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tsé 'ahaa'íí'áhí (twin standing rocks)
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No, this is not Monument Valley. This is a region, located east of Round Rock Trading Post on Navajo Route 172 at the south-easternmost end of Hásbídító Valley, west of Cove Mesa.

Two sandstone rocks stand out in the middle of this valley, which is called Tsé 'Ahaa'íí'áhí in Navajo (Two Rocks Standing Out Together). So, the whole region itself is called Tsé 'Ahaa'íí'áhí. It is uncertain if the region is named in English.

To the east of these standing rocks are two Anasazi ruins. The smaller ruin has no real name, while the larger ruin is either called Tsé Lá (There Are Rocks) or Ye'ii Sijéé' (Gods Lying Down). The latter name probably comes from petroglyphs that cover the inside of Tsé Lá ruins. Information gathered here is through local resident Ellie May Reed. At one time, a road used to travel through here linking Round Rock and Cove. The road is now long gone.

Below are some pictures taken of the nearby area. Click on any of the pictures to see an enlarged picture.

East View

Tsé Lá Ruins (1)

Tsé Lá Ruins (2)

Petroglyphs at Tsé Lá Ruins

Unknown Ruins (1)

Unknown Ruins (2)

Near Tsé Lá Ruins

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