You Are My All In All
(Dennis Jerrigan)
You are my strength when I am weak
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
T’áá Ałtsoní Shá Nílí̜
(Mary C. Teller ályaa)
Doo shidziilgóó Ni éí shidziil
Há̜á̜h haast’i̜’ígíí:
Shiba̜a̜hági át’éii tá̜á̜h sínígiz
Here is a video of the words performed by Tommee Profitt & Brooke Griffith to help learn the lyrics to the above song. Enjoy:
Note: The copyright information for the above lyrics in English are unknown. They are used here without permission for educational purposes to help learn the Navajo-translated lyrics.
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