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Steve's Kick-Ass Mardi Gras Page

Hey guys, it's the original party monkey, Steven Aloicious Zanzibar, ready for Mardi Gras 2003!!

This year, Mardi Gras is on Tuesday, March 4th. I wish I was going to be in New Orleans for all the action, but my troop says it's too much action for one small spider monkey. I'm sure we'll make it to New Orleans sometime this year - we always do... Anyway, I thought it would be cool to post a page with some Mardi Gras stuff, 'cause I love New Orleans! See ya!


Little Steven's Poll
What should Steve wear for Mardi Gras?

Purple clothes
Gold clothes
Green clothes
Purple, gold AND green
Nothin' but beads and a smile...
You weirdo - dressing a monkey is wrong!

Current Results

Some Mardi Gras sites for you to check out:

Here's a really good Mardi Gras site - DUH....
And yet another good Mardi Gras site