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Rez Up Ur MySpace Comments
with comments in Navajo
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Holiday MySpace

Click here for "cut & paste" MySpace Holiday cards, with phrases in Navajo for "Happy Thanksgiving," "Merry Christmas," or "Happy New Year!"

Event MySpace

Click here for "cut & paste" MySpace E-cards for, "Congratulations Graduate," "Happy Birthday, etc.

Football MySpace

Click here for "cut & paste" Football team-related phrases!"

Check Out My Profile!
Click Here
This page has a few phrases translated into Navajo, to be copied & pasted into comment bars of MySpace account users. These codes will work for Xanga, Hi5, Piczo, & Friendster as well. Basically they come in 3 categories:

  • Literal Translations
    Phrases in these categories are literal translations of the phrase in Navajo. In terms of English slang, they won't have the same meaning when spoken to someone who speaks Navajo fluently.

  • Gets The Point Across
    These phrases are the terms used in Navajo that "get the point across," sometimes being descriptions of the phrase and not literal translations. This is useful for English slang!

  • Deep Rez
    These phrases are real Navajo slang term equivalents of the English slang.

    Click on the to hear the phrase in Navajo. Hope these are enjoyable!


    • If you see the image to the right, this means that my pictures will be temporarily disabled for a month. I'm only allowed a certain amounts of downloads from the PhotoBucket server a month. I can pay to have my bandwidth increased to accomodate, but I like free. So, if you see the pic to the right, the image will be disabled for a month from the date I exceeded my bandwidth. Sorry about that. A million apologies!

    English Phrase: Drive it like you stole it!

    Navajo Phrase:Níní'íí' nahaloo nanibaas!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Good Morning!

    Navajo Phrase: Yá'át'ééh Abíní!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Happy Birthday!

    These comments have been moved to another page. Click Here to be redirected!

    English Phrase: Have another great week!
    Navajo Phrase: Nizhónígo nee damóo ánáádoodlee!

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Have a great weekend!
    Navajo Phrase: Yá'át'éehgo damóo yázhí dóó damóo ne' doolee!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Hello!
    Navajo Phrase: Yá'át'ééh!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Hey, you're hot!
    Navajo Phrase (2): Shhhttt... chxóóh nits'ánídoii!
    Category: Literal translation
    Literal Translation: Heat is really rising from you!

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Navajo Phrase (2): Shhhttt... chxóóh ni sih héii!
    Category: Hey, you're cool!
    Literal Translation: Gets the point across

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Holla back!

    Navajo Phrase: Shich'i' diilgháásh!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: I Miss You!
    Navajo Phrase (1): Nídin Sélíí'
    Category: Literal Translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: It's 5:00 somewhere!
    Navajo Phrase: Háadi shíí ashdla' dah aztá!
    Category: Literal translation

    Code for light backgrounds (black font):

    Right Click / Copy

    Code for dark backgrounds (white font):

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Just checking out your profile.
    Navajo Phrase: Naa hane'ígíí nits'áá' nísh'í.
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Just hanging out.
    Navajo Phrase: T'óó dah naashch'aa.
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Navajo Phrase: T'óó ásht'í.
    Category: Gets the point across
    Literal translation: I'm just here (implies visiting)

    Code for light backgrounds (black font):

    Right Click / Copy

    Code for dark backgrounds (white font):

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Just looking around!
    Navajo Phrase: T'óó naashhal!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Just showin' some luv!
    Navajo Phrase: Ayóó'ó'ó'ní nich'i' ííshjáá áshééh!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Just Thinking About You!
    Navajo Phrase: T'óó Naa Ntsískees!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Just wanted to say hi!
    Navajo Phrase: T'óó yá'át'één nidideeshnii nisin!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Let's go clubbing!
    Navajo Phrase: Ti' adiilzhishgóó diit'ash!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Lets hang out sometime.

    Navajo Phrase: T'áá hahoo da haa'ída dah neiilch'aa doo.
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Note: the verb tense for the card above is changed to mean, let 3 or more of us hang around!

