WONG KOON Chung (Paul)

Name: Paul Wong Koon Chung (Vocals, lead guitar)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 63kg
Blood Type: B
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Date Of Birth: March 31,1964
Place Of Birth: Hong Kong, Kowloon

Paul joined Beyond in 1985, but his ties to the group came much before then.  He handled music of Beyond's graphic art work for posters before joining the group.  In fact, he had used his skills to help them design Beyond's first album, "Goodbye Ideals".  But it was his amazing skills on the guitar which lead him to join the band.  An interesting fact to note is that when Paul joined, he had to learn 14 songs in one month because they had already planned for a concert; which shows his dedication towards the group.  After many years, Paul jokingly said, "Maybe they wanted me because they wanted free artwork!"

Here are some of his famous quotes...

"When I think about it, being in a band all these years had been quite a difficult task.

"When we weren't accepted by others, we were always complaining about others not liking us. But after we have been accepted, we had to do many things outside of music, like movies, television, interviews...I always ask myself, every time after I've done a lot of these things, whether I know what I am doing or not? What do I want to do the most? Then I would always think about the times when we weren't successful, but were free to do whatever we wanted... I think, "you gain some, you lose some" is unavoidable.

"I have always wanted to play the kind of music that I like, especially when I listen to some foreign bands that I like, I feel even more vulnerable. Like "U2", nobody cares what they wear...but in Hong Kong's market, if you are lose on what you wear, people will talk about you. In Hong Kong, a band also has to be a well-rounded artist. Just focusing on creating and performing music is not enough. This is a very difficult thing...on top of that, we also have our times of depression, but when we face the crowd, we all have to smile, and go 'ga...' (laugh)


[History] [Ka Kui] [Ka Keung] [Paul Wong] [Sai Wing] [Photo] [Albums]


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