Jessica's Story

Hello. I would like to tell you a little about myself and how I came to like Tori. This might take a few minutes, so sit back and relax.

I first heard Tori Amos back in 1992 when my then boyfriend (and now ex-husband) introduced me to her. He had heard of her via a local morning radio show where she played her version of Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit". He told me that she was great and that I ought to give her recently released CD Little Earthquakes a listen. I did, and I immediately fell in love with it. In fact, he had to wrestle with me to get the CD that I had borrowed back. That's ok, cause I got my own.

It wasn't long before I became a full fledged Toriphile. I would purchase every single and import that I could get my hands on, as well as stickers, posters, magazines, and T-shirts. I was thrilled when I went to see her live at the Greek theater in Hollywood in 1996. It was my first Tori concert. Since then I have seen her 2 more times.

Tori has inspired me many times. She was one of the reasons that I finally got up the courage to leave my abusive ex husband. She helped me realize that I am not responsible for his actions, and that I do deserve better. So now I am happily remarried and we have a very handsome son. I cannot say for certain that if if was not for Tori that I would be dead or anything, because that is not fair to say about someone that you have never met. But it is true that though her songs she conveyed to me a message that we are strong and that we don't have to live that way if we don't want to.

I started this web page in July of 1997, with a little help from my good friend Ericka Waldrep. She and I sat down and began designing the first incarnation of this page, which lasted until March 2001. It finally came down when I couldn't pay the internet bill, so now I have moved it to this free site, where I am hoping that it will remain for a while, cause I hate moving my site. I have started largely from scratch, salvaging what I could from the old site and deciding that there were things that needed to be changed anyway. So please feel free to let me know if you think that anything needs to be changed here. 

So now, here I am, 25, married with a son, and thinking about relocating from my home in sunny southern California to the state of Texas. I have 4 cats, all of whom I adore. Their names are Bes, Gabriel, Snow, and Grendel. I am mostly happy, although being broke is kind of depressing sometimes. But then I have to remember that at least we are healthy, we have food in our tummies, and I have a husband and a son that I love very much. The money isn't that important. I am still a Tori fan and I find comfort in her songs still, although I have found less and less time for doing Tori related things. I even let my web page go for over a year, not staying on top of the news. I hear she had her own child not to far from when I had my own. That was quite a coincidence. I knew that she had had a miscarriage before. (Congrats to Tori and Mark)

Enjoy the page, and again, let me know if I need to do something different. If you are a fan, e-mail me your Tori-story, or perhaps you have a poem or a photograph to share on the art page. Whatever, just keep surfing and keep learning.

Love to you all,

