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Patriotic Songs & Pledges (in Navajo)
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Hello fellow Americans! Since I'm proud to be an American, I've placed the translations of the Pledge of Allegiance & the National Anthem that were made in Navajo on this page! Enjoy

Dah Naat'á Beehodilzin
     (In Navajo)

Kéyah Ashdladiingo nihi hahoodzooígíí bidah naat'a'í t'áá íiyisíí shi ilíigo baa bich'i' adééhnáá. Háálá ajooba' hasinii yee hadít'é. Kéyah t'ááa'í si'ánígíí Diyin God yee ádéíhodílzin. Binahji' niik'e ajooba' bidziilii bee da'ahiníita'.


Pledge of Allegiance
     (in English)

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty & justice for all.


Dah Naat'a'í So' Bi Sinil
     (In Navajo)

Yá'aashgóó dadísóh'íí'
Háyookáá biyi'déé'
Bádahwii'niihgo át'é
Dah naat'a'í éí yéego nihi nilíinii
Noodóóz dóó biso' diswos
Naabaahii yitah íí'á
Bits'áhoníyée'go deiní
Nihich'i' índídah ndi baa íiniidlí
Ah hool'áágóó bine' neidá
Báhádzidii dahólóo ndi
Éí t'éiyá bee sihasin
T'óó nihá dah sitsooz ndi
T'óó shíí éí so' bi sinilgo
Dah naat'á áh hool'áa doo
Nihikéyah bikáa'gi
K'ad nihi hodéezyéél! *

Katherine Duncum, 1988

Click here to hear it read!

The Star Spangled Banner
     (In English)

Oh say can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes & bright stars
Thru the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watched
Were so galantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare,
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled
Banner yet wave
Over the land of the free
And the home of the brave!

Frances Scott Key, 1814

Click here to hear it sung!

Note: I am NOT a good singer.
You were warned!!!

* Site Manager's Note: The lyrics above were altered from it's original format. The original phrase ended with, "K'ad hózhó náhásdlíí'," which translates to "now beauty is restored." This type of phrase is found in ceremonial Navajo songs sung by medicine men. The altered form above, translating to "now we are at peace," is more suitable if being sung in a church or public school.

Information on the Navajo Code Talkers, along with the listing of the Navajo Code used during WWII, can be found at:


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