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Juno pictures and story provided by Nathalie, November 2001.

I went to photograph a guy's studio for our library; I'm a photographer for a locations' company for the film industry here. His place was full of cool odd props, collectibles and memorabilia. At first I nearly gave him a heart attack when I screamed when I saw the H.R. Puf'nstuf lunchbox he had (I love the Sid & Marty Krofft stuff!). Then I noticed he had a Juno award (Canadian Grammy) on his fridge - of course I doubted aloud that he probably hadn't earned it, & he told me he had to once do a replica of one & Sony gave him a damaged Juno they had lying around (due to a scratch, so he thought) for him to use as a guide. Apparently, they forgot to ask for it back, so he kept it.

I looked at it, and realized it was awarded to Survivor for the Best International Song, 1992 !!!!!! It wasn't 'damaged' from a scratch, but rather a typo in the year - 1992, instead of 1982! I about had a heart attack! I (fruitlessly) begged for it, but we did take some pictures.....

© Nathalie Sheinbein © 1999 Nathalie S. Marc Droubay Dave Bickler

All concert visuals provided by Nathalie S.
- 1999 -

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