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Across the Miles - Fans from Turkey, Sweden, Australia, Canada, UK, Holland, Germany, Slovenija, Chile

Nathalie from Toronto, Ontario (hometown: Silver Spring, MD) -

Which was the first Survivor song you ever heard, or what drew you to Survivor ... to purchase their music?
Nathalie: *"Eye of the Tiger"
*I loved "EOTT", bought the album, and became hooked after that.

Do you remember "the Year" that you became a fan?
Nat: *July of '82 (I was 12)- I even remember WHERE I was when I heard it (a dinky motel in Ocean City, MD in their dining room, on the jukebox). Any time I pass that motel, I'm reminded of that moment....

Do you have all their albums?
Nat: *I have them all on vinyl, and I'm completing my cd collection.

Which are your favorites?
Nat: *I am really partial to the 1st 4 albums, with Dave's rough voice, and the harder-edge music style. "Premonition" is my favorite. Jimi has sung on some great tunes as well, and has a much better stage presence.

If it's not too personal, can I ask your profession or occupation?
Nat: *Photographer.

Do you have other fans/friends/co-workers in Canada who you can discuss Survivor's music with?
Nat: *Not really. Growing up in Maryland, I definitely was alone with my Survivor obsession (and it was an obsession....). My love for Survivor was something my punk, skinhead & raver friends did not understand. It wasn't until '99 when I got a computer and found the Survivor website, that I finally discovered other fans. Luckily, I now know Eric in Montreal (thanks to Jamie!). Mind you, if I ever get onto the topic of Survivor, the person(s) on the receiving end get more than an earful! If they don't know/remember Survivor, by the time I'm done with them, they'll never forget again. ;)

Nathalie's photos of Survivor taken August 14, '99 - Long Island, New York

Click here for a closeup of the Juno Award w/Survivor's name

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