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Across the Miles - Fans from Turkey, Sweden, Australia
Canada, Holland, the UK, Germany, Slovenija...
Tracey from the UK -What drew you to Survivor, to purchase their music? Or which was the first Survivor song you ever heard?
Tracey: What drew me to Survivor's music is their brand of the classic American AOR that i just love. I've found with their songs that they really have a lot of meaning to my life. Plus i just think that the vocals are awesome and they really make the songs and reflect what the songs are about. The first song I ever heard was Eye Of The Tiger and that has remained one of my fave songs by them.Do you remember "the Year" that you became a fan?
Tracey: I became a fan either 81/82 after hearing Eye Of The Tiger.Do you have all their albums? Which are your favorites?
Tracey: I have all their albums certainly. All the best of's that have ever been released and all the solo projects done by various members. I think my personal favourite album is Premonition. Although it is really hard to pick a favourite as they are all excellent albums.If it's not too personal, can I ask your profession or occupation?
Tracey: My occupation at the moment is nothing glamorous at all as I am just doing cleaning at the moment. I am starting a degree in Psychology in November. I am hoping to become a therapist.Do you have other fans/friends/co-workers in the UK who you can discuss Survivor's music with?
Tracey: No, there aren't really many people in this country who remember Survivor sadly. I do know a few people via my Yahoo club but, that is about it really.
Tracey's Yahoo! Survivor Music Club
Meet "> Jakob "> Brad | Nathalie "> Yvo | Eric "> Tracey | Ingo "> Flip | Martin
Justin "> and Mauricio | Frederick | Kenneth | Jerry/center>
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