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      (Clara Tear Williams)

All my life I had a longing
For a drink from some clear spring
That I hoped would quench the burning
Of the thirst I felt within

Hallelujah! I have found Him
Whom my soul so long has craved!
Jesus satisfies my longings
Thru His blood I now am saved

Feeding on the husks around me
‘Til my strength was almost gone
Longed my soul for something better
Only still to hunger on

Poor I was & sought for riches
Something that would satisfy
But the dust I gathered ‘round me
Only mocked by soul’s sad cry

Well of water, ever springing
Bread of Life so rich and free
Untold wealth that never faileth
My Redeemer is to me

Jesus T’éí Bee Hwiih Ídlí̜
      (Navajo Hymnal Committee ályaa)

Hosélí̜í̜’dé̜é̜’ tó sik’azii
Bíká laanaa nisin lá!
Éí shijéí shá néidínóołk’as
Lágo baa ákoniizí̜í̜’

Há̜á̜h haast’i̜’ígíí:
Shiyi’dé̜é̜’ yídin nilí̜né̜e̜
Éidí k’ad bik’íníyá!
Jesus t’éi bee hwiih sélí̜í̜’ k’ad
Éí bidił bee yisdééyá

Doo daadáanii éí yiyá̜a̜’go
Bee shidziil yéeni’ ásdi̜i̜d
Yá’át’éehii nisin nidi
T’áadoo bik’íníyáa da

T’áá’ałtsoní shee ádingo
Siih nisingo í’diishyaa
Éí bee hwiih deeshłeeł nisingo
Nít’éé’ t’óó shá nahast’i’

Hool’áágóó tó doo ádi̜i̜hii
Índa bááh bee iináanii
Áádóó naalyéhé dina’ii
Jesus éí nílí̜i̜go shíí’

Here is a video of the words set to the version sung by Larry Kaibetony, with a translation of each Navajo word written below in English, enjoy:

In his book, Songs That Lift the Heart, George Beverly Shea tells of his first meeting with the author of this hymn text, Mrs. Clara Tear Williams. It occurred while he was walking one day with his dad:

“That,” said Dad, “was Mrs. Clara Tear Williams. She writes hymns.” There was a near reverence in his voice, and though I was only eight years old, I was duly impressed. When Dad and I got home that afternoon, I told Mother about meeting Mrs. Williams, the hymn writer. She smiled knowingly and nodded her head. Then she went to the piano bench and found a hymnal that contained one of Clara Tear Williams’ compositions. She explained that Mrs. Williams—a Wesleyan Methodist like us—had written the words, but that the music had been written by Ralph E. Hudson, an Ohio publisher who also was an evangelistic singer. A few years later, when I was in my teens and began to sing solos, I memorized the hymn that Mother played that day and sang it. It was entitled, “Satisfied.”

Note: The lyrics in English are copyright through Lillenas Publishing Company in the book Glorious Gospel Hymns, 1931. They are used here without permission for educational purposes to help learn the Navajo-translated lyrics.

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