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The Blog of Jen Skibitsky
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Google Chrome rocks!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: WPDH
I just downloaded Google's Chrome browser, and I must say, wow what a difference! Every page loads so much faster. I was beginning to lose my patience with IE 7. IE 6 was acceptable speed-wise, but IE 7 takes forever to start up and pages take longer to load in general. And what about Firefox? I don't use Firefox very often, but it (at least whatever version I have) doesn't seem much faster than IE.

Posted by Jen Skibitsky at 3:11 PM EST
Updated: Monday, February 9, 2009 9:29 PM EST
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
First steps on the job hunt
Mood:  irritated

This is an attempt to rewrite the post I lost...

I took the first baby steps toward finding a new job. I added a summary and more details to my job responsibility description on my LinkedIn profile. I also sent out several recommendation requests. While I'm grateful for the four very nice ones already on my profile, it would certainly be helpful to have a few more. I also started looking at jobs posted on LinkedIn. There are a few Developer positions posted, but only one for which I might be qualified. My next stop will be...! I already have a recently updated resume posted on there, but I know I'll probably need to post it on other sites as well. I can't be as lucky as I was the first-time-around, when I got the job on my very first interview!

Well, now it's time for me to do some housework... blah...

Posted by Jen Skibitsky at 1:09 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:19 PM EDT
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
Still stalling on the job hunt
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Pearl Jam - Even Flow (WPDH)

My job-hunting has reached a standstill. Or, I should say, it never really began. I want to get at least a couple more recommendations on LinkedIn, but I'm procrastinating on that too. The truth is, I don't feel too motivated to search while receiving my severance. But I have to at least start looking. I filled in more details about my Cupid position on LinkedIn and made a list of every duty I performed during my employment there. That's a good start, at least. After making the list, I was pleased at how many items were on it (in fact, I couldn't post the whole thing on LinkedIn because it exceeded the character limit!). I sure did get a lot of experience with one job. However, it would have been nice if I'd gotten experience doing builds as well; I probably would have done a few had I swiftly agreed to return when they asked me. Oh well. I'll take a look at what's out there; surely someone in this area is looking to hire a mid-level ASP.NET developer!

Posted by Jen Skibitsky at 7:33 PM EDT
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
2 weeks since my job ended
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: WRRV

What a different 2 weeks it's been. I'm not used to having so much spare time. I still think about my co-workers a lot, and wonder how the ones still at RHW are holding up. I wonder if they're still going to have a Halloween costume party and a Thanksgiving pot-luck lunch. I certainly miss that place. It's sad how things turned out. The year started off with so much excitement and anticipation, and is ending with a closed office (well, now I hear that the few remaining employees are staying until February).

And, how are they going to keep Cupid going with no developers and, in 2 weeks, no designer? I offered my contact to the Toronto guys should they have any questions about the site's operation/maintenance. That's the best I can do for them right now. I still care about the site and would hate to see it go down. Yes, I know I should be trying to forget about Cupid and move on to new ventures. It'll happen eventually...

Posted by Jen Skibitsky at 6:42 PM EDT
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