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Navajo Phrase: T'óó nít'óo shaa díínáá!
    Category: Gets the point across
    Literal translation: Just come by and visit me!

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: LOL! (Laughing Out Loud)
    Navajo Phrase: Iyóíí ííts'a'go anáshdloh!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: See yah!
    Navajo Phrase: Hágoónee'!
    Category: Gets the point across
    Literal translation: Goodbye!

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: See you around!
    Navajo Phrase: Náá'ahidiiltsééh!
    Category: Gets the point across
    Literal translation: We'll be seeing each other!

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Send me an e-mail sometime
    . Navajo Phrase: Hahoo da shich'i' e-mail adíílíí.
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Shut up!
    Navajo Phrase: Nizghéé'!
    Category: Deep Rez

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Talk to you later.
    Navajo Phrase: T'ah shich'i' íhdidíínii.
    Category: Literal translation

    Code for light backgrounds (black font):

    Right Click / Copy

    Code for dark backgrounds (white font):

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Thanx for adding me as a friend!
    Navajo Phrase: Ahéhee' nik'is áshiinlaaígíí!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: This Weekend, Take Care of Yourself!
    Navajo Phrase: Índa'iiníísh Dóó Níwohji' Ádaa Áhólyá!
    Category: Literal translation

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: U did a good job on ur page!
    Navajo Phrase: Naa hane'ígíí nizhónígo íinlaa!
    Category: Gets the point across
    Literal translation: You did a good job with your biography!

    Right Click / Copy

    Navajo Phrase: Naa hane'ígíí chxóóh sihgo íinlaa!
    Category: Deep Rez
    Literal translation: You made your biography really cool!

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: Ur so lucky!
    Navajo Phrase: T'áá áyisíí nízhánee'!
    Category: Gets the point across

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: What's up?
    Navajo Phrase: Ha'íílá baa naniná?
    Category: Get's the point across
    Literal Translation: What are u doing?

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy

    English Phrase: You Loser!

    Navajo Phrase:Naa hojoobá'í yee'!
    Category: Gets the point across!
    Translation: You sorry or pitiful thing!

    Right Click / Copy

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy

    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Right Click / Copy

    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:
    English Phrase: You're Cool!

    Navajo Phrase: Chxóóh Nits'áník'aaz!
    Category: Gets the point across!
    Literal translation: The cold is rising from you!

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:
    English Phrase: I'm Bringing SexyBack!

    Navajo Phrase: Shik'e'dziisxiih!
    Category: Gets The Point Across/Deep Rez
    Literal translation: I'm cool, I'm it, I'm stylin', etc.

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:
    English Phrase: Drop It Like It's Hot!

    Navajo Phrase: Sidoh Nahaloo Nanine'!
    Category: Literal Translation
    Note: Unlike Snoop Dogg's phrase, Navajo is very specific in terms of the shape of what is being dropped. Nanine' here means to drop a round or solid object. If an animal or stick-like object was dropped, then the phrase would end with nanit'e'. The word then changes if the object is sheet-like, multiple items, rope-like,etc. It is difficult to translate English slang, without butchering Navajo sentence structure.

    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:
    English Phrase: Shake It Like A Saltshaker!

    Navajo Phrase: Áshiih Bizis Jigháád Nahaloo Nigháád!
    Category: Literal Translation
    Note: To "shake" here means rattle. It doesn't mean "shake" in the sense of "shaking the hips." For it's poetic quality, it was worded as seen. To really say shake your hips is "nit'aa' nimaz" (roll your butt).

    Right Click / Copy


    Right Click / Copy


    English Phrase: I'm a flirt!

    Navajo Phrase: T'óó Shi POP!
    Category: Deep Rez

    Right Click / Copy


    English Phrase: Just Kickin' Back!

    Navajo Phrase: T'óó T'áa'go Ajiishtaa!
    Category: Literal Translation

    Right Click / Copy


    Right Click / Copy


    Right Click / Copy


    Hear it:

    Right Click / Copy



"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

...a time to weap and a time to laugh..."

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4