. Found your blog via google (me and Jon were talking about virtual chat world... and it came up).

 Anyhow... try Accenture. They have a nyc,boston & hartford office. They do consulting mstly Oracle and Java, but then I'm at a client doing perl.

Good luck. Don't see you on aim anymore, but then I'm rarely on.

Saturday, January 10, 2009 - 1:14 PM EST

Name: rock2/skibitsky
Home Page:

Hey Jay! I'll take a look at Accenture. I was really trying to get a job closer to where I live, but that's looking less and less likely. Do you live in the city now, or do you telecommute? 

That's funny, I was looking at those virtual chat world links not too long ago. I haven't worked much at all with Java since then. Only for a Photo Upload tool on I'm mainly looking at ASP.NET Developer jobs, since that's mostly what I worked with at Cupid.

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