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Across the Miles - Fans from Turkey, Sweden, Australia, Canada
Holland, the UK, Germany, Slovenija, Singapore, and Chile
Justin from Singapore -What drew you to Survivor, to purchase their music? Or which was the first Survivor song you ever heard?
Justin: I was in my father's car back in '82. The radio was on, while switching channels (Looking for something worthwhile to listen to) this amazing tune was being played. For that moment I was riveted, enthralled and blown away by the sheer power of the tune. That voice, that beat, that edge, I didn't even know what song it was. When the DJ said it was Survivor, that was the beginning of my love affair with rock music.I didn't even know that it was used for the Rocky III movie and I was not a fan of Rocky in any shape or form. It was only the tune and the way it hit me. I didn't really care. As far as I know they played the tune because it was from Rocky III. But that was the least of my concern. It didn't matter. It was the tune.
To this day Dave Bickler's voice is a big part of my being. I'll never forget what it meant to me. The best thing is that my son was born on March 31 and that's also Dave's birthday. Somethings are written in the stars I guess. Although I played the EOTT album to bits (literally), it was the first tape I ever bought in June '82 and is still with me, in my safe/vault. That's how important it was to me and remains to be.
Do you remember "the Year" that you became a fan?
Justin: Okay, you asked for it. Warning - it's a story:
My true allegiance to Survivor was in 1984. After Vital Signs was released. Although no Bickler, I love that album as well. I bought the Vital Signs tape and it had an extra song on it (so naturally I thought it was part of VS) "Take You on a Saturday." I thought initially it was Jimi in the vocals but slowly realized it wasn't. I loved that one as well. But I couldn't find out from where it came from, but after 2 years of futile searching in my home country, it was 1986 in Oahu, Hawaii at Tower Records I saw Premonition. It was only then I realized Survivor actually had a previous album before EOTT. Then there it was, "Take You on a Saturday." Eureka! I was so overjoyed. Without hesitation I purchased the tape, took it to my dorm, and the played the first tune. Awesome. "Chevy Nights." I was blown away again, and it never ended to this day.So, fave albums would be EOTT, Premonition and Vital Signs. I guess really became a Survivor fan between 1984 - 1986. But never forget the first time after hearing EOTT.
Do you have all their albums? Which are your favorites?
Justin: Yes, I have all the records. And the first ever CD I bought was EOTT, I might add.If it's not too personal, can I ask your profession or occupation?
Justin: I'm a director of a family trading business. But music is my number one hobby and I love to watch and play tennis.Do you have other fans/friends/co-workers in Singapore who you can discuss Survivor's music with?
Justin: Yes, I do. One. My best friend. He's a music connoisseur and his fave tune by Survivor is EOTT and he loves Premonition and "The Search Is Over." But he's not as crazy as I am. LOL!
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