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      (Laura Story & Jesse Reeves)

From the highest of heights
      To the depths of the sea
Creation revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall
      To the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique
      In the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing God!
All powerful, untamable
Awestruck we fall to our knees
As we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God!

Who has told every lightening bolt
Where it should go?
Or seen heavenly storehouses
Laden with snow?
Who has imagined the sun
A gives source to its light?
Yet conceals it to bring the
Coolness of night?
None can fathom!

Saad Baa Ádin
      (Mary C. Teller ályaa)

Dził aghá daaz’áádóó
      Tónteel bitł’á̜a̜hji̜’
Ádeinilaii ííshjání ánósin
Ch’il áł’a̜a̜ át’éego
Nihokáá’ íinilaa-
      -ígíí naa dahaniih
Éí ádaaní

Há̜á̜h haast’i̜’ígíí:
Saad baa ádin, doo yiiltsóod da
So̜’ ádeinilaii bízhi̜’
Bee bééhonísin
Dooládó’ ni da God!
Ayóó’ábóodziil, doo yizho̜o̜h da
T’óó nihił adahayóí
niyaaji̜’ ániit’é
Dooládó’ ni da God!

Háísh ii’ni’ nidadidla’ii
      Bee bóhólnííh?
Háísh yas yá’a̜a̜shdi hólóní-
      -gíí yiyiiłtsá̜?
Háísh jóhonaa’éí á’-
      -dííłdíingo áyósin?
Áádóó tł’ée’go honeesk’áz-
      -ígo áyósin?
Ts’ídá ádin!

Here is a video of the words sung by Chris Tomlin to help learn the lyrics to the above song. Enjoy:

Note: The lyrics in English are copyright through Capitol Christian Music Group. They are used here without permission for educational purposes to help learn the Navajo-translated lyrics.

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