So, who are you guys?

We are TAT[TLE]. Our members and what they do are as follows:
Kev (22) - vox/lead guitar/songs
Rob (22) - vox/bass
Seven (22)- drums/samples/weird noises
Finch (22) - rhythm guitar/weird guitar noises/songs
Rammo (23) - triangle/castanets/custom percussion
Kim (22) - recorder/custom percussion
Geraint (22) - bass
Duncan (22)-drums

There used to be a dancer called Dai, but he left the band to pursue a career as a lounge singer.

Where did the band name come from?

Kev's idea for the name of the band was The Art of Truth Through Lying. Finch abbreviated it to TATTL and added the E on the end. The square brackets have there origins in the original band T-shirts that Finch and Kev made to wear to an all day drinking session, we just thought they looked better then the round ones!

What does the 'E' stand for?
Only TAT[TLE] know that, and we won't say, sorry.

Can you name some musical influences?

So many to choose from! Well, Nirvana, Oasis, Duran Duran, Tool, Incubus, Levellers, Ntrance, Jive Bunny, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Brian Harvey, Drazic, Alan Partridge, Britney Spears, Scarlet, Chemical Brothers, The Dreem Team and more. But not Dane Bowers. And for Dai only, Happy Mondays (especially Bez) and Menswear.

Have you always known each other?

No, we formed at Glamorgan University in Wales in 2000. Some of our band members haven't even met yet, how many other bands can say that?! Everyone except Seven goes to university in Glamorgan, but our hometowns are: Finch - Worcester; Kev & Seven - Farnborough; Rammo & Kim - Hastings; Fred - Jacksonville; Dai - Pembrokeshire; Rob - Bewdley; G-Man - the future. serious are you guys?

Good question, you see, we may have the hallmarks of a non serious band, you probably expect us to do fucking song parodies or something. Our song titles can seem like spoofs, lyrics maybe bemusing and we play 'unusual' instruments at times, yet we put all these things together and come up with proper decent tunes. I'd say we're subverting the genre, but we don't really have one to subvert. Except maybe our own.

Can I buy TAT[TLE] merchandise?

An online store is definitely an option for the future. In the meantime, all sales will have to be face to face, so if you can catch us on tour, maybe you can buy Kev for the night. He's very cheap!

Where've you played?

Nowhere under the full line up, although we have been on an acoustic tour of British univerities and played the occasional festival. The world isn't ready for us yet. The climate of manufactured pop and 'nu-metal' isn't desirable. We play by our rules, and will join the game when it suits us.

Any songs recorded?

Plenty on paper, and many demoed. When we can get everyone together, we'll go into the studio and get some stuff down, the maybe post some MP3s on here.

Do you make music for yourselves or the people?

Good question.

What can you say about your side projects which you seem to spend more time on than TAT[TLE]?

Haha, indeed. Kev, Rob & Duncan have 'Never A Friend' which is gonig swimmingly on a local scale. Finch writes a fair few lyrics but doesn't really do anything with them, but hopes to one day with his side project 'Inscape'. The rest of the band generally sit around or work to keep in touch with their working class roots.

Two trains set off at 9:30am travelling on the same line one heading west from London and the other heading East from Cardiff Central. Train A is going at a constant speed of 50 miles per hour, train B is going at 45. When will they meet and what is the name of the closest station?

My cat's breath smells of cat food!