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The Blog of Jen Skibitsky
Sunday, July 5, 2009
How Facebook stirs up memories of your past... which has not always been happy!
Mood:  blue

Facebook has been throwing a lot of friend suggestions at me lately. I wish there was a way to disable this feature. While Facebook is a great way to get back in touch with people, I do not appreciate seeing reminders of my often-unhappy high school years every time I sign in. I see women who used to dislike me for no reason, or for reasons I have never known and/or understood, and guys I used to like who did not return the feeling. I don't harbor any resentment towards these people; however, at the same time I'd prefer not to see them pop up on my home page as "friend suggestions"! 

Again, no hard feelings against anyone. It's more an issue of how disappointed I was with myself back then, for being too closed-off and distant with people, for seriously misreading some guys who were playing with my head, for kicking a shitload of dead horses. But, what's done is done. I can't erase my past, but I can start over. Yet, I feel like I've "started over" a bunch of times, and each time hasn't been much of an improvement over the last one. I don't know. Maybe it just feels that way. 

Posted by Jen Skibitsky at 11:23 PM EDT
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