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The First Noel
      (William Sandys & Davies Gilbert)

The first Noel, the angels say
To Bethlehem's shepherds as they lay
At midnight watch, when keeping sheep
The winter wild, the light snow deep

Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel!
Born is the King of Israel

Now by the light of this bright star
Three wise men came from country far
They sought a king, such their intent,
The star their guide where'er it went

Then drawing nigh to the northwest,
O'er Bethlehem town it took its rest
The wise men learnt its cause of stay,
And found the place where Jesus lay

Then enter'd in these Wise Men three
With reverence fall on their knee
And offer'd up in His presence
The gifts of gold and frankincense

Áłtsé Baa Hózhó̜o̜nii
      (Katherine Duncum dinék’ehjígo áyiilaa)

Ts’ídá áłtsé baa hózhó̜o̜nii éí
BiDiyingo nidaal’a’í yaa dahalne’
Deesk’aaz tł’ée’go nida’niłkaadii
Dibé yaa ádahalyáago bił hóóne’

Há̜á̜h haast’i̜’ígíí:
Hózhó̜! Hózhó̜! Baa hózhó̜o̜nii!
Ízrel biNaat’áanii yizchí̜

So̜’ bee hool’in bee ééhózingo
Nízaadé̜é̜’ hastóí dahóyáanii yíkai
Éí Naat’áanii aadé̜é̜’ yikahgo
So̜’ t’áá naaghá̜á̜góó éí bikéé’ nijikai

Náhooko̜sdóó e’e’aahjigo
Níléí Bethlehemgi bikáa’ji̜’ ’ííyá
Áádóó éí t’áá akó̜ó̜ dah si’á̜
Jesus bi’dizhchí̜í̜góó sití̜ yaa halne’

Hastóí dahóyáanii yaa ’aakai
Nitsídazdeezgo’go hoł dahózhó̜
Hanaalyéhé da’ílíinii
A̜a̜’ ádajiilaago Jesus baa dajiiznil

Note: The copyright information to the lyrics of this song in English are unknown. They are used here without permission for educational purposes to help learn the Navajo-translated lyrics.

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