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The Scarlet Purple Robe
      (Stanley Brothers)

There’s a story so unkind
In the Holy Book we find
It tells me how Jesus stood
      Alone one day
False accused & then condemned
Yet they found no fault with Him
The man who wore that scarlet
      Purple robe

Purple robe my Savior wore
Oh, the shame for me He bore
As he stood alone,
      Forsaken on that day
And they placed upon His head
Crown of thorns, blood stained red
His rainment was that scarlet
      Purple robe

In the common judgment hall
He was mocked & scorned by all
And a tear of sorrow fell
      Upon His cheeks
Solders of the wicked men
Smote Him with their evil hand
The man who wore that scarlet
      Purple robe

Words of truth & they were plain
From the lips of Pilate came
In this man I find
      No reason He should die
But the multitude then cried
Let Him now be crucified
The man who wore that scarlet
      Purple robe

Éé’ Łichíi’ii
      (Eugene Cody ályaa)

God bizaad biyi’dóó ła’
Hane’ léi’ éí diséts’á̜á̜’
Éí Jesus bá nahoot’á
      Éí baa hane’
Ts’ídá t’áadoo ádziidzaii
Éí yee ak’idahodii’á
Jesus bi’éé’ łichíi’go
      Bá ályaa

Há̜á̜h haast’i̜’ígíí:
Éé’ łichíí’ léi’ yiih deiztí̜
Baa yáhásingo shá át’i̜i̜d
Ła’ájí̜ diné
      Bidááhdóó ni’bideedlóóz
Áádóó hosh bich’ah ályaago
Bitsiits’iin dił ba̜a̜h nidaazlí̜
Jesus bi’éé’ łich’íi’go
      Bá ályaa

Ánihwii’aahii bidááhdóó diné
Doo dahoniizíi̜’ da
Biniinaa hanák’eeshto̜’
      Éí t’óó náálí̜
Ba̜a̜hági ádajíít’i̜i̜d
Bíla’ yee nídabineests’in
Jesus bi’éé’ łichíi’go
      Bá ályaa

Pailat éí diné bidááhdóó
Díí saad bee hadzoodzí̜í̜’
T’áadoo biniinaa-
      -nísh diné éí dadootsaał
Nidi diné éí ádaaní
Bíni’di bił o’oołkaał
Jesus bi’éé’ łichíi’go
      Bá ályaa

Here is a video of the words set to the version sung by the late Pastor Millie Jean Begay, with a translation of each Navajo word written below in English, enjoy:

Note: The copyright information for the English lyrics are unknown. The lyrics are used here without permission for educational purposes to help learn the Navajo-translated lyrics.

